Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 72 Storm

"Ah!" Nancy yelled in panic after realizing that she had just stepped on the ground, completely naked while Charles sat comfortably on the couch.

The smug smile etched on his face showcased how he liked the view at that very moment.

Immediately, Nancy covered her flustered face with both of her hands. How could she be so careless when she was with him? Yes, she might have frequently been staying over recently, but that didn't permit her to be so reckless.

And right now, groggy as she still was from her sleep, Nancy was in a state of panic. When she was back to her senses, she quickly covered her chest with her palms.

While her feet were glued on the ground, Charles slowly stood up and glanced at her voluptuous figure.

An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes while his Adam's apple moved. With an unreadable expression on his face, he grabbed her clothes and walked towards her.

His heavy footsteps almost danced with the rhythm of Nancy's heartbeat. And for every inch he moved closer, it was if she was getting close to having a seizure for the embarrassment.

'This is so shameful!' she uttered to herself. This might not be the first time she lost her face in front of Charles, but after the first one, she swore she'd never do such humiliating thing again. Now, look at the position she was in!

But it seemed that Charles didn't see it quite like that.

He even let out a chuckle, seeing as how Nancy tried to cover her face.

He put a coat on her, and with his cold lips close to her ear, he whispered temptingly, "Let go of your hands. I didn't see anything."

With that remark, Nancy's face was even redder, fully aware that he was deliberately teasing her.

"Charles, you like to strip women, don't you?" she snarled, trying to cover up her humiliation by pretending to be mad.

"Yes, that must be it! That must be why you're smiling like a crook right now!" she added with furrowed brows. "Alright. You had a fever last night, and I had to take care of you."

After saying that, Charles burst into another laughter. He obviously enjoyed being in this position.

"You are lovely, Nancy!" he praised, trying to soothe the grimace and fury out of her face.

"Charles, I don't have time to talk about this with you now. I want to look for my baby, Nadia." Even when her face was still blushing, Nancy managed to talk rationally. After all, he took care of her just because of her fever, so there was no need to make a fuss about it.

Nadia was more important than everything right now. She just couldn't sit around and do nothing while her daughter was in some place she didn't know about.

So, without saying another word, she ignored his silliness and quickly put on her clothes.

Then after some time, she and Charles walked out of the house and found that tons of people were also outside.

"Oh, it's all a mess. What should I do now?" This place was too far away from the city, so the city's government couldn't send people over.

"Ne can do it ourselves." someone responded after hearing her banter.

"This typhoon damaged a lot of areas. I guess no one will come here to travel for a while," another resident uttered with a heavy sigh.

The place was filled with guest houses intended for tourists. And since the storm had destroyed most of them, the tourism business wouldn't boom for a while--much to the disappointment of the locals. The views and sceneries in the area were perfect during other seasons, especially during summer. Now that such weather had sailed through the place, it would be a while before they could restore it. In fact, to protect the original ecology, the local government refrained from paving the roads with asphalt. They retained the natural muddy roads to preserve the inherent beauty of their environment. And since it had become muddy after the rained poured, it was difficult to drive past the place.

"Sir, we " Nancy stepped forward and asked politely, but she was immediately cut off by the local.

"Hey, who are you?" The old man was shocked to see an unfamiliar face in their area. After all, the weather forecast had restricted citizens from traveling far.

"Sir, I just want to ask something. We can't contact anyone because of the bad signal, so I was wondering how we can drive through this muddy road." Although Nancy was polite, a hint of desperation was coated in her voice.

"Oh, okay." The old man looked into the distance and said, "Do you see that road over there? It's a paved track, so you can drive your car without any difficulty. After that, you can go south." Nancy listened thoroughly while nodding her head. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Thank you," she expressed, slightly bowing her head to show respect.

"You are welcome." The man smiled shyly and bowed his head too.

"Alright. We'll be on our way," she replied before turning to Charles.

Folks in the rural areas were indeed more courteous than those in the metro.

The customs of respect were evidently embellished in their everyday communication and interaction. In fact, although Nancy was a complete stranger to this place, she somehow felt comfortable talking with one of the locals.

More than that, they even helped Charles push the car out of the mud.

After securing his car was revived, Charles immediately tried to contact Jay, but to his dismay, the signal was still off.

At the same time, Jay was also very anxious. After fixing the window with Hanson until late last night, he made a phone call to Charles, but it didn't get through.

Although the typhoon had left the city, he was still worried. More than that, he couldn't go out at all, and even if he could, he didn't know where Charles and Nancy were.

So left with no choice, he instructed Hanson and the other people to go back.

As for him, he stayed with Doris, who was sleeping soundly on the couch.

With a deep sigh and bitter smile, he glanced at her peaceful face.

They were just very busy a while ago, and the next thing he knew, she had already dozed off.

"Hey, Doris, wake up." He nudged her gently.

"What are you doing? I'm sleeping," Doris impatiently uttered, curling up on the sofa and going back to sleep.

Although it was the end of summer, the weather was quite cold because of the typhoon. So, fearing that Doris might catch a cold if he let her sleep on the couch, Jay picked her up.

He just wanted to take her to the bedroom so she could sleep without getting disturbed.

But to his surprise, the moment he held her in his arms, Doris found it too comforting and cooped up closer to his chest.

She was like a lovely kitten who wanted to be caressed.

He certainly had never seen this woman act this way before. In fact, he was utterly surprised.

It turned out that this wild girl also had some gentle and soft nerves in her body.

At the thought of that, a smirk was plastered on his face while walking towards the bedroom. Then, upon entering, he gently put her on the bed and tucked her in. But as he was about to leave, she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck, stopping him from moving.

"Please stay with me, Jay. I'm afraid of the typhoon."

Although her eyes were closed, her soft voice exhibited that her consciousness was clear.

'What a stubborn girl!' Jay thought, smirking again. If she was this afraid, why didn't she say it outright?

But Doris would die first before she admitted to needing his help. Right now, she even pretended to be talking in her sleep, although she was fully awake.

After all, she was still a woman, and she needed a man's care.

"Okay, I'll stay here with you," Jay softly said, removing her arms around his neck.

Then, he lay down beside her.

It was the first time he had been so gentle to a woman.

Doris smiled happily as she felt the sheets sank beside her.

Then, feeling a sense of relief now that he was beside her, she fell asleep after a few minutes.

And her rhythmic breathing signaled that she was, indeed, soundly sleeping again.

'What a heartless girl! How could she sleep when I'm lying beside her?

Is she not taking me as a man? She's not even bothered that a man is lying beside her? What does she take me for? A pet?' Jay ranted to himself while shaking his head.

At this moment, he felt used by this woman!

How could she tell him to stay with her and not even pay attention when he did?

When she didn't need him, she always shouted at him with disgust. The Doris he knew was wildly arrogant and unreasonable.

It must be the reason why Jay was so interested in her. She was different from all the women he had met before.

"Why are you making me feel this way?" he muttered, caressing Doris' face with his fingers. While these two lay on the bed, the wind gradually stopped, and the rain slowly calmed down outside, indicating that the typhoon had finally left the city.

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