
Chapter 32

"Most women seem to have more of a bump at 9 weeks," I pointed out while starting at my flat stomach and toned abs. I didn't even look bloated. I had seen woman at two months with definite baby bumps.

Dr. Simpson smiled at our confusion before taking the wand off of my stomach, to poke around with her hands. "You have very good muscle shape. I'm sure you've both seen those picture of Instagram models on the news, eight months pregnant with a flatter stomach than most people on a good day? It because your uterus had more strength so you carry higher, and your abdominal muscles hold the baby closer to your spine. It's possible that no one will even know until you give birth."

After a few moments of silence she spoke up again, "You are young. That's good for the baby. Your placenta seems to be in shape which is a good sign."

"The baby should be born around... mid May. Do you think getting back to lacrosse by July is feasible?" I said with a hopeful tone in my voice. I knew by the look Finn was giving me, that he didn't want me to get my hopes up. Just because I was hopeful didn't mean I thought it would work out. There's a difference.

Dr. Simpson gestured for me to get dressed again before taking her gloves off and tossing them in a metal garbage can. "Yes, I understand you are headed to the Olympics. Theoretically you should easily make August. The beginning of July if you are pushing it." She responded calmly, trying to sell me false dreams.

"What's the story with sports and exercise?" Finn quipped, crossing his arms to hide his anxiousness. He was rooting for me but he wouldn't allow himself to get happy yet. Missing too much training might take me off of the starting line up. "You should be good until the fifth month. Contact activities should be stopped around four months. But exercise is good. I would encourage you to keep working out with the team and doing drills until the birth. Of course that's subject to change, should complications arise. I wouldn't want your heart rate to get above 160 though, so keep the reparations and intensity a little lower. Weight lifting has to stop around five months also."

I could feel my smile getting bigger by the second. The weight of Finn's gaze was like a mother scolding her child silently.

"Are you currently taking any medication?" The Doctor asked while picking up the tablet from the counter.

"I have Xanax and sleeping pills for emergencies but I haven't taken them at all." I commented. Luckily I hated them, so I didn't take them the week off he trial. I had been three or four weeks pregnant then. That was crazy. Maybe that's why I passed out so easily. Who knows, I wasn't a doctor.

Dr. Simpson nodded and put that in her files. "Avoid taking those until after the birth. I wouldn't try to avoid taking medication in general but if you must, read the back of the package. How you had anything to drink or smoke since around August 15th?"

"No. I've been on a strict diet for training."

"Okay. Let's actually do questions before the blood testing. Open floor; hit me with your questions." She gestured toward her body with both hands.

"Should we be concerned with genetic testing?" I asked curiously. I knew it didn't affect many people, but I was concerned none the less.

She shook her head again. "I wouldn't. We can if you want, but neither of you have a history of health issues and you are no where near the high risk category."

"Could past vaginal scaring or tearing affect the health of the placenta?" I was surprised to hear the question come from Finn. It was surprisingly comforting to hear him this concerned about minor details that I hadn't even thought about. It made my heart warm.

The Doctor's dark eyes darted between the two of us before glancing back at her tablet and taping around on it. "It shouldn't. I've seen your files, and they seem to indicate no permanent damages that could affect your ability to carry a baby to term. Just as a general rule; any bleeding or sharp curling pain for longer than an hour should warrant a visit to the ER." She nodded sympathetically while shooting me 'the look'. I seemed to get that a lot since my trial was so public. Everyone thought I needed pitying.

I nodded and silence filled the room. That seemed to be all our questions for now. Dr. Sampson got the memo and stood while speaking. "I'll send in the nurse for blood tests and then the lab will process the sample. It should take a week to get the results. Call me, should you have any questions or concerns. I'll see you again at the four month mark. Once the blood tests come in, I'll send a list of vitamins and medications that I recommend. I'm sure your Olympic Team doctors will be in contact once you tell them the news." She smiled before going the exit the room.

Finn and I echoed our thanks before she left and the blonde tech from earlier came in and prepared me for the blood tests. Once my arm was cleaned and the tube inserted, she started to ask me more questions.

"Are you aware of your blood type?"


"Do you have an iron deficiency?"


"Are you aware of any circulatory or blood pressure issues?" "No."

By the time we finally got out of there, it was time for classes. Training had ended a few minutes ago so there was no point in going back. Finn's free hand held mine on the console of the car while he drove. The sound of Jello Biafra filled the car in the background. I smiled at the song, Finn and I first truly got along while listening to this song and going to the beach.

"Tormenting our kid with sports seems to be pushing it but I think torture via music is acceptable." Finn commented while a smirk on his lips.

"Sam and Chris might not be the best choice in God Fathers then. They wouldn't survive another one of us. They despise our favorite bands with a passion." I commented while the song changed to a Jake Hill song. "Mhm...perhaps Jason would be a better choice."

"He might turn our kid against us." I laughed at the thought. Jason would turn our baby into a mini him in no time. I don't think I could put up with two versions of that smart ass. "We're doomed."

"That we are."

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