Taken By A Sinner (The Sinners Series)

Taken By A Sinner: Chapter 33

The first day is a confusing mess. I sleep more than I’m awake.

After telling the police it was my fault, Nikolas dealt with them.

He hasn’t left my side. Unless it’s to use the restroom, he’s at my bedside, watching over me like an avenging angel.

The scruff on his jaw is dark, thickening by the hour. Today he looks thirty-six, the past forty-eight hours taking their toll on him.

“You need to get some rest,” I say, wiggling my fingers in his tight grip. “And I need some blood circulation in my hand.”

He lets go, only to place his hand on my thigh. Looking at me, he blinks a couple of times, then asks, “Why didn’t you tell me about Irene?”

I shrug, the old familiar fear slithering through my veins. “It was what it was.”

“Theresa.” His tone is tight and not negotiable. “Why didn’t you tell me about the Xanax? Why did you keep so many secrets from me?”

I shrug again. “I didn’t think you needed to know.”

Nikolas shakes his head, his features tightening with something akin to heartache. “How could you think that? I need to know everything about you, Theresa.” Moving his hand up to my stomach, his expression turns tender. “It’s time you realize you’re the most important thing in my life.”

My heart kicks in my chest then sets off at a fast pace.

His other hand brushes softly over the bandages around my head. “I married you because I fell in love with you.”

Holy shit. Really?

With my eyes wide on Nikolas, I don’t know what to say. Warmth spreads through my chest as I stare at the man who used to make my life hell.

“I love you,” he admits again, then he chuckles, giving me an incredulous look. “One minute, I still wanted to strangle your pretty little neck, and the next,” he shakes his head, “I found myself in uncharted waters. Madly, deeply, obsessively in love with you.”

I’m struggling to process his confession. “Why?”

“Why did I fall in love with you?” Nikolas gets up and moves to sit on the side of the bed. Resting a hand beside my hip, he leans closer. “From the moment we met, you had a hold on me I couldn’t shake. And now that I know how much it must’ve taken for you to stand your ground against me, Christ, it just makes me love you even more. You’re so fucking brave and strong, Tess.”

My insecurities creep in. After the blow Irene dealt me, I haven’t been able to push them back into the dark hole. “But…” I suck in a breath of air, lowering my eyes from his, “Why do you find me physically attractive?” I feel stupid for asking the question, but I desperately need to hear his answer.

The corner of Nikolas’ mouth lifts in a hot smirk. “For one, your sexy-as-fuck, pornstar-worthy ass. It’s my undoing.” His teeth tug at his bottom lip, and my ovaries threaten to spontaneously combust. “You’re fucking exquisite, Theresa. There’s not an inch of you that doesn’t do it for me.”

Seeing the desire in his eyes, hearing the heat in his voice acts as a soothing balm to my bruised soul.

The door opens, and Athina comes in, carrying an overnight bag. “Hi.” She smiles at her brother before looking at me. “How do you feel?”

“Better.” I start to sit up, and it has Nikolas pulling me into a sitting position. He rests me against his chest, fluffs out and arranges my pillows, then carefully leans me back.

This man.

He’s been so careful and loving, it’s blown my mind.

“I brought you some of your own clothes,” Athina says, then gesturing to the restroom, she asks, “Want me to help you shower and change?”

“I’ll do it,” Nikolas immediately jumps up. He pushes his arms beneath me, then I have to grab hold of his neck as he lifts me off to bed and to his chest – princess style.

I’m carried into the restroom and placed down on the toilet. Unable to not smile, I watch as Nikolas opens the faucets then goes to get the bag from a grinning Athina.

“I’ll get some coffee,” she says before leaving the room.

Nikolas comes into the restroom, and shutting the door behind him, he sets the bag down.

I can’t stop staring at him as he opens the bag, removing my personal belongings. I notice Athina packed some of his clothes as well.

The head of the mafia, the most feared man I know, is currently fussing over me.

“Careful,” I say, my smile widening, “you’ll ruin your badass reputation if someone had to see you fussing over me like this.”

Nikolas sets my brush and toiletry bag on the counter then turns to look at me. “I don’t give a fuck what people think. I’ll make a fucking fuss over my wife whenever I want to.”

My heart. It melts into a pile of goo at my feet.

This is a side of Nikolas people hardly ever see. Loving.

I stare at him until he asks, “What’s that look for?”

Slowly, I shake my head. “Just getting to know my husband.”

His mouth curves up, and leaning down, he presses a kiss to my mouth. “Let’s get you out of the hospital gown,” he mutters as he pulls back.

Instantly I feel self-conscious, which is stupid, seeing as I’ve been naked in front of Nikolas many times before. I swallow past my insecurities and allow him to help me get the gown off.

When I’m naked, I look everywhere but at Nikolas. He helps me stand, then his fingers whisper over my bruised side. “Does it hurt?”

I shake my head, keeping my eyes on his shirt, which disappears when he strips it off. When he’s naked, he maneuvers me into the shower and turns the showerhead, so the spray hits my body and not the bandage around my head.

I watch as he quirts some shower gel onto my loofah, then he proceeds to wash every inch of me.

When he reaches my stomach, I instinctively push his hand away. My face flames up with embarrassment.

Nikolas’ eyes snap to my face, then he frowns, “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head, stepping back until I’m pressed against the tiles. “I’m… it’s stupid.”

Moving closer, he lifts a hand to my chin, nudging my face up. “What’s stupid?”

“I’m just self-conscious,” I admit, finding it easier to talk to him since I laid my darkest demons at his feet yesterday.

A frown darkens his forehead. “About?”

“My body.”

He glances down, then says, “The bruising on your ribs will fade.”

“It’s not that.” I wet my lips, then admit, “I’m not the skinniest.”

Nikolas’ head snaps back, and instantly anger tightens his features. “Where the fuck is this coming from?” Then he realizes something. “Is this Irene’s doing? Did she say something about your body?”

I nod, feeling miserable that I’m even letting it get to me.

Nikolas takes a step back from me. “Eyes on my cock, Tess. I want you to see what the sight of your body does to me.”

My gaze lowers, and I watch as he grows hard until his manhood juts toward me, looking all angry and hungry, and… damn, I love the sight of my man hard for me.

Nikolas closes the distance between us until his hard length presses against my stomach. Pre-cum beads on the head, making me wish I wasn’t injured.

“If you weren’t in the fucking hospital with a head injury, I’d fuck you until all the shit that evil bitch spewed were erased from your mind.” He wraps an arm around me, his hand gripping my left asscheek. “Your body is a masterpiece. It fucking drives me insane. Understand?”

My eyes lock with his. “Yes.”

“Say it, Theresa!”

“My body is a masterpiece.”

“And?” he questions me with a raised eyebrow.

“It fucking drives you insane.”

A satisfied smile spreads over his face. “It’s hot hearing you curse.”

“Yeah?” I whisper as I press closer to him. “I want you to fuck me.”

“Christ, baby, wish I could.” His mouth nips at mine. “Fuck, I wish I could.” Reluctantly, he pulls away from me. “Let’s get out before I forget you were beaten to within an inch of your life.”

With a disgruntled look on my face, I do as he says.

The bruises better heal fast.

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