Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 72 72-Discovered?

Chapter 72 Chapter72-Discovered?

"It's not just that, it's a monster of LV120 and above," Daniel chuckled. "We humans can equip ourselves with gear. Therefore, as our level increases, the corresponding level of the monster also rises. You may see me as just a LV86, but even a LV120 boss might not necessarily be my match!"


Upon hearing that there were monsters above LV120 inside the Castle of Vampires, Howard, Abby, Glyn, and Aisha exchanged uneasy glances. contemporary romance

Facing monsters between LV60 and LV70, they might have taken their chances. But with a disparity of over 80 levels, they would have to reconsider.

In such a confrontation, they would surely be annihilated in mere seconds.

Even with Howard's special equipment, there's no guarantee it would make a difference.

Howard wasn't a man to dither. Realizing the sheer terror of these ruins, he quickly decided to leave for now.

The plan?

Level up furiously. And when they were stronger, they would return to conquer the next castle!

Indeed, through this expedition, Howard had discerned a strategy.

A gradual conquest.

According to the setup of the first Castle of Vampires, the deeper they ventured, the higher the lineage and title of the vampires.

The vampires in the second castle should be around LV60. Even if their lineage had evolved, once Howard and his team reached above LV30, they would be able to handle them.

Thus, as long as they were equipped with the Illusion Array, they could adopt the same tactic as before: progressively infiltrate the castle while isolating the remaining ones.

When the time came, they'd simply clear out the second castle and retreat.

Then, once their strength had sufficiently grown, they would continue their dungeon conquests.

Repeating this cycle a few times, those LV120 bosses wouldn't seem so unattainable!

Of course, it was imperative to have a powerful ally as their safety net.

Just in case the Illusion Array failed to shield them from the probing of the formidable vampires in the other castles.

If they were to be ambushed without a strong figure to aid them, it would surely spell their doom.

Silently locking this strategy in his heart, Howard, carrying Glyn on his back, and Abby, bearing the still-unconscious Caitlin, led the group in a swift departure.

Racing against time, Howard, unsure of the sensing range of the vampire elites, could only push on relentlessly.

Daniel nodded with satisfaction but refrained from further comment.

By the time Howard and his team emerged from the dense forest and were once again bathed in sunlight, they were astonished to discover that two days and a night had passed!

In reality, their travel time wasn't extensive; all added up, it amounted to just one night.

The primary reason was that, while inside the castle, they lost all track of time, focused solely on relentless combat.

At first, they had swiftly vanquished vampire bosses. However, as the attributes of these bosses advanced, their pace inevitably slowed.

But Aisha's skill was phenomenally potent, instantly banishing their fatigue. This left them oblivious to the passage of time.

It was only upon re-emerging into the sunlight, with clocks functional once again, that they realized how much time had slipped away.

"It's quite fortuitous, really. Once we reach the town, we should rent a carriage. You take Caitlin to Adia City and seek treatment at the academy, while I'll lead the students at a more leisurely pace. I'll also need to rendezvous with other mentors," said Daniel with a hint of frustration. "Oh, how I wish I had the capabilities of Rick Suleiman, to simply open a portal and transport you directly to the academy."

After all, as the chief mentor responsible for recruitment at Holy Abyss Academy, Daniel couldn't just prioritize Howard and Abby's group alone.

Knowing Caitlin was out of immediate danger, he swiftly made a decision, and the group split into two.

Howard, Abby, Caitlin, Glyn, and Aisha would head back to Holy Abyss Academy.

However, to accommodate Caitlin, they first needed to make a detour to Saint City to rent a carriage.

Carrying Caitlin all the way to Adia City, even for an expert of Daniel's caliber, would be an exhaustive endeavor.

As they approached the city gates, a tension gripped Abby.

Looking up, Howard's brow furrowed in unease.

Members of the Bartel family were still scrutinizing the passersby!

Howard had underestimated Carlos Bartel's standing within the family.

Though Carlos Bartel's awakening had manifested merely as a B-level talent, seeming lackluster when compared to Abby, such a talent was, in fact, revered throughout the Alliance!

Furthermore, Carlos possessed commendable strategy and a mature approach to situations, making him a beacon of hope in Cameron's eyes.

