Taming the Beast

Chapter 53 (Caroline)

(Caroline's POV)

I stared after him shocked. I knew he was mad at Natasha, but I didn't think he would go that far. My new wolf senses picked up on everything and I was loving it, except Keegan was mad, and pushing me away because of it. I sighed and shook my head at the closed door that he slammed a few minutes ago before I went and sat on the couch. Gregg nudged my shoulder.

"It's great to have you back, Care," Gregg said, breaking the silence.

"What was it like?" Aiden asked curiously, jumping at the opportunity to ask. Lena sat next to me as my body went stiff as I remembered the pain coursing through my body and how bad it really was. I was looking off at a place beyond them as I remembered every gory and pain-induced detail.

"It was horrible," I whispered more to myself than them. "There was so much pain and I had to get in a lake," I said softly, suddenly looking at my hands like there was nothing more important. "The lake? Oh, because of the accident?" Aiden asked. I almost forgot that he didn't know about my fear of water and bridges. I nodded as my eyes glassed over with unshed tears.

"During the change I-I... I almost didn't..." I trailed off as a tear finally slid down my cheek.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Lena cut in quickly, giving Aiden a pointed look. I shook my head.

"No, it's okay," I tried to assure her as I swiped under my eyes. "I'm glad I did it. I'd go through it all again if it meant keeping you guys around," I said, smiling softly at every single one of them. Aiden wrapped me in a hug and I let my head rest against his shoulder. It felt... brotherly. With him holding me, I knew that he would protect me no matter what.

Thank you, Aiden... for everything, especially for sticking around with our crazy pack, I tried mind-linking him. A soft smile spread onto his face and I knew he got it. It dawned on me that that was the first time I'd called it my pack. I smiled also as I just relaxed and took in everyone around me. I didn't ever want to lose any of them.

You're welcome, Care. You know I'd do anything for you right? He mind-linked back. My smile widened.

I know, that's why I'm thanking you dumbass, I joked. He laughed out loud and everyone looked at him confused before they shook it off and stared at me again like I might disappear or break down at any second. I tried mind-linking Lena next.

Keegan proposed to me... and I said yes, I said as I looked at her. A glint of happiness filled her eyes as she smiled and started squealing and bouncing up and down like Preston would've if he got excited. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe he actually did it! I'm going to have grandbabies soon. Beautiful, beautiful grandbabies," she grinned. I laughed and shook my head at her in amusement. The guys looked at me in shock.

"Caroline... are you pregnant?" Trevor asked as he looked at my stomach. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"No! Keegan just proposed to me while we were at the lake house," I explained. All of the guys' eyes widened.

"Just?" Asher picked out.

"What did you say?" Aiden asked curiously. I smiled and shot him a wink.

"What do you think?" I hinted. He smiled and squeezed me tighter to him.

"I am so happy for you both!" he said. I laughed and tried to pry his arms off of me. This had been one day that was quiet the emotional rollercoaster.

The next day was Monday. I actually talked to people before lunchtime. I think it was the fact that I was floating on Cloud 9 at the moment from being a werewolf and a fiancé. Lunch was calm and I was just happy. I didn't see Keegan till lunch which was fine. I figured it was best to give him his space and let him cool off. I caught glares from Natasha whenever she would see me but I didn't care. I was the happiest girl in the world at the moment. I was happy to have Aiden by my side everywhere. I was happy that all of my senses were 1000 times better. I was happy that I would marry Keegan. I was happy that he was my family now.

Volleyball practice was a breeze. I didn't get winded or anything. My new superhuman abilities were awesome and definitely a perk. I gulped down my water as Mariana and Stacy approached me with sullen looks. I immediately frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, screwing the top back on my water. Stacy fully pouted as she looked at the floor.

"You never hang out with us anymore. It's like ever since you started dating Keegan, you've been our friend less and less," Stacy said. Mariana nodded in agreement.

