Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 88: Lions Hunting

Chapter 88: Lions Hunting

Translator: Yamir Moon


Fang Yun’s body sank to the bottom of the water. He tried to gently rub against the bottom floor and the hard rocks, making the shedding process easier. Ten minutes later, he finally completed this evolution and shed his skin.

He briefly examined his new body before summoning his properties panel.

The information on his properties panel shows that his size has reached a horrific 18 meters in length and 60 cm in diameter, completely surpassing Titanoboa in size and becoming the biggest snake in history.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, he can completely crush Titanoboa and rub it on the ground.

From what he has learned. Although Titanoboa is a very powerful behemoth, its big body makes moving very cumbersome, so it can only hunt in water. Once on land, it’s very weak.

In addition, after this evolution, his skill points have reached a total of 23, so he didn’t hesitate to upgrade “Quick Regeneration”

After doing this, Fang Yun swam to the shore, then slithered to the hill not far away.

Not long after, he climbed the hill and started looking around, overlooking this Prairie. contemporary romance

Since this hill is the highest place in the vicinity, he can easily see the surrounding scenery from it.

Some interesting things happen every day on this prairie, such as the various struggles between the animals in this prairie.

Fang Yun liked watching animal documentaries in his past life, now that it’s happening live in front of him, so he is naturally interested.

His luck is very good, not long after climbing the hill, he spotted an animal battle.

In the place that Fang Yun is watching, there is a large wildebeest group.

This one group has a total of 50 wildebeest in it. There is a powerful and majestic wildebeest in the middle, which is obviously their leader.

Wildebeests are social animals, their group is usually very big, containing hundreds to thousands of individuals. In the rainy season, they split into a lot of small groups, each one has dozens of Wildebeests led by a leader.

In the dry season, they will migrate and join together again to form groups containing, thousands to tens of thousands of wildebeests.

This should be one of the smaller groups that arrived from far and just reached this area.

Not far away from the wildebeests, hidden in the yellow grass, several lionesses are sharply starring at this wildebeest group.

Their golden hair provides them with excellent camouflage in the yellow grass. Without carefully looking, it would be hard to spot them.

Fang Yun leisurely squatted on the hill and looked at the lionesses not far away, he knew that they were ready to hunt. To be honest, he really would like some cola and some popcorn to watch this show.

He is not afraid to be discovered by humans in the modified truck. After all, they are several kilometers away from each other, so from their perspective, it’s impossible to spot him.

Another reason is that the humans in the truck hardly get off.

Fang Yun guessed that it’s likely to be because of the mosquitoes in the prairie.

For example, at this moment, there is a group of mosquitoes flying around him. He was very annoyed by them at the beginning, but he gradually got used to it.

There is no wound on his body, plus his “Steel Body” defense, these mosquitoes needle-like mouthpart can’t even hope to penetrate his scales.

Moreover, after this evolution, he upgraded “Quick Regeneration” the second time, so he is even less afraid of these mosquitoes.

But that’s him, humans naturally don’t have his steel-like scales nor his powerful regeneration, so these mosquitoes are fatal to them.

The mosquitoes in this prairie are very big. Each one is as big as a small finger, which to be honest is terrifying, if his will hasn’t been strengthened by his various struggles and close death encounters, he would have been frightened to death.

At the moment, while Fang Yun was observing the lionesses below, Jonny and his crew in the modified truck were also shooting the upcoming hunting action through camouflage cameras.

The first thing that appeared in the picture is a lioness intensely looking in a direction, then the camera turned again, showing the scene that the lioness is looking at.

”Look, this lioness is scanning the wildebeest group to determine the prey she is going to hunt.”

Professor Bell smiled and said.

“I guess it’s the little wildebeest that is about to be born.”

The moment he said that the camera began to zoom in, showing the little wildebeest he was talking about.

The little wildebeest was trembling, apparently just born.

Wildebeests can usually stand and walk ten minutes after their birth.

But this is their most vulnerable time, so the adult wildebeests in the group will protect them in the middle.

The little wildebeest struggled to stand up before slowly walking toward its mother.

Suddenly, the lioness that was previously shown on the screen launched an attack, running straight toward the small wildebeest.

Without any accident, the most majestic wildebeest in the group suddenly ran towards the lioness and attacked her with his horns.

