Symphony of Death

Chapter 23

Cain’s POV

“Cain,” Serra rasped. She was naked and chained to the same altar in the same position as Anastasia.

Clarissa mutilated her flawless face and body beyond recognition.

I knew she was not going to hold back. After all, Serra was an abettor in the conspiracy Amon brewed along with Harold against us.

Their arrogance had to pay a hefty sum for their choices.

“Stop it, Clarissa. Just stop.” Serra screamed again in agony. “Make her stop, Cain. Please.” She begged. “It’s not what you think. I didn’t go against you.”

“Serra!” Amon rushed inside while looking around frantically. “What are you doing to my daughter?” Aeron and Xic pushed him back when he tried to come near Altar. “Cain!”

Amon let out a guttural sound when his body thrust into one of the pillars.

“Did you say something, Amon?” I counterfeited. “I couldn’t hear you.”

His mouth let out nothing but choking sounds. He gripped his neck with both hands and fell to his knees. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets and he looked at me petrified.

“This is what you forgot in your thirst for more.”

“Pl-ea-se-” Amon crawled across the floor towards me. “Me-r-cy” he hollered like a slaughtered animal when speared bonds coiled around his body and sunk into his skin.

“I can’t decide what to make of this arrogance?” I circled Serra in a predatory manner. “I lost a wing and you vermin think you can do as you please.” I palmed Serra’s forehead and faced Amon. “You sent your mutt to my home.”

“I was wrong,” Amon groveled when Serra started screaming in pain. “I will do as you say. I’ll be your loyal dog forever. Please, spare my daughter.”

“Why?” I growled. “I warned you and your daughter, didn’t I?” I glared at Serra. “She will suffer the consequences for her insolence” I eyed him scornfully. “And so will you.”

“We were tricked by Harold,” Amon whispered breathlessly. “He said we could take out the wing from the girl–”

“What gave you the right?” I snarled in his face. “Who said you or anyone could touch her?” I gutted him hard and pulled his head back up by his hair. “The great Marquise of Hell, Amon” I laughed evilly. “I will show you who stands on the top.”

I left him and went back to Serra. The air stirred and turned black around the Altar when I opened the rift to Ochelas.

“Cain,” Amon yelled after me. “Have mercy. Please, have mercy.”

“You think I don’t know what part you played that time?” His eyes widened in dread. “You thought I was not aware of the betrayal that contributed to the demise of my kin,” I scorned, “in the name of friendship and loyalty.”

“I was wrong. I did wrong. I forgot my place.” Amon struggled against the binds when Seisc appeared from the black smoke and circled Serra.

“There was a tradition before our times, no?” I mused darkly. “The open Sabbath, was it? The demons fucked each other openly on the altar like this and others used to get high and grind while watching them. Am I right?”

Serra screamed when one of the Seisc climbed on top of her and began touching her sex.

“They don’t only feed on humans. They have a terrifying sexual appetite too.” I smirked at Amon.

“Stop. I beg you.” Amon wailed watching her daughter. “I didn’t know what I was doing. I am your culprit, Oh great Dalazar Daemmone. Please spare my daughter. I forgot my place. Show mercy, my lord-”

“Did you ever see me showing mercy?” I cut him sharply. “You wanted to have a taste of ultimate power?” My eyes switched. “Oh you are going to” I snickered at his mortified expressions, “to the very end.”

The Seisc stopped when I came to the altar.

“How does it feel to taste your own medicine, Serra?”

“Cain,” Serra sobbed, “it was all for you.” She smiled when I motioned for the Seisc to get off her and freed her limbs. “I knew you wouldn’t do that to me.”

I lifted her by cradling her head and helped her off the altar.

“I love you, Cain. I love you so much.” She threw her head back when I palmed her face.

“I,” Serra closed her eyes when I inched toward her mouth, “don’t care.”

Blood oozed out of her mouth and she stared at me with petrified eyes when I shoved her hand in her chest and slashed it open to her throat.

“How dare a filth like you touch her?” I dug my fingers in her face and turned her body around.

The ground split open behind her and I threw her in it.

“Go,” Seisc dived after her on my command and tore her body to pieces while fucking and eating her alive. “That should teach you a lesson.”

“NO!” Amon howled after her. “Serra!”

“You are going to kill him too?” Aeron asked me. “He knows where Harold is?”