"It feels like you're replacing us with his friends and Aiden," Mariana added. I frowned as I looked at them. They were right. I had been lacking in the friend department lately. We walked into the locker rooms and I took off my top to start changing without even thinking about it.

"You're right. You know what, Friday we'll have a girls' night at my place," I suggested. They both smiled at the idea. I turned and shuffled through my bag to grab my shirt. I froze when I heard the sharp intake of breath from Mariana and Stacy. I looked at their shocked faces and was instantly confused.

"Y-Your scars," Mariana whispered. Shit. I forgot that they were completely gone. I felt my face flush as I didn't know what to say. Lying was the easy part; trying to think of the lie was a lot more difficult. "I-uh... Keegan... uh, found this doctor who specializes in scar tissue removal and got me an appointment. I-uh, I went a few weekends ago. He's really good," I tried to cover. Stacy raised an eyebrow as her hand touched the smooth surface of my skin.

"I'll say," she whispered. I quickly put on my clean shirt and a pair of yoga pants. Aiden was taking me to Keegan's house. He was probably waiting for me out at the door of the gym like he normally did. "So girls' night at my house on Friday; don't forget. Plus, I have huge news to tell you guys," I said, remembering that I was Keegan's fiancé now. I loved the sound of that.

Where are you? I heard through mind-link. I looked off into space, knowing it was Keegan.

Practice ran late. I'm about to leave with Aiden now, I answered back. Stacy and Mariana were looking at me expectantly as the locker room emptied. I blinked at them. "What?" I asked. Stacy smiled and rolled her eyes.

"She spaced out... of course," she chuckled. I smiled and shrugged. Sure, let's go with that. "I said, does your 'big news' have anything to do with Keegan?" she asked again I smiled and nodded.

"I'll tell you on Friday when you guys come over. I've got to go," I said quickly as I zipped up my bag and swung it over my shoulder. Even though I knew they really wanted to know, they kept their mouths shut and just said goodbye. I started walking out of the gym. Aiden was leaning against the door waiting for me. I smiled before I forgot that I left one of my book assignments in my locker. Quickly telling Aiden I would meet him at the car, I fast-walked through the empty hallways to my locker. I don't care who you are, an empty school is always going to be creepy. Maybe I should've had Aiden stay with me. I quickly opened my locker and pulled out the book I needed before shoving it in my bag. I sighed and slammed my locker shut as I started towards the parking lot. As I rounded the corner, I ran into someone that just felt like skin and bone. I looked to see a smirking Natasha. Her arms were folding and her hazel eyes were cold as ice and completely void of any emotion.

"What do we have here?" Natasha smiled evilly. I took a step back as fear instantly froze my body.

"What do you want?" I managed to choke out. Her smirk turned into a glare as she took a step towards me. I instantly took a step back.

"I was the rightful Luna of my pack until you came along. Now everyone is wrapped around your finger and I have to be a rogue. A rogue! All because of you! I'm ending this now. I'm ending you," she spat at me. My eyes widened.

"Y-You can't hurt me. Keegan ordered you-"

"He's not my Alpha anymore. His word means nothing. I'm not forced to listen to him anymore. You know, he really should have thought about that beforehand, but... oh well," she said, the evil smirk sitting proudly on her face again. My eyes widened in fear. I knew that I could handle her maybe for a little bit, but she was the daughter of a beta. Surely, he taught her something if not everything.

Aiden! Keegan! Please help! I'm inside the school and Natasha's got me cornered. She's going to hurt me because she no longer has to do what the Alpha says. She's insane and I'm scared, I try mind-linking both of them at the same time.

She can't know that you're a wolf! Just hold tight; I'm on my way, Keegan answered back.

I'm on my way too, Aiden assured me. I wasn't paying as much attention to Natasha as I should have. I felt a cloth smother my mouth and nose as someone grabbed me from behind. I struggled and tried to push them off of me but it was no use. I felt my bag drop as I got dizzy and sleepy all of the sudden. I sighed and relaxed even though I really didn't want to. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Natasha's smirking face.

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