Taming the Billionaire CEO ( Daniel Monroe )

Chapter 38




She had shut him up; he couldn’t believe it. He glanced at her as she slept like one who had no care in the world. “Is my acting that bad? Can people tell we aren’t married because of me?” he asked. More questions filled his mind, but he had no answer to them and going to Paul for advice didn’t seem like a good idea now that he was filling his mind with the nonsense he saw on TV. 

Although he didn’t want to, he knew he’d have to ask him for help. He let out a deep sigh. “Perhaps I’ll have to invest my time in learning how to be a good fake husband,” he muttered as he pulled up in front of his house, a deep frown on his face. 

One thing is for sure though, I didn’t pick the wrong person for the job. If he wanted to, he could have destroyed the Monroes himself, but he had been waiting till they were big enough so their downfall would be much worse and meaningful. 

If he wanted to, he could bring them down himself, but with Anna, he could destroy them from the inside out and make them suffer as he did. They would watch all they had built on blood and lies crumble and see their loved ones turn against them. They would suffer ten times more than he did; he 

would make sure of that. 

“We’re here,” he announced to Anna, but she didn’t flinch. He shoved her roughly, “Wake up!” he snapped. 

“What! Where?” She yelled as she shot up from the car seat and in the process, hit her head against the roof of the car. Öw!” She winced in pain as she fell back in her seat, rubbing her head and looking around as though she was a drunk trying to act sober. Davis watched her in amusement, snickering 

when she turned to him with a dazed look on her face

“You laughed,” she stated, her hand slowly falling from her head as she stared at him, her mouth hanging open. 

The amusement on his face was immediately replaced with a frown as he got out of the car. Anna followed suit, still staring at him as though he revealed himself to be a demon from hell, although she 

wouldn’t have been as surprised as she was at that moment. 


“I had no you were capable of such genuine emotions,” she told him in awe. “Although, laughed because I was in pain,” she added with a slight shrug, following behind him like a puppy. 

He turned to her with a glare, “Could you please stop making a big deal out of my laughter?” he asked through a forced smile. 

She crossed her arms across her chest as she nodded her head in approval, “Now, this is more like you. Always glaring and giving fake smiles that won’t convince anyone of your love for me.” 

He scoffed, “Even if I feel something for you, it definitely won’t be love.” 

She took two steps towards him so she was directly in front of him, “But we want them to believe we’re in love, don’t we?” she corked a brow. 



With a mischievous grin, he moved closer to her so there was no space between them at all and wrapped his hands around her waist. “What are you doing?” she questioned with a nervous chuckle as she tried to discreetly pull out his hands. 

“We’re in public, aren’t we?” he said, brushing her hair out of her face as he held her closer to himself, making her hold her breath. “Since you’re so desperate to show we’re a couple, then…he trailed off, his eyes lingering on her lips before he looked back at her longingly, his eyes needy, 

What’s with that look in his eyes? Her heartbeat quickened as several interpretations of the look he gave her flooded her mind. What am I even thinking? What is he thinking? He couldn’t possibly kiss me, right? 

He inched his face closer to hers. “What…” she trailed off, her words stuck in her throat as she watched his face get closer to hers. 

He’s going in for it. He’s going to kiss me; it’s finally it’s happening. 

Just when his lips were a few inches away, he stopped a sly grin on his face. “So you want me to kiss you?” he pulled away and with his hand around her waist, walked towards the front door of his 


She bit down on her lips. He tricked her, but she was more annoyed by the fact that she had wanted it. “I didn’t want you to kiss me,” she snapped, prying his hands off her waist as he inputted his house lock in the door. “People would either think we’re having problems in our marriage if I had pulled away and those who already doubt we’re married would be certain we aren’t.” 

The door unlocked and he pushed it open, “Ladies first,” he said. She rolled her eyes as she entered his house. “Are you sure you weren’t complaining about me not acting as though I love you not because you don’t want people to doubt us, but because you’re hoping for something, like that kiss you’re still annoyed I didn’t give to you. 

“You must think you’re all that, don’t you?” she let out a sigh. “Fine, so maybe the look you gave me made me weak and I anticipated your kiss at that moment, but I sure as hell wasn’t lying about your bad acting. How many girls have you gotten into your bed with that look?” 

“-You know what? I don’t wanna know. Just let me sign that damned contract and get the hell out of your house which is, by the way, very nice.” 

He stared at her with a genuine smile, “Thank you for your honesty and if you must know, I accidentally learnt that look a few days ago-” When I walked in on Paul watching those dramas of his. “-and so I haven’t gotten any girl into my bed with that look although I might have gotten one today if I hadn’t held back.” 

“I said I didn’t want to know,” she reminded him with a smile that told him she wanted nothing more than to vanquish him from the face of the earth. “Can you please bring out the contract so I can be on my merry way?” 

It’s on the table in the living room,” he informed her. 

Without waiting for him, she briskly made her way to his living room which was completely painted 


grey and was nearly empty, except for the chandelier, grey couches, grey centre table and the Smart TV. “Your life seems unsurprisingly drab,” she announced as she took her seat on one of the couches and picked up the pen next to the contract. 

“You aren’t-” 

“Done,” she cut him off as she handed him the signed contract. 

“-going to read through it,” he completed as he collected the contract from her. “You never read through contracts, do you?” 

“Apart from the fact that I haven’t had to sign contacts except maybe when I was getting married to and divorcing Daniel, I’m choosing to trust you which is something you probably don’t understand, but now that we’re done with this, let’s move on to the next thing I want to speak with you about.” 

He nodded, setting the contract on the table, “Would you like a drink or anything?” 

“No, thank you,” she said as she pointed at the couch opposite her, “Have a seat.” 

“One would think this is your house with the way you’re acting,” he said as he sat opposite her, wearing a serious expression. “What is this important thing you want to talk to me about?” he asked, leaning against the couch. 

“I want you to open another branch of your company that will partner with Daniel’s company with me as the head,” she stated. 

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