Symphony of Death

Chapter 2

Anastasia’s POV

“So, you mean to say!” I rubbed my temples while looking at Angie, “we don’t have the same bosses but we have the same bosses at the same time?”

“Yes.” Angie sipped her iced tea loudly. “Three brothers and one sister to be correct. I thought unity didn’t exist when it came to such powerful families but look at them.”

“Oh, god!” I rubbed my face tiredly.

“Weird, no?” Angie was being bitterly sarcastic. “It won’t be surprising if Nat came and banged her head on the table because one of them overtook the hotel she is working for.”

We looked at the door when it opened and closed with a bang and Nat came like a tornado. She slumped on the couch and looked between us.

“I have met the worst man in the whole universe today.” Nat grumbled. “What?”

We narrated our whole day to Nat.

“Fucking amazing,” Nat groaned.

“We are in a far better situation, Nat,” Angie patted her shoulder. “When I think about what Ana will go through every day” she shook her head at me and there was zero sympathy in the whole action. “I feel blessed. Cain Black of all people!”

I fumed at her non stop teasing.

“You have no idea, Ana. He is a nightmare. I’m not joking.”

“I’m sure he is better since he is the eldest. The actual nightmare is their third son” Nat looked at me helplessly. “Xic Black.”

“They are fraternal twins. Aeron and Xic Black.” Angie elaborated, much to Nat’s annoyance. “Is he that bad?”

“Don’t get me started.” Nat groaned. “My head is already aching.”

We fell silent.

“They kept low profiles all their lives.” Nat spoke suddenly. “Forget about the children, people haven’t seen their parents or grandparents even once. And they have been doing business since?” She looked between us.

“Forever!” Nat chuckled dryly. “The paparazzi don’t even need to climb hills and cross oceans anymore.”

“Business, babes,” Angie scoffed. “That’s how the business world works. Especially when it runs down generation after generation. My dad told us this all our lives.” She made a face. “It’s scary.”

“What happened to your hands?” Nat asked me. “Why are they covered with gashes? Why is your wrist bandaged as well?”

“She got into an accident,” Angie informed her. “The car stopped in time but she fell on the road out of shock.”

“I’m fine,” I assured Nat.

“Don’t take Angie’s bullshit seriously.” Nat threw her a warning glare. “They own an empire and it’s normal for them to take over businesses. It doesn’t mean you are going to see Cain Black every day.”

“Fingers crossed” I snickered.

“Aeron seemed decent enough.” We looked at Angie. “He was cold but he didn’t seem nightmarish.” She slammed her glass on the table out of blue. “Maybe, it’s a façade.”

“Maybe, we should stop talking about them.” I stood up and stretched. “Call me out when you are done.”

“Angie is cooking?” Nat confirmed. “Yes,” she pumped her fist when I nodded.

“She earned the honor with her stupidity, fair and square.” I dodged the cushion Angie threw my way. “Get to work, darling.” I blew her a kiss and ran to my room.

I closed the door and leaned against it while looking at my bandaged wrist.

“Cain Black”


Cain’s POV

“Why did you have to live in such desolation?” Aeron poured whiskey into two glasses and came to me. “You are missing all the fun.”

“I don’t need fun,” I took the glass from him without looking his way. “The fewer people I come across, the better.”

“They have done a fine job with the renovations. I can hardly see any traces of our past lives.” Aeron admired the grand hall.

I went to the grand window and looked out.

Our estate was on the outskirts of the city and was well hidden among the thick foliage and tall trees. There was no life around it, just everlasting darkness.

For as long as I could remember.

This was our ancestral home but its history was painted with blood and death. Aeron and Xic left after our parents’ death. Clarissa stayed until she came of age. They rarely came back after that night.

I never left since that incident.

“The place hasn’t changed one bit.” Aeron stood next to me and looked out as well. “You don’t have to live up to your reputation all the time.”

“Is Xic back?” I asked coldly.

“Not yet.” Aeron sipped his drink. “You know how he is and you decided to let him control that club and hotel. Clary is not happy about it. She wanted that hotel.”

“It was necessary,” I observed the liquor. “When it comes to dealing with matters regarding the Underworld, he is the best.”

“If you say so” Aeron shrugged nonchalantly. “World has changed a lot, hasn’t it?” I kept my silence. “How are you feeling? You came out after so many years.”

