Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 15: Expanding Territory

Chapter 15: Expanding Territory

Translator: Yamir Moon

“Ding, Detecting that the host has enough bio-energy, do you want to undergo this evolution?”

“Evolve!” said Fang Yun in his mind;

Like in the previous evolutions, a warm stream emerged in his body, getting hotter as time pass.

In the tree hole, Fang Yun writhed somewhat uncomfortably, his body constantly rubbing on the walls of the tree.

Although his pain tolerance became stronger, the pain of evolution is no joke.

The squirrel curled in the corner of the nest saw his unusual condition, looking a little uneasy. Wanting to come over to check his situation, but being afraid to do so.

After ten minutes of pain, Fang Yun’s evolution finally ended.

“Ring, the host’s fourth evolution is successful, Level upgraded to level 5, rewarding 4 skill points.”

“Ring, detecting that there are 4 skill points available. Currently, there are skills available for upgrading. Does the host want to view them?”

On the system panel, these two notifications popped up again. However, after Fang Yun checked the available skills, he found that the currently available skills are still only “fatal venom” and “discoloration camouflage”.

This somewhat disappointed him, his “fatal venom” skill has been upgraded to level 2, which fully meet his current needs, in addition, “discoloration camouflage” skill is not necessary for now, and now that his skill points are not enough, spending them on these two skills is somewhat wasteful.

Thinking about it, he is ready to save his skill points for now, and use them once an interesting skill refresh or in an emergency.

”System, bring up my properties panel.”

Fang Yun said softly in his mind, which prompted a light screen to instantly appear in his mind.

Host property list:

Level: 5

Bio-energy points: 12/250

Skill Points: 4

Body Length: 1m

Diameter: 2.8cm

Power: 2.0

Defense: 1.0

Speed: 1.5

Agile: 2.0

Spirit: 3.0

Physical strength: 2.8

Skills: Deadly Venom (2/5) contemporary romance

Reputation value: 0/10000000

From top to bottom, Fang Yun’s gaze swept across his property panel. while his body attributes have quite an obvious improvement. The growth of his body length is the most obvious. This time reaching one meter directly.

His other attributes have also increased accordingly.

It’s also worth noting that the next upgrade requires 250 bio-energy point, which is not by any means a small amount.

Although this area ecosystem is quite rich, it is difficult to support him to achieve such a goal quickly.

If he wants to gather enough bio-energy to evolve as soon as possible, he must expand his territory, then concentrate on hunting bigger prey.

Like mice, lizards, large frogs, and other sufficiently large prey. at least for his current size.

”Squeak, Squeak.”

Suddenly a crying sound interrupted Fang Yun thoughts. Looking at the squirrel on his right. At the moment, the latter was staring at him suspiciously. He seems to be surprised that he suddenly grew so big.

The harmony between the two of them these days made the squirrel less vigilant and more trusting in Fang Yun, he isn’t as tense with Fang Yun as he used to be.

Even occasionally he will make some friendly moves to him, such as handing his treasured chestnut or pine cone to Fang Yun for him to taste.

But as swallowing plant-based foods can’t increase bio-energy, and Fang Yun’s teeth can’t deshell pine cones and chestnuts. That means that if he swallows them, it will only lead to stomach ache and indigestion, so he can only reject the squirrel kindness.

In the next few days, Fang Yun expanded his own territory by three or four times according to his previous ideas.

The process was not easy. For example, when he was expanding towards the south, he met a mongoose, If he wasn’t careful enough, he would have been discovered by the mongoose, and eaten as a snack.

Since then, the south has been marked by Fang Yun as a restricted area.

In addition, while he was expanding toward the north, he also met a black snake about one meter and half, almost clashing with the other side.

However, as the other party seemed to have just eaten, his belly bulging, so he took the lead in retreating from the confrontation with Fang Yun.

In fact, with his current ability, it was not difficult to kill that black snake, without mentioning that the other party mobility at that time was greatly weakened, so he could have killed that black snake with almost no difficulty.

But as the body of this black snake is longer than his body, and his teeth don’t have the ability to shred the body of the black snake, so he could only let this easy meal slip away.

Under his exploration these days, he has recorded where the prey is the most abundant in his territory, where his competitors are located and most importantly where his natural enemies are. So that he can prepare himself to the fullest before he goes out to hunt.

It’s worth mentioning that through these days of hard work, he also raised his biological energy to 123 points, almost reaching half of the amount required.


Hiding in a shrub under a camphor tree, Fang Yun flicked his tongue, collecting the surrounding smell. His eyes suddenly looked at a tree root. He saw that there is a hole under the bare tree root.

Fang Yun crawled toward the hole while flicking his tongue. After detecting the owner smell he Immediately plunged into this tree hole. After a moment, panicked squeaks came from inside this hole. sounding for a while before slowly stopping.

After more minute, Fang Yun slowly crawled from inside, dragging a big rat by his tail. After dragging this rat from inside the hole, Fang Yun proceeded to devour it.

After swallowing this rat into his belly, Fang Yun lifted his head and looked at the sky.

”The sun has begun to set, it’s probably an hour or two before nightfall, it’s time to go back.”

Today, his harvest is quite rich. Before hunting this big rat, Fang Yun also captured an adult vole, a lizard of about 20 centimeters, and six mature frogs of ordinary size.

Counting this Rat, today’s prey provided him with a total of 47 bio-energy point!

If it is not because every time after eating, it takes about two hours to digest the prey, his gain will be even greater.

“Sure enough, the efficiency of predation after the expansion of the territory has increased significantly.”

Fang Yun let out a sigh of relief, he only dared to expand his territory after his body size increased. Like when he was only twenty or thirty centimeters long, even a pheasant could kill himself.

But now, If he met that pheasant again, he will let him know why the flowers are so red,

While still thinking about teaching that pheasant, Fang Yun crawled on the ground and returned to his nest.

The night is near, he will continue his hunting trip tomorrow.

After almost an hour of crawling, Fang Yun finally returned to the big pine tree.

Not long after he got into the tree hole, the squirrel also returned to the nest, taking a pine nut out of his cheek pouch, and piling it next to its pile of food.

Fang Yun counted down a total of nine new pine nuts.

It seems that today, it’s not only him that has a good harvest, but this squirrel too.

Fang Yun everyday’s life has become monotonous and repetitive, hunting, resting, and then continuing to hunt, repeating this cycle again and again.

However, Fang Yun still did not dare to slack off. Although his safety in this jungle has improved a lot, he is not absolutely safe.

Natural enemies such as mongooses, wild cats and cobras still pose a threat to him.

Therefore, even after getting tired of this lifestyle. he still forced himself to hunt every day, he absolutely can’t have the slightest sloppiness in order to truly grow up.

But even so, this kind of lifestyle is still very depressing for Fang Yun.

Fortunately, with this squirrel, his depressing life added a little spice.

Seeing this squirrel back to the nest every day, even if there is no communication between them, still somewhat relaxed his mood.

It’s worth mentioning that he also gave the squirrel a name a few days ago.

The hair of this squirrel is more flax-colored. According to this, Fang Yun gave it a name called Xiaoma.

Originally Fang Yun thought that life in the near future would continue to be monotonous, but he did not expect that there would be a little accident soon.


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