Taming the Billionaire CEO ( Daniel Monroe )

Chapter 28


“The tire of my car burst on the road and Giovanni showed up. Long story short, he gave me his car,” Anna summarized, glancing at the sports car through the restaurant’s window. She looked away, turning her attention to the empty 

restaurant. “By the way, was it really necessary for you to rent out the entire restaurant?” 

“–We could have easily gotten a private room,” she told him. If it was someone else, she’d have assumed they were trying to impress her and unless she was in a parallel universe, that wasn’t his intention. 

“I don’t want to be in the same room as you.” His words caught her off guard, his cold tone freezing the hair on her body. 

“So you’re saying being in the same room as me is tempting,” she muttered under her breath as she took a sip of the cup of coffee in front of her. She looked up to see his lips pressed together in a thin line as he squinted at her. 

Shit! He heard me. 

“I would ignore you, but it’s rather dangerous to have you carrying around such ridiculous ideas in your head,” he paused, leaning back in his seat comfortably. Do not be mistaken by my words, but I simply find being in the same room as you extremely repulsive and foolish women, like you, who can’t think for themselves turn me off.” 

Although she didn’t consider him her type of man, his words still stung worse than the pain one felt from slamming the door on one finger. “That was unnecessary, but if you must know, you’re not my type either.” 

He tilted his head to the side slightly. “Considering your type is the likes of Daniel Monroe, I’ll take your words as a compliment.” 

She let out a light chuckle, plastering a smile that was as fake as their marriage on her face. “Did you bring me here to insult me or talk to me?” 

He sat up in his seat, narrowing his eyes as he stared straight into her soul. “You haven’t explained to me what happened between you and Giovanni when you met. What exactly did you discuss with him? Since when were you two so close that he would give you his car?” 

She let out an exasperated sigh. “We didn’t discuss anything of importance. He just happened to be there at the right time to help me, and gave me his car because I’m your wife.” 

I see,” He said, leaning further back in his seat as he looked out the window at 

the blue sports car. 

Paul is right, I can’t leave her just yet. I need to ensure I get rid of those who could 

harm her. 

Anna watched him as he looked out the window, occupied by his thoughts. I wonder what he’s thinking of. She wondered as she admired how calm and otherworldly he looked while thinking. 

“Are you going to keep staring?” His sharp tone cut through her trance like a knife and she immediately cleared her throat. 

“I wasn’t starting,” she hedged, “I was just… wondering if interrupting your thinking was a great idea.” 

you He looked away from the window. “So, why did you call me? What is it want?” 

She cleared her throat as she sat up straight. “Well…” she started, trying to arrange her words convincingly, “…I’d like to ask you for a second chance.” “-I’ve been foolish, I admit. But you also can’t deny the results I’ve produced in such a short period-” 

He cut her off sharply, “All you did was to dent their reputation a little. Don’t make it sound like you did something so grand.” 

She snorted. “It’s not difficult yet you couldn’t do it,” she muttered beneath her breath, finding sudden interest in the watch on her wrist. 


was that?” he asked. 

I said you’re right,” she said with a fake smile. “So, did you call me out here just so you could talk down to me and my efforts? Or is there something else you need to say?” 

He stared at her for a while, his lips pursed in a thin line with his lips slightly curled downwards. “I’ll give you a second chance as my partner,” he said with a deep frown. 

Her eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree and a wide smile spread across her face. “And why is that?” she raised a brow, a grin on her face as she leaned in. ” You realized how indispensable I am to you, didn’t you?” 

His face hardened. “Don’t fool yourself with your delusions because I hate that I have to work with you,” but I have to risk your life being cut short because of me. 

She shrugged. “Your reasons aren’t important, I’m just glad you gave me another chance and I promise not to disappoint you.” 

“I hope so,” he said slowly, staring straight into her eyes as he opened his 


briefcase and brought out a document. 

“What is this for?” she asked, collecting the document from him and going through it. “A new contact?” 

He nodded. “It’s the same as the last, except I made a few changes to it.” 

She placed the contract on the table. “Like what?” she asked. 

He rubbed his eyelid. “The contract is right in front of you. Check it yourself.” 

“I didn’t read it the last time so I wouldn’t know what the difference is.” 

“Then read it now,” he said through gritted teeth. “I don’t have all day, Miss Anna.” 

I believe you should endearingly address me, but I’ll let this pass,” she said and pushed the contract to his side of the table. “I trust my husband so I don’t need to read it.” 

“Even if it says you have to perform your bedroom duties as a wife whenever I ask you to?” he raised a brow. 

She let out a snort and rolled her eyes, “While I’m pretty sure that’s not included in the contract, I’m certain you wouldn’t ask for something like that.” 

“Then why would I include it in the contract?” 

“Hence my reason for saying it’s not in it. I’m not your type, remember?” she said with a smile, finding his frustration and annoyance satisfying. 

He leaned in with a smile that made butterflies flutter in her stomach on his face. “You might not be my type, but you’re still a woman and I’m a man.” 

She glanced at the contract and slowly brought it to her side. With a light chuckle, she picked it up, “Yeah, I think I’ll go through it.” He couldn’t possibly have put that there, could he? 

“Why do I need to take self–defence classes during the weekends?” she questioned with a raised brow, her eyes not leaving the document. 

“Because you’re my weakness,” he stated. She raised a brow at him and he continued. “Someone as successful as I am has enemies “Especially when he runs one of the deadliest Mafia gangs in Italy. “-which is why as my wife, you need to be able to protect yourself if you happen to be attacked.” 

“My life is in danger?” she exclaimed, her eyes nearly popping out of their 


“What did you think you’d be in when you decided to take revenge on the Monroes and join hands with a total stranger?” 


The frown on her face deepened. “It’s not my fault you’ve refused to give off any sort of information about yourself, is it?” she rolled her eyes as she dropped the contract. I didn’t find anything about bedroom duties so I’m fine with whatever is in it.” 

“Good,” he got up from his seat. 

“I do want something though,” she looked up at him. 

“And what might that be?” he asked with a frown. 

“Daniel’s company.” 

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