“I chose not to come out,” I muttered darkly. “It was not the time yet.” I glanced at him sideways. “Were there any disruptions?”

“Are you asking about Crawford specifically?” Aeron asked back. “I hardly believe they will mess up this time. They know what their undesired ventures could lead them to now that you are back to the surface.”

“I don’t want those Blue Bloods involved right now.” I spat venomously. “They won’t attack until we attack first.” I chuckled. “Keep them on their toes. I want to see what they will do to stop me this time.”

“They never learn, do they?” Aeron scoffed bitterly.

“Keep a close eye on their activities, Aeron.” I sipped my drink slowly. “And Harold too.”

I observed the rings on my left thumb, index, and ring finger.

“He is like his father. He wants the same thing.” I fisted my hand. “We never know when he will strike.”

“Did you sense it?” My jaw locked angrily. “How are you going to find–” The fireplace lit and the flames rose. “Your anger will unravel your truth, brother.”

The window shattered and the shards flew toward Aeron.

“My bad!” Aeron casually touched the cut on his cheek. It healed within a blink. “I’ll leave you to your privacy.” He finished his drink. “I’m going back to my place.”

“Tell Xic to come find me.” Aeron nodded and left.

The moon peeped from behind the dark clouds and illuminated the garden.

“It won’t be long,” I whispered darkly. The lights flared and everything rattled in the room. “You will be in my hands very soon.”


Anastasia’s POV

I smiled at the sky. It was particularly beautiful tonight. I leaned against the window and sighed in contentment.

“It’s the full moon.”

The lights in my room began to flicker out of blue. I stumbled back when the darkness engulfed everything.

“No” I closed my eyes. “Angie! Nat!”

“Ana,” I rushed toward their voices blindly. “Hey,” Angie caught me when I tripped. “Relax!”

“The lights. Turn on the lights” I didn’t dare to open my eyes.

“Calm down” Angie sank to the floor with me. “Ana, you need to relax.”

“There is nothing here.” Nat brushed my hair out of my face. “I have lit the whole room.” I opened my eyes reluctantly. “It’s okay, Ana.”

Nat lit candles and turned on the emergency lights throughout my room. Not a single nook was left in darkness.

Angie grabbed my left wrist and removed the bandage.

“Ana!” She rubbed her thumb over the now red skin. “What is this?”

“I don’t know.” I looked at the mark as well. “I don’t know why it is happening again.”

“You need to tell Laurel” Nat held my shoulders. “Maybe, that’s why she has been trying to reach you.”

“This blackout doesn’t seem normal.” Angie looked at Nat. “It’s better if she doesn’t sleep alone tonight.”

“No excuses.” Nat helped me up. “We are camping in your room tonight.” I smiled at them in gratitude. “Let’s have dinner and then crash.”

I walked out of my room with them. I couldn’t help but look back toward my window.

A pair of those ghostly eyes were still lurking there.

Every day was a battle in itself after that night.

It was not the same anymore.

Mr. Cain Black turned the Allure upside down within a week. Every day was a new challenge and utterly exhausting. The Blackstone Co. accepted nothing less than perfection. There was no place for nonsense in their perfect world.

It would have been better if they had stayed hidden.

“Don’t be a dastard, Ana.” I rebuked myself. “You didn’t work hard to quit midway.” I adjusted the bag on my shoulder and stepped out of the elevator.

Everyone was running or rushing for something.

“Ana,” Hannah rushed toward me. “Come with me.” She dragged me away. “Slight change of plans, Ana. The show is not next week.” My brows furrowed. “It’s in three days at Moonlight and guess who is going to cover the whole event?” I shook my head slowly. “Yes. DS-con.”

“No shit!” Hannah sat in her chair and held her head with both hands. “What is this, Hannah?”

“You better not say anything stupid.” I was boggled by her warning. “Cain is waiting for you at the hotel.”

“He is there?” Hannah raised one brow in response. “Isn’t he supposed to watch everything from his throne on the top?” I pointed upward.

“I don’t know what nonsense you are talking about” Hannah replied solemnly. “He wants updates on all the changes. Take Nia with you. Sean and Ryan are already there with rest.”

“You are sending me to my doom, Hannah.” I huffed. “I am not even halfway done with the new changes. He didn’t even like one.”

“We don’t have time.” Hannah opened her laptop. “Show the world what you got, Ms. Grace.”