Thus, Carlos's demise had driven Cameron to the brink, resolute in bringing the perpetrator to justice.

With an unruffled demeanor, Howard, carrying Glyn on his back, marched straight ahead, leaving Abby utterly taken aback.

She couldn't believe that Howard would dare to walk directly towards Cameron.

Little did she know, Cameron had spotted them the moment they neared. He was, after all, a formidable figure. How else could he have attained the title of Baron?

One must understand, the titles of the vampires were acquired centuries ago and stand in stark contrast to the current ones.

A human Baron of today might very well possess the strength to take down a Vampire Duke!

Aware that they had been noticed, retreating would only raise Cameron's suspicions.

On the other hand, by approaching proactively, Howard might make Cameron believe they were above suspicion.

And given their status as students from the Holy Abyss Academy, they might not even face scrutiny.

As anticipated, as Howard and Abby, each carrying Glyn and Caitlin, approached, even before Aisha could utter a word, Baron Cameron spoke, "Miss Caitlin is injured? Do you require my men to escort you?"

"No need!"

Aisha gently declined with a smile.

Cameron, without much ado and in the absence of Daniel's insight into the matter, simply let them pass and Howard's group proceeded on their way.

Upon leaving the city gates, Abby couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Without dilly-dallying, Howard located an inn and rented three carriages.

This time, in the Castle of Vampires Ruins, they had acquired a significant haul of equipment.

Selling them would undoubtedly fetch a handsome profit, so Howard didn't see the need to skimp on the cost of transportation.

Once everything was in place, Howard and the others swiftly boarded the carriages and departed.

Aisha and Caitlin shared one carriage, Glyn had another to himself, and naturally, Howard shared his with Abby.

Over the past few days, they had always moved as a group, which hadn't given Howard and Abby any intimate moments.

For a newly-established couple, this absence was nothing short of torment.

Now, when an opportunity finally presented itself, how could they let it pass?

Fortunately, Glyn's injuries weren't too severe. With his HP fully replenished, he recovered at a remarkable pace.

Driving their carriages, Howard and his companions retraced their steps, passing through the checkpoints set by Baron Cameron.

However, this time, Baron Cameron didn't let them through immediately.

A sudden realization struck him: both Howard and Abby had been part of the leveling team organized by Carlos!

At this moment, Cameron's suspicions weren't directed at Howard and Abby per se.

He wasn't willing to overlook any potential leads.

Consequently, with a genial demeanor, he approached Howard and Abby's carriage, inviting them to step down for a thorough questioning about the events of that fateful day.

This unexpected turn of events left Abby quite unnerved.

Howard, however, remained calm and composed.

He recounted what he had witnessed that day and emphasized that he had always been with the team and never left.

Cameron had already verified this account with other students and found no new information, leaving him somewhat disappointed.

Abby finally let out a sigh of relief, and the group was eventually allowed to proceed.

The carriage moved leisurely, heading towards the bustling Adia City.

Yet, long after Howard and Abby had left, Baron Cameron, who was busy interrogating the passing travelers, sensed something amiss.

With his enhanced strength, not only had his physical prowess greatly increased, but his hearing had become exceptionally acute as well.

Cameron faintly remembered that when Howard spoke with Abby and Aisha, his tone and voice differed significantly from when he conversed with him.

"Why would Howard alter his voice when speaking to me?" he pondered.

"Wait... could it be that Howard is the murderer of my son?!"

With this sudden realization, Cameron slammed his hand on the table.

His formidable strength manifested, causing a crack to appear on the stone-made table, which then shattered explosively.

The sound of the explosion startled the nearby guards and the passersby, who all turned their bewildered gazes towards Cameron.

Breathing heavily and gritting his teeth, Cameron muttered, "Even if Howard isn't the murderer, he's related to this matter. Sadly, he has entered the Holy Abyss Academy. To interrogate him, concrete evidence is a must!"

"But the investigations must not cease; I need to discreetly probe into Howard further."

Determined, Cameron abruptly rose, heading towards Saint City with a grim expression.

To investigate Howard, Cameron had to tread cautiously, considering the formidable backing Howard now had.

It's undeniable, the Bartel family's ability to stand tall for so many years wasn't without reason.

Howard hadn't anticipated that, despite his meticulous caution, his cover would still be blown!


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