“It doesn’t matter anymore,” I responded coldly. “It’s an open war now.” My form shifted with each step I took toward Amon. “I don’t need to play petty tricks to lure them out of their holes,” I grabbed Amon by the throat and lifted him off the ground. “Those cowards will meet their fate in due time.”

I squeezed the life out of him. His demon form resurfaced and I smirked when his body burst to pieces from inside in my hold.

“I’m born from death,” I jerked my hand off his remains in disgust. “You disappoint me.”

Aeron and Xic looked at the dagger I threw to my left. The cloaked figure stopped before the dagger’s blade could have torn open its way from his face to the pillar it pierced.

“Harold,” I sneered.

“Damn,” he removed his cloak and faced me squarely. “I was almost there.” He grinned wickedly and came to us leisurely. “I was a fool to believe I could fool you.”

Aeron, Xic, and Clarissa stepped next to me defensively.

“I don’t see Einar,” he looked around in fake dismay. “Anyways, that was some execution. It gave me chills, Cain. How can you be so barbaric?” Harold shook his head. “He was pretty useful.”

“Is this your plan?” I scoffed.

“The plan is to hunt the treasure you are protecting so possessively.” He smirked tauntingly. “I couldn’t shake you for a millennium and a little trick stirred the sleeping beast to the surface!”

I kept a neutral face to his instigation.

“Here is the thing,” I raised my hand to stop my brothers from lunging at him. I didn’t move an inch when he leaned over my shoulder. “Your precious is going to be attacked every second from now on.”

“Harold!” Xic snarled at him.

“An open war you said?” He looked back at me. “I was getting bored of this lameness as well.” He spread his arms wide and stepped back. “Let’s do everything face to face.”

“Do you even know how to?” I jeered. “All you can do is manipulate behind the back and stab when no one is looking.”

“Ouch!” I stopped his sword between my thumb and index finger. His lap dogs appeared behind him.

I gritted my teeth when Xoran stood behind Harold in his jackal form.

“Damn you, Cain.” Harold snarled at me and jumped back a few steps. “I’ll be seeing you soon, my lord. Your little treasure to be exact.” He laughed evilly. “Protect her well.”

“Leave him be,” I stopped Xic and Clarissa from going after him.

“Why did you let him leave?” Xic yelled angrily. “We could have ended this chase.” He looked away while muttering profanities. “This is what I never understood. Why do you play this game when you already know?”

“Xic!” Aeron warned. “Cool it.”

“Fuck it,” he snapped back. “I can’t be cool. We haven’t even found the way to break the curse yet and you have added more trouble to our plate. How are you going to protect Anastasia round the clock?” He asked gravely. “Harold is going to do exactly what he said.”

“Are you falling for her again?” Clarissa questioned. “Why did you react so severely? What does it matter if she–”

“Clarissa!” I thundered at her. “Don’t forget that she has my wing.” I got in her face. “I will protect her until I take it back.”

“You are treading the wrong path again, Cain” Clarissa gritted lowly. “This is not how you planned to do it.”

“You mind your fucking business, Clarissa.” I hissed back. “I won’t spare anyone coming in my way.” She looked away from me. “Find out why Einar isn’t back yet.” I opened the portal. “The real battle has begun.”

I stepped inside the portal and came out into my room.

I unbuttoned my shirt and went to the couch. My head was throbbing and I grunted in annoyance while pouring myself a drink. I leaned back and looked at the bed.

Anastasia was in the same position I left her in. I frowned at the blanket that was covering her face. I gulped down the drink and went to her.

My frown turned to a dark scowl when I pulled down the blanket from her face ever so slowly.

Anastasia was lying on her back with her arms resting on either side of her head like a baby. Her face bore all the innocence of the world.

I grimaced at the ugly black bruise on her left wrist and the red marks on her cheeks.

“That punishment was not enough.” I sat next to her and held her arm.

I kissed her wrist and watched it heal in my hold. I kissed her other wrist and tucked her arms under the blanket before moving to her ankles.

“You are sly without even trying,” I kissed her cheeks. My eyes lowered to her slightly parted lips.

A mere look and thought of kissing them hard aroused me insanely.

It angered me to infinity.

The thought of someone else looking at her body and touching it before me.

If someone was going to soil her innocence, it would be me.

I cursed under my breath when I found myself leaning toward her captivating mouth.