This wildebeest head and horns are extremely large. If the lioness was to be touched by him, she would likely be seriously or fatally injured. As they continued running towards each other, the distance between them quickly shortened. At about 10 meters, just as they were about to collide, the lioness jumped to the side, avoiding the wildebeest horns.

The wildebeest leader ran past the lioness and continued rushing for another 30 to 40 meters before finally stopping. Suddenly, from various corners, several lionesses rushed out and attacked the wildebeest group.

The wildebeests that were originally clustered together were shocked to run away.

The wildebeest leader couldn’t do anything.

He could only watch from afar as these several lionesses impacted his ethenic group.

After scaring these wildebeests away, the five lionesses successfully reach the wildebeest mother and child.

Three lionesses stood between the wildebeest mother and the wildebeest group to prevent them from merging again. The other two lionesses slowly approached the mother and child.

The wildebeest mother saw a lioness approaching her, so she quickly attacked her with her horns. The lioness didn’t fight with her but dodged her attack and ran toward the child.

The lioness on the other side also attacked the little wildebeest. Seeing this caused the mother to run back toward its child in a flustered manner.

In this way, the two lionesses tried to attack the little wildebeest while dodging the mother mad attacks.


Such a tug-of-war caused the lionesses to be very tired.

The lioness on the left side of the wildebeest mother was heavily breathing, she tried again to hunt the little wildebeest. But at this moment, the mother suddenly broke out.

The lioness did not seem to expect that the wildebeest mother would explode with such speed and was immediately smashed.

But in the end, this was a fatal mistake, as her breakout caused her to get very far from her child. The other lioness didn’t waste this opportunity and immediately rushed towards the wildebeest.

The wildebeest mother had no time to rescue her child, and the little wildebeest was trembling in fear, helplessly watching the lioness rushing towards it.


The little wildebeest whined in fear. This caused the mother to explode from rage, it turned around and run towards the little wildebeest at her maximum speed, hoping to save it.

However, a figure suddenly ran from the side, heavily striking the mother causing her to fall on the ground, then pressing her with his powerful limbs causing her to be unable to stand up.

It’s the lion king from the lion group.


The sudden emergence of the lion king caused Jonny and Bell in the studio to be stunned. They didn’t see the lion king before, so they thought it was patrolling its territory. who would have thought that it was on the battlefield waiting for an opportunity?

On the screen, the lion king slammed the wildebeest mother to the ground then bit her neck. The wildebeest mother madly struggled, but it still couldn’t break out from under the lion king.

The other lionesses come to help, killing the wildebeest mother together.

After killing the prey, it’s time to eat.

Like the other lion’s group, the lion will first enjoy the food. After he finished eating, the lionesses will come to eat the rest of the wildebeest meat.

”This lion is a bit different from the other lions.”

Professor Bell in the studio laughed: “It’s a lion who loves his wives and often participates in hunting.”

“Yes, in just a few days, we have seen it hunting three times.”

Jonny on the side nodded in agreement, then said to the camera.

“Everyone, from the data we have now, the current score of the Lion group is the most advanced.”

“Because every camera we put near the crocodile group gets destroyed, so we can only let the crocodiles out of the competition.”

Jonny shook his head and sighed before continuing to talk.

“Fortunately, the lion group has given us several wonderful hunting scenes, otherwise this trip would have been a waste.”

”In addition, even the hyena group has shown us a lot of wonderful hunting scenes, only the cheetah group has hunter the least amount of prey.”

After summarizing the current situation of the “King of the Prairie” competition, Jonny turned back to the screen.

“Well, now please transfer the screen to the spotted hyenas, we will see what those hyenas are doing.”

While talking, he suddenly found that the lions on the screen have stopped eating, they stoop up and looked in a direction.

Not only did the lionesses do that but even the lion king, Lei Bei was staring at the direction the lionesses are looking at.

”what happened?”

Seeing this, Jonny said quickly said to a crew member.

“Mark, move the cameras lens to the direction the lions are gazing at, maybe there is a big guy coming.”

While Jonny and his crew were watching this scene from the studio; Fang Yun was also looking in the direction where the lions were looking.

In that direction was a vast wilderness, the grass is yellow and the ground is cracked. In the distance, two tall lions are slowly walking towards the lion’s side with a gentle pace.


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