“You mean a certain douche.” Hannah chuckled at my expressions.

“Take my car.” She tossed the keys toward me. “You might need to travel around all day.”

I heaved a sigh and left for Moonlight with Nia.


“Ana!” Sean came running. “Cain is waiting for you.” He took the boxes from me. “You come with me, Nia. Ana, fifth floor.”

We parted ways.

“This is going to be taxing.” I stepped out on the said floor.

There were only three doors; one on left, one on right, and the third at the far end of the hallway.

“He didn’t tell me which door to enter.” I frowned.

“They open to the same place” Cain looked down at me when I turned wildly. My wrist began to tingle at the mere sight of him. “Are you done with the changes?” He walked past me and I followed him.

“Yes.” I looked around the whole place. It was spacious but empty and with no windows.

And too dimly lit to my liking.

“There is no one here.” I was a bit intimidated to be alone with him.

“You will be working here for the next three days.” Cain informed me coldly.

I handed him the designs.

“The show will be conducted on the floor above.” He spoke while skimming the new designs. “It will be very convenient for props and dresses to be moved from here without a problem.”

Cain looked at me suddenly.

“What?” The silence he decided to put in between his talking didn’t seem safe. “What?” I was baffled when he tore the designs ruthlessly and threw them on the floor.

“They are rubbish.” I seethed at his bluntness. “Hannah spoke highly of you. But I feel otherwise. How do you expect to get the dresses ready? You are not even past the threshold.” His insults were as ruthless as him.

“What’s wrong with them?” I saw my hard work in tatters on the floor. “I redid them exactly as you told me.”

“You didn’t.” My brows furrowed at this.

“How much darker do you want it to be?” I said exasperatedly. “They don’t look for the living but the dead and demons.” His jaw twitched. “What am I getting wrong?”

“The designs are bland. The cuts are outdated. The color scheme is off. They contradict the idea.” My jaw dropped slightly at his answer. “Your designs seemed to be for a third-grade high school show.”

I fisted my hands behind my back at his ruthless bashing.

“Did you even get the concept?” Cain scoffed. “I don’t think you will succeed even if you add cobwebs and bones to it.”

His mouth has no filter.

“Should I enlighten you further or is this enough?” Cain sneered. “The Allure is not some average brand, Ms. Grace. It won’t ever be now that I have taken over it.”

The tingle in my wrist turned to a painful throb when he loomed over me menacingly.

“Nothing below perfect,” Cain whispered darkly.

It was hard not to feel intimidated under his overbearing presence. There was something very strong and dark about him.

“It will be done.” I avoided looking at him directly. “I need more lights inside this place if you expect to see the work to your taste. I can’t work under such a damp environment no matter how gothic the theme is.”

He walked out on me without answering.

“Damn, son of a cookie.” I looked around one more time. I was not liking it here one bit but I had no choice. “I hope he sends someone before I choke myself to death.” I rolled my sleeves and put my hair up in a high tail.

I worked all day without a break. I was going to shove his insults back in his face with my dresses.

“You should take a break, Ana. You have been at it for hours.” Nia slumped on the chair. “This is crazy.”

“Crazy is the new motto of The Allure, Nia.” I moved between the table and the mannequin nonstop. “Better get used to it.”

“You are passionate about it, aren’t you?” I looked at Nia briefly. “I have never seen anyone make that many designs on such short notice.”

“I didn’t make them all from scratch, Nia. I had made many drafts. I just tinkered with a few.” Nia hummed in response.

“Damn it, man. Things keep on coming” Sean rushed toward us. “They changed the models. All of them.”

“What?” Our shock was mutual. “Why is Hannah putting up with all this? This is utter nonsense.” Nia spat.

“It’s not in her hands, Nia. She has someone above her as well.” Sean patted her shoulder. “They are setting the ramp.” Nia got up to go with Sean. “Don’t stay here too late. We might leave directly from there.”

“Leave on time. It’s plenty late already.” Nia yelled on her way out. “And stop pinning the pins to your shoulders and waist. You are going to hurt yourself.”

“So much for the sake of it.” I hissed when I accidentally pushed the pin in my shoulder while taking it out. “Ow, that hurts.”

I didn’t know how many times I had done that since yesterday.

I rubbed my hands on my pants and got off the ladder. This dress had a pretty long train. I had to keep it on a high platform to keep it from damage.