A soft sigh escaped her plush lips when I kissed her closed eyes. I put my forehead against her and sighed.

Are you falling for her again?

I could feel the malevolence thump back into my veins.

“You are merely a carrier of my power, Anastasia. I will protect you with my life until the day I take it back.” I took a step back from her. “I won’t ever see you in a different light.”


Anastasia’s POV

I neither heard about Serra nor I saw her again after that night. My intuition pinched me but I decided not to probe into the details.

The lesser I knew about their issues, the better.

Angie and Nat left the next morning without any knowledge of the previous night. I didn’t tell them either. It was best to keep it to myself because they wouldn’t be able to take it well.

My thoughts and emotions were so jumbled that I couldn’t think straight. The distance seemed the only solution to my inner turmoil right now.

I looked at my wrist and sighed.

Sneaky ass.

I told him not to heal me and he did when I was asleep. I was flustered and furious at the same time. Not only that but I was burning in shame of that weak moment that coerced me to cling to him.

I couldn’t face Cain properly after that.

I was aware of his intentions but these weird emotions were growing inside me.

I shouldn’t mistake his ulterior motives for kindness.

I only knew he wanted his wing out of me but I didn’t know to what extent he was going to have it.

It bothered and scared me at the same time.

“Will I ever get a break from this?” I stared at my reflection in the full-length mirror. My eyes moved down to my abdomen and I recalled Angie’s words.

I raised my hand and looked at the ring on my finger.

It was urging me to try and see.

“What’s wrong?” I spun wildly when Cain spoke from behind me. He surveyed the surroundings before focusing his hard gaze on me.

“I was just-” I was at a loss for words and highly flustered of my doing. “Accidentally rubbed the ring!” Cain cocked one brow at this. “You really come like that?”

“You touched it, didn’t you?” He poked my forehead with his finger. “Shae is with you so there is no need to worry.”

“Will you pick me up today as well?” I blurted out without thinking. His smirk was a teasing one and so was the look in his eyes. “I mean if you are busy and all.”

“I’ll be here.” Cain replied huskily. “Anything else?”

“I-” my gaze moved from his eyes to his lips. Why am I staring? “Nothing.” I snapped myself out of this stupid stupor.

“You need a break,” Cain bemused.

I couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were always mesmerizing but now I found myself falling deeper into their abyss each time he looked at me.

“Are you sure you are okay?” My lips parted slightly when Cain cupped my cheek. “You are warm.”

“You should go.” I removed his hand from my face and took a tentative step back. “I’ll be careful with the ring from now on.” I forced a small smile.

For a moment, Cain stared at me silently. I breathed out loudly when he disappeared without saying anything further.

It was a blessing that he didn’t poked and probed.

I was startled by my phone. I frowned when I saw Hannah’s number on the screen.

“Hello,” I came out of the stitching room.

“I need to meet you Anastasia.” My brows creased at the urgency in her voice. “I need to tell you something.”

“Is everything okay with you? Why do you sound so disturbed?”

“I’m coming to your studio. I have called Cain too. It’s really important. I need to talk to you two together.”

I looked at my phone when she disconnected the call.

“Hello, Anastasia,” Shae appeared by my side immediately when Logan came with his ever-so-green smile. “Are you still upset with me?”

“Should I not be?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you want?”

“I don’t want anything, Anastasia.” Logan let out a sigh. “I came to ask about your well-being.”

“I’m fine,” I replied curtly.

“I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for the way I treated you. I was wrong.” Logan stood before me. “I had no right to say the things I said. Please forgive me.”

“As long as you don’t repeat your actions.” I looked at the coffee cup he extended toward me.

“If you accept this, I’ll believe you accepted my apology.” Logan smiled genuinely. “I want to start over as friends.” I took the cup from him. “Thank you, Anastasia. I promise I will never disappoint you again.” Logan said sincerely. “I’ll leave you to your work now. Call me if you need any help.”

“He is plotting something,” Shae said when he left. “He is not the type to let things go this easily.”

“Let’s forget about him and get back to work.” I took a sip of the coffee. “We got a wedding dress to prepare.”

“Ana?” Shae called me when I stopped suddenly. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” I shook my head a little and smiled at her. “I felt dizzy for a moment. Let’s go.”

We went back to the stitching room.

The morning turned to noon and the noon morphed into the evening but Hannah didn’t come. I waited one extra hour at the studio after closing but to no avail. I was tired now and I had no more energy left.

