Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

Chapter 68 Warning and Invitation

Chapter 68 Warning and Invitation?

Upon arriving at the house of one of the merchants who was a partner in his partnership, Vicente entered that residence without ceremony, going to that man's office.

"Vicente? What are you doing here? I thought we were only going to meet in 2 months!" That man saw the young man with black hair through the glass on one of the walls of his office and got up in surprise from his seat.

Vicente entered the office and said. "We have problems, so I need you to inform our other partners."

"Problems?" This middle-aged man saw the young black-haired man with a little girl in his arms sit down in front of him, but he continued to stand. "What are you talking about? By the way, shouldn't you be in Millfall?"

Vicente got straight to the point. "Colt is dead. While he was returning to the village, a group of men took advantage of his weakened group after an attack and eliminated them because of their guns."

"What?" That man turned pale upon hearing that, even ignoring the unique Magic Gem on Vicente's forehead.

Vicente deepened his speech, aware of who had died and lost their weapons to young Irwin's group, as his men had already updated him on who was closest to the village in the last few days. "I just killed the people who did that, so, for now, we are safe, and there should be no more guns out of our control. But we need some changes in our methods, or something like this will happen to the rest of the groups."

That man was silent for a moment, his mouth hanging open. "Colt, did he really die? But why? Just because of the guns?"

"It is not safe to leave weapons in sight when they are not being used. You and my men in your group should learn from that lesson. When you need them, use your weapons quickly and put them away. There will be people interested in them, capable of killing you if you are not careful."


"What do we do now?" He understood Vicente's recommendation, but he was still worried.

"Don't think too much about what happened to Colt. I'll take care of the problem, and every trip has its risks, so things haven't changed much for us." Vicente replied as he stood up. "Anyway, I have some plans that might help us concerning that. But it will take a few months for that to pay off, so for now, be careful.

Anyway, I will absorb most of Colt's business into my part of the partnership, but I will give some of his contracts to you. Expect contact from my people in a couple of weeks."

"OK." This fellow said, not caring how Vicente wanted to handle it.

But he couldn't help complimenting the shape of this young man's gem. "By the way, congratulations on your awakening. I see you have achieved something good in Millfall... Do you intend to use it to develop our society?"

This merchant, as well as the others in their society, did not know about Vicente's criminal plans. But they knew that the move to Millfall was a sign that their society leader intended to raise the group's operations.

"Hmm, I will soon begin talks with local Millfall families. You and the others will be informed of what I accomplish when something is set."

With those words, Vicente set off back to his home.

A mere warning to his group of merchants to be more careful and change their modus operandi a bit was enough for now. Besides, they only needed to know that he would develop something to help them further regarding their weapons.

Since they didn't need to know the details, Vicente was soon back at his family's home, where the boxes and bags earlier in its main hall had already been largely put into the group's wagons that would be leaving in a few moments.

Seeing his people finishing preparing the vehicles that would leave for Millfall, Vicente left Nina with Eve and collected some more metal items, adding a bit more to his armor.

Unfortunately, he couldn't put much more weight on this armor since he himself didn't have much physical strength to carry much weight.

The best he could do was to carry about 10 kilograms on his body and order his men to carry a few metal items with them as well.

Besides that, he could only rely on whatever metals opponents carried to protect himself and ensure his group's survival in combat.

But Vicente wasn't so worried about not having metals to use. In a world where everyone had coins on them, he would always have something to count on!

But he already had some ambitious plans for the future.

One of them was to acquire a metal carriage.

Anyway, after he gave metallic items to his staff, someone arrived at his residence, disrupting Vicente's plans a bit.

"Vicente... Are you here?" A voice that this young man and Rory knew well sounded, and they both frowned, recognizing the voice of their old teacher from their academy days.

Hearing that, Vicente looked at the necklace around his neck, which he had received from Julian.

Looking at that silver item in the shape of a half-moon, Vicente frowned. He realized that as much as it looked like metal at first glance, he couldn't feel any connection to it.

"Professor Julian, what are you doing here? I didn't expect to find you in the village." Rory saw that strict teacher, who supposedly had left the village 2 years ago after getting a job in a better academy in a big city in the province.

Julian greeted Rory and Vicente and said. "I've been in the village since you left for Millfall."

Eve nodded and said. "Vicente, Julian looked for you right after you left. He came here two days after your group departed."

"You came to the village for me?" Vicente found that odd. contemporary romance

"No," Julian laughed. "I came because I got a job opportunity for my sister, who still works at the Academy of Stars. But I took the opportunity to look you up.

Anyway, hearing that you were in the village, I decided to come and talk to you."

"What do you want, Professor?" Vicente hadn't found out anything about that item yet, since he hadn't had the time or opportunity to do so, then he was curious.

"First, congratulations on awakening your powers. I was curious to see you again, as you were my best student, as I told you before.

I am glad to see such a distinctive Magical Gem in you, Vicente." He said sincerely. "However, I also have an opportunity for you.

I am currently working at the province's second-largest academy, which has access to Seidel Magic College.

Vicente, why don't you accompany me to Ironcrest? I'm sure you can enter the competition for a seat at Seidel Magic College with this Magic Gem.

Even with a Yellow-grade talent, you certainly have what it takes to achieve a place in the most renowned magical institution in the kingdom!"

As a dedicated teacher, Julian had not forgotten Vicente and wanted to see his student again after the awakening to judge whether or not his theories were correct.

As he could see, he was right!

So he couldn't help but invite this young man, hoping he could take him to a higher level of magic.

"Oh? So you're here to invite me?" Vicente smiled at Julian. "Unfortunately, I will have to decline. I have plans that would prevent me from going down such a road, Professor."


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