Taming the Beast

Chapter 63 (Caroline)

Our mini-honeymoon was over way sooner than I wanted. It was so beautiful and breathtaking; I wanted to stay there forever, but I knew Keegan and I had duties to attend to... like telling the council that I was officially Luna without their permission and I was a changed.

We walked into the Keegan's house hand in hand. I had a small bump working for me and Keegan had all of our bags in his hands. He set them by the door and smiled.

"Keegan!" Karma yelled as she ran to us. She jumped into Keegan's arms and squeezed his neck with her small arms. Keegan chuckled and greeted her with a kiss to her hair. I smiled at my mate. He was going to be a great father to our little one. Karma looked over to me and smiled; her dark brown eyes dancing with excitement. She reached for me and fell into my arms. I laughed as I hugged her to me.

"I was wondering when you guys were going to get back," a new voice reached my ears. By the smell of pine and honeysuckle, I knew it was Aiden. I smiled and set Karma down before I ran to hug my best friend. Keegan growled from behind us before I was ripped away from Aiden. I rolled my eyes and rubbed Keegan's arm gently.

"I'm happy to see you too, Aiden," I smiled at him. I was pulled into another warm chest as arms went around me.

"Caroline!" Lena said. I chuckled and hugged her back as the rest of the crew filtered into the living room. There was a new scent that I didn't recognize but I didn't have much time to think about it. "How are you and my grandbaby?" she asked. I mentally face palmed myself as the guys all got really quiet.

"You're pregnant? Since when?" Trevor asked. I smiled sheepishly as I blushed.

"We're not exactly sure, but we think I'm almost a month," I answered.

"Oh, that explains everything," Aiden said out loud. I shrugged before my eyes landed on a girl I'd never seen before. I looked at her curiously, studying her. She hid behind Gregg slightly. I raised my eyebrows at her before I turned my attention to Gregg.

"And you didn't tell me that you found your mate because...?" I asked accusingly. He shrugged and blushed as his hand held onto the girl's.

"Oh yeah, um, Caroline, this is Mallory. She's from the pack that will join ours soon," he introduced her and pushed her forward slightly. She pressed her back against Gregg's chest and bowed her head respectfully.

"Hello Luna," she said timidly. I smiled at her. She was cute and shy. She had 'Shirley Temple' curly brown hair and grey eyes. She was noticeably smaller than the rest of us by about half a foot. She also looked about two years younger than us.

She was Omega of her last pack, Gregg explained to me through mind-link. I remembered what Keegan told me about Omega's. They were picked on for being "runts" essentially. I felt bad for the girl. She clearly had no self-confidence and she probably felt out of place being with the higher ranking wolves.

"Hi Mallory, I'm Caroline, and you know my mate, Keegan. Come with me," I said as I offered my hand to her. She hesitated before she stepped forward. I'd mind-linked Gregg and Aiden so they went to go start up the car. I led her upstairs to Keegan's room.

"Please don't hurt me," she said quietly. I laughed and shook my head.

"No one is going to hurt you here, and if anyone tries, tell me immediately and I'll take care of it. You're family now, Mallory... and no one hurts my family," I said as I changed in the closet into some comfortable clothes. I threw my hair up in a high ponytail and walked back out to see Mallory standing slightly shocked.

"I-I don't know what to say," she breathed. I smiled and hugged her gently.

"Come on, we're going to the mall to get you some new clothes... well, you and me. I'm going to be getting bigger soon," I chuckled. She smiled and nodded.

Gregg and Aiden were going with us to the mall while Keegan staying in his office to catch up on work he missed while we were away. I texted Mariana and Stacy and told them to meet me at the mall. It occurred to me that I told them to meet me for a girls' night in and then disappeared for weeks. When we met up with them at the mall, they looked ready to murder. I only smiled at them. Mallory held on to Gregg tightly.

"Hey guys," I said. Stacy's face was turning red.

"Hey guys? You promise us a girls' night and then disappear and all you can say is 'hey guys'? Stacy seethed. I only laughed.

"When I tell you my news, you'll

forget all about it," I said. Mariana

crossed her arms and started


tapping her foot and Stacy did same. My smile only grew. "I disappeared to go on my

honeymoon," I explained/lied. They both gasped and looked at me in shock. They looked happy, and then mad again.

"You didn't let us be your maid of honor?!" Mariana screeched. I flinched.

"It was kind of sudden. We weren't exactly planning to get married right then, but we did. I promise to let you two be some of the first people to hold our baby. How does that sound?" I offered. They went into a state of shock again.

"You're pregnant?" Stacy asked. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face as I nodded. Stacy and Mariana's hands immediately flew to my stomach as they felt it. I laughed and let them.

"I only about 8 weeks so you probably won't feel anything," I said. They pulled their hands away as their shocked faces turned into goofy grins.

"You're growing up so fast," Stacy gushed before she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I coughed and tried to push away from her. Even as a wolf, Stacy's hugs could still squeeze the life out of me. Aiden broke up the hug with his jaw set. I chuckled and rubbed his arm gently.

It's okay, she's just excited. Her hugs have always been like that, I mind-linked him. He sighed and relaxed slightly as Mariana and Stacy looked at us curiously.

"Keegan kind of made Aiden my bodyguard," I shrugged it off as I started walking in the mall. They're curiosity only grew.

"Why?" they asked almost simultaneously. I shrugged.

"Natasha attacked me," I said telling half of the truth. Mariana groaned.

"Seriously! How did we miss everything?" she whined. I only laughed at her.

"Don't worry, just think of her as nonexistent," I said, shuddering slightly. Thankfully they dropped the subject. They chatted the whole time we shopped. They even went as far as to pull me into a maternity store. Mallory warmed up to them and started including herself, which was perfect for me. She was a nice girl and I really wanted her to fit in with my friends; although, I probably wouldn't be able to see them much after today. We shopped around until we got hungry and then moved our little party to the food court. Gregg hadn't stopped holding Mallory's hand since we got here. I wondered if Keegan and I looked like that at first.

We were chatting and enjoying our food when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I smiled as I felt a spark ignite my body. I turned my head just in time to give Keegan a light peck.

"I thought you were at home taking care of that situation," I asked vaguely. He smiled and kissed my neck.

"I can only stay away from you for

so long without going crazy," he muttered. Igiggled and pushed him back gently. He brought my hand up and slipped something onto my ring finger brought my hand up and

it was

looked at the rock in Son

so beautiful. I looked to Keegan confused.

"What is this for?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Well, you are my wife. I just wanted everyone else to know," he joked before he kissed my cheek. "I love you, Mrs. Porter," he whispered with his lips tickling my ear. I gigged before I pecked him gently. "You guys are disgustingly adorable," Stacy said. We all laughed and went back to eating our food. Keegan didn't let go of my stomach to entire time and I didn't want him to. All in all, this was a good day.0000

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