I could not stay any longer.

I locked the studio and left the building with Shae.

“My head feels so heavy.” I rubbed my forehead tiredly.

I looked around but there were no signs of Cain. He said he was going to pick me but he wasn’t here yet. He has been picking and dropping me since the incident with Serra.

He was never late.

“Did Cain say something to you?” I asked Shae.

“Anastasia?” We looked back. “What’s wrong?” Logan’s brows knitted together in worry. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s–” I froze upon turning the corner. My head spun when Cain looked up and at me.

His cold eyes and blood-smeared face turned my blood cold with fear. He was holding Hannah’s body.

Her dead body.

It reminded me of that night at Rose Raven where I found him in the same position and condition with Laurel.

How can I be so stupid to think that there could be something more to him?

I choked on my saliva when I looked at Hannah again. There was a hole in her chest and her body was covered with multiple cuts and grave wounds. Her blood created a pool around her on the cold concrete.

“You” I struggled to breathe, “kil-led h-er!” I wobbled back when Cain stood up. “Why did you kill her? Why? Because she found out something disgusting about you? No!” I screamed when Cain took a step toward me. “How can you be so horrible?”

His eyes narrowed dangerously when I cowered away from him.

“Don’t come near me, you monster. It’s all clear to me now.”

“Get here,” Cain growled. “Ana,” he yelled angrily when I ran back to Logan.

“You were right. I should have listened to you.” I buried my face in his chest. “Please, take me from here. I don’t want to go with him.”


“Didn’t you hear what she said?” Logan wrapped his arm around my shoulders protectively. “It’s over for you, Cain. Your tricks won’t work anymore.”

“Ana!” I looked at Cain from my periphery. “Come here.” He extended his bloody hand for me. “You are not thinking straight. Come to me.”

“Never,” I shook my head. “I will never come to a murderer and monster like you,” I screamed at him.

“ANASTASIA!” My heart dropped in fear when his eyes switched.

“I will protect you, Ana,” Logan whispered in my ear. “Will you trust me?” I looked into his glowing eyes. They looked similar to Cain’s except for the red slits. “Let me take you to Istrigus. He won’t be able to come there.”

“Don’t you dare!” Cain snarled at Logan.

“Yes,” I said hurriedly. “I’ll go wherever you will take me.” I looked back at Cain again, “Take me away from him.”

“Ana!” Cain roared when Logan raised a whirlpool of blue flames around us.

I felt dizzy with the sudden motion and gasped loudly when it stopped.

“Hey!” Logan held me when I swayed. “Take a deep breath.” I did. “You will be fine now.” He smiled and turned me around. “Welcome to Istrigus.”

“This,” I was awestruck, “this is your home?”

The place looked nothing less than heaven. Everything was glowing softly as far as I could see. The night was drowned in the beautiful blue hues.

“Yours too,” I looked behind me.

A man in a royal blue gown and with long platinum hair tied in a ponytail came to us with two males and females.

“Welcome to Istrigus, Anastasia.” I shifted uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze. His eyes held an unknown pain and adoration but I couldn’t find and feel any familiarity between us. “I’m Sorush. It’s finally a pleasure to meet you, Anastasia.”

“You know me?” I asked, confused. “As in you know me as Anastasia or–”

“You should rest now, child.” He turned to Logan. “Take her to her room and let her rest for tonight. Rest can wait.”

“Who is he?” I asked Logan once they were gone.

“You can say he is like the head of Blue Bloods,” Logan informed me. “Come on, I’ll take you to your room.” He ushered me along the same path. “Everything will make sense once you will feel better in the morning.”

I looked at Logan questioningly when he stopped suddenly and held my hand.

“Why are you taking it off?” I frowned when he took off Cain’s ring and put it in his pocket.

“You won’t need it anymore,” he smiled at me. “And it’s better not to take chances.” I nodded and let him guide me. My eyes moved to our entwined hands. “You will be safe here, Anastasia.” Logan looked back at me. “I promise I will protect you from him.”

“Will you kill him for me?” I asked emotionlessly. “Can you make him disappear forever?”

“Is that what you want?” Logan asked me. “I will do what you want, Anastasia. You just have to ask.”

“Kill him” I looked him dead in the eye. “I want you to kill Cain and keep your vow to me.”

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