Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 402 Chapter402-Hidden Secrets

Greg still remembered the words Antalya had spoken at Harry's house; her demeanor then was far from peaceful.

Regardless of Howard's motivations, if he truly was a magus, his presence represented a certain instability for Antalya.

Running an adventurer's tavern in Breeze City required more than just financial capital; the rewards were not solely monetary.

The business involved numerous confrontations, and it wasn't uncommon for maguses to be involved.

Due to their late departure, by the time Howard, along with Jelia and Greg, arrived at the meeting point, Ali, Antalya, and Vivia were already waiting.

Seeing the carriage behind Ali filled with provisions, Howard slapped his forehead, suddenly remembering the primary purpose of their outing.

Their main objective was to procure sufficient food supplies for the tavern, along with various other sundries.

Initially, he and Ali had divided the tasks between them, but Howard had completely forgotten about this duty in his eagerness to assist Jelia.

It wasn't just Howard who felt embarrassed; Vivia's expression also carried a hint of awkwardness.

She often referred to herself as Antalya's "capable assistant," though her competence was not particularly evident in this instance.

Except, perhaps, when it came to her appetite, which indeed was above average.

Glancing at Ali, who looked somewhat puzzled, and then at the carriage behind her, and comparing this to the expressions on Howard and Vivia's faces, Antalya had already made her judgment, even though the two hadn't explained themselves.

"While it's admirable that you were helping someone, I still hope you can remember your duties," Antalya's tone wasn't harsh, merely tinged with a sigh, seemingly not too bothered by the oversight.

However, both Howard and Vivia understood that such mistakes should not be repeated.

Regardless of the reasons, unfinished work remained unfinished.

"It won't happen again," Howard stated earnestly.

He held Antalya in high regard.

Small communities are inherently exclusive, and without the backing of a respected figure or sufficient merit, one would not be easily accepted.

He needed to conceal his true identity, requiring an appropriate and official persona.

It was Antalya who provided him with this identity.

Although it wasn't explicitly stated, Antalya had already begun the process of helping Ali and Howard apply for adventurer's certifications.

An adventurer's certification is also a form of official identification.

With it, Howard could freely move between cities and, should his adventurer rank be high enough, even cross national borders without restriction.contemporary romance

Without Antalya's assistance, Howard was uncertain when he would be able to secure such documentation.

Otherwise, he would find navigating the depths of the New World exceedingly difficult.

"As long as you remember," Antalya nodded, giving Vivia a glance before turning to Ali.

"We'll be staying here for a while; there are some matters to attend to." Antalya did not specify what these matters were, but Greg had his suspicions.

Antalya was preparing to make a statement.

Among the tavern's five members, only Ali and Howard were new additions.

Although Vivia was not a magus, she was aware of Antalya and Greg's identities as magi and adventurers.

"How long will we be stopping?" Ali furrowed her brow.

If Antalya planned to stay for a few days, managing the purchased provisions could become problematic.

Some ingredients, if not handled promptly, could spoil or lose their flavor.

"At least about ten days," Antalya said.

"If it's difficult to manage the ingredients, we could sell them off and repurchase later."

"Will the tavern be closing for business during this period?" Howard inquired.

A closure exceeding a week could inevitably affect subsequent operations, perhaps even resulting in the loss of some regular patrons.

"It's alright," Antalya shook her head, yet she offered no explanation.

Howard sensed there was something Antalya might want to say, possibly a secret.

About her identity?

This had piqued Howard's curiosity before.

If she were merely a regular tavern owner, she likely wouldn't have the means to assist an individual of unknown origins in registering for an adventurer's certification.

Although the social status of adventurers is nuanced, obtaining an adventurer's certification is not straightforward.

After all, it is a document that permits one to stay in various cities at will.

Without certain resources or connections, it would be challenging to acquire, even with ample funds.

"Let's find an inn to settle down first; I have something to tell you," Antalya stated before turning to walk in a certain direction with Vivia.

Howard glanced at Greg, who shook his head, indicating he had no information to offer.

Seeing this, Howard could only move closer to Ali, hoping she might know something.

Ali had arrived at the tavern earlier than he did and was recommended by someone, so perhaps she had some insights.

However, Ali simply shook her head, "I know as much as you do."

Although the person who recommended her had hinted at certain things, clearly, some matters were not meant to be openly discussed.

Until complete trust was established, it was better to keep those things to oneself.

Antalya had evidently set her sights on a particular inn beforehand, leading the group through the streets without a moment's hesitation, and arrived directly in front of a rather ordinary-looking three-story building.

Compared to the simple houses they had passed along the way, this three-story structure exuded an air of distinction.

Constructed primarily of brick and stone, the building's walls were made of large, slate-gray blocks interspersed with wooden structures for reinforcement and support.

The roof, sloped in design, was covered with a layer of green tiles, an uncommon feature in the area.

Positioned on a street corner, the building boasted a courtyard in the back, complete with a side entrance for carriages and a dedicated stable.


Pushing the door open, causing the bell to chime, Antalya and the group stepped inside the building.

"This is Lorinda's finest inn, and it's the only place here that can accommodate all of us," she explained.

Despite the substantial flow of people through Lorinda, not many outsiders opted to stay overnight.

In terms of both safety and environment, Breeze City was clearly the superior choice.

For those with carriages, the distance of a few miles was not too daunting.

The ground floor served as a dining area, furnished with several tables that, although appearing somewhat aged, were meticulously cleaned and well-maintained.

A slightly plump woman in her thirties was seated behind the counter, her attention focused on a ledger.

Hearing the sound of the bell, the woman looked up at the newcomers, her expression mingling curiosity with a hint of bewilderment, though she made no overt show of it.

Perhaps due to her age, Antalya managed to negotiate effectively with the innkeeper, securing a lower price for two spacious rooms, each with three beds and a balcony.

"Two large rooms on the second floor by the windows, here are the keys.

Seven silver coins per day, lunch and dinner included," the innkeeper said as she retrieved two keys from beneath the counter and placed them on the surface, her expression still tinged with surprise as she looked at Antalya.

"You can park the carriage in the back courtyard, and there's a stable as well, though we only have regular hay for the horses."

"Thank you," Antalya responded, taking the keys and handing one to Greg, then led the group upstairs.

"Traveling with an Orc for business? What an odd bunch," the innkeeper muttered under her breath as she watched their retreating backs.

Clearly, she had pegged Antalya as a traveling merchant, the type who would be keen on haggling over prices.

After temporarily settling Jelia into one of the rooms, Antalya gathered everyone in the other room, indicating she had something important to discuss.

It was a moment of revelation, and everyone present felt it.

Silence enveloped the room.

Antalya had just shared Harry's quest with the group.

Greg, having been involved in the negotiations from the start, was already aware, so the news was only new to Howard, Ali, and Vivia.

No one spoke at first; all were silently processing the astonishing truth Antalya had revealed.

Their own boss had transformed before their eyes into an adventurer, a level 3 magus.

Howard had learned just yesterday that a level 3 magus in the New World was a highly coveted asset.

Had Antalya chosen to join the military, she could well have been the chief officer of Breeze City's defense forces by now.

A level 3 magus, being officially recognized as such, held a value on the battlefield equivalent to a fully staffed hundred-person unit.

If Antalya was telling the truth, she was now among the most powerful individuals in Breeze City.

"So... what about us?" Howard hesitated for a few seconds before asking, "I mean... the quest."

While surprised by Antalya's capabilities, this revelation wasn't necessarily bad news.

However, the quest between Antalya and Harry was a different matter.

Antalya had not yet made her stance clear on this issue, which surely was the most pressing concern at the moment.


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