I grabbed my phone from the table and called Nat. I was so busy that I completely forgot to eat for the whole day.

“Hey” I went back to the mannequin after grabbing the desired accessories. “Are you still here?”

“Yeah. What about you?”

“Working.” I started mounting the butterfly on the left side of the waistline. The skeleton of a butterfly. “Angie is here as well?”

“No idea. I saw her in the morning. The days are so busy that I barely get to breathe.”

“Same, girl” I balanced the phone between my ear and shoulder and opened the packet of black pearls. Another pin dug in my skin again. “Ah, damn.”

“What happened?” I cursed when the packet slipped and all the pearls scattered on the floor. “Ana? Are you okay?”

“Damn pins.” I scowled at the floor for no reason. “I think my shoulder is bleeding.”

“You are going to get an infection at this rate.” Nat scolded. “Stop pinning them on your body.”

“Yeah, yeah. Nat, can you send something up? I didn’t eat anything all day and I’m starving right now.”

“You should have told me earlier. I’ll come up.”

“Thanks, Nat. Bye.” I ended the call and tucked the phone in the back pocket of my jeans. “That stings.”

I massaged my shoulder and turned to get off the ladder to pick the pearls from the floor.

“Oh, fuck!” I lost my footing. “Oh–” My eyes widened in dread when the ladder almost collided with the dress.


Mr. Cain Black was fast enough to act.

I could only gasp when Cain held me by my waist and carried me off the ladder. He balanced the mannequin and ladder at the same time.

I didn’t know how he managed to do this when he didn’t even move an inch.

“Careful” Cain looked at me stoically. “You won’t want to cause unnecessary trouble.”

“I didn’t hear you.” I felt dumb for acting like I saw a ghost. “Hey, what are you doing?” I was flabbergasted when he pushed my hair back from my left shoulder and pulled the shirt off it rather roughly.

This was the height of rudeness.

“You are bleeding.” His cold fingers skimmed over my bruised skin. It felt soothing and excruciating at the same time.

I flexed my shoulder to break his touch and fixed my shirt.

“It’s nothing.” My left wrist began pulsing again. “I–”

Cain pulled me into his body. His arms wound around my waist in an iron hold to keep me in place.

His growl turned my blood cold. His expressions were shifting from neutral to something dark and sinister.

And his eyes…

They scared the shit out of me. His pupils dilated and completely drowned the beautiful turquoise.

He was looking so menacing.

I squirmed in his hold to break free. I couldn’t push him back because my arms were sandwiched between our chests.

“Mr. Black?” He didn’t bat a lash. “Please, let go. You are hurting me.”

“Listen to the poor girl, brother.” Cain left me with a jerk. “Look how afraid she is of you.” Xic mused while looking between us. “Or am I interrupting something?” His eyes held dark humor.

These brothers don’t stand on the same level as other humans.

Cain and Xic were equally tall while Aeron was shorter by an inch. They were black-haired and well-built as well with only distinguished eye colors.

Aeron’s eyes were blue and Xic’s were black.

They were as strong as Cain but there seemed a hellish difference between them.

“What are you doing here?” Cain snapped at Xic.

“It’s my territory, brother,” Xic retorted arrogantly. “Your guest has arrived.” Cain left in a heartbeat. “You should go home, babes. It’s late and not safe for a pretty little thing like you at all.”

I turned red in embarrassment.

“Later” Xic winked at me and turned on his heels. His path collided with Nat whose expressions morphed into disgust without her permission.

“See you later, love.” Xic chuckled at Nat and whistled away.

“You made such a disgusting face in your boss’s face.” Nat didn’t seem guilty.

“I despise him. I loathe him. He disgusts me.” Nat spat venomously. “It’s not even past a week and he already slept with more than half of the female staff.”

Nat slammed the plate on the table angrily and passed me a sandwich.

“I caught him in the act yesterday and he had the nerve to continue right before my eyes.”

I was genuinely surprised.

“Expect anything from men like them,” Nat said bitterly. “They are blessed with everything so they think they have the right to behave however they please.”

“Pity on them for having such beliefs.” I took one bite of my sandwich. “They don’t seem normal at all. Not in any way.”

“Tell me about it.” Nat frowned at me. “What’s wrong with your face? Why are you so red?”

“Nothing,” I mumbled. “Let’s get by whatever the day after tomorrow has in store for us.”

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