Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 118 1 Had No Choice But To Obey

Nancy gave a tight-lipped smile.

Although she had told Charles that she would be with Ethan, it was just a lie. She couldn't be with Ethan, because she didn't love him.

If she chose to be with Ethan, their relationship would be nothing but a lie. It would result in both of them getting hurt by each other's rejection. She couldn't let that happen.

How could she engage with Ethan when she knew they wouldn't be happy with each other?

It'd be nothing but a torturing burden to both of them.

She raised her eyes and focused on Ethan. "Ethan, I have always seen you as my elder brother. I have told you that numerous times. Now, how can I overlook that feeling of mine and give in to the current situation?" Nancy said quietly. She didn't want to hurt Ethan with harsh words, neither could she keep shut about the circumstances they were stuck in.

However, Ethan's words next had her taken aback. "But I don't want to be your brother anymore. You don't have to use that excuse to drive me away. If we get in a relationship, they won't have any improper topic to gossip about us. If we get engaged, we can both shut their mouths and also find comfort in ourselves. Wouldn't that be killing two birds with one stone? It would solve half of our problems. What do you think?"

Nancy was shocked by his words. She never had expected even in her dreams, Ethan would say something like that.

It was true that Ethan had wanted to date her before. She thought it was because he loved her. But now, when he put it like that, he wanted nothing but to get rid of the trouble.

He didn't like to be the subject of everyone's indecent discussion. He didn't want to be trapped by the rumors anymore. And the best way to get rid of it was to start a relationship with her.

This was even more wrong. To cover up a rumor that wasn't even half-truth, was more unrighteous. It was like jumping from one pit of fire to another, bigger and hotter one. She could not allow that.

"I don't agree, Ethan. We don't even love each other. If we get into a relationship now, we would be hurting for the rest of our lives. It's like two poor people hugging each other to warm up in the snowy night, in order not to be frozen to death. I cannot live like that. Death would be much better in that case. Besides, such a relationship is also too vulnerable to withstand the time and test. I'm sorry if I sound harsh but I can't do that Ethan," Nancy blurted whatever that was inside her before she stood up. She turned to leave but could not.

Ethan's sudden grip on her arm had her stop in her tracks. He then abruptly pulled her towards him as she came crashing on his chest. Her back pressed against his chest as she lost her balance to stand straight causing her to lean on him.

"Nancy, why don't you understand? I love you and I want to marry you. I request you, please don't refuse me. Let's be together, Nancy. I promise I'll love you with all of me. Nancy please, promise me that you'll marry me." As he pronounced these words, he began to caress her face, then her throat and arms. It seemed like he was holding onto something to save himself.

Nancy felt out of breath for a few seconds before she breathed out, "Ethan! Ethan stop! Please don't do something that will make us regret in the future. We are not the right one for each other. We really are not!" Nancy respected Ethan and that was the reason she still tried to be polite and asked him to let her go. If they stopped themselves now from doing anything regrettable, she could then still pretend that everything was normal between her and Ethan. Then, there wouldn't be any problem being friends like before.

To Nancy, even if he said such words, he was still like an elder brother.

However, regardless of Nancy's struggle, Ethan continued to caress her. His warm breath fell into her bare neck erupting goose bumps. This was wrong. This was not what she had expected from him. Ethan rubbed his hand into her hair passionately and pleaded, "Nancy, it took me a long time to muster up the courage to express my feelings to you. How can you refuse me when I am telling you how much I love you? How can you turn me down? I already told you that I don't mind having Nadia as my daughter. What else do you want me to do? Tell me, I'll do that too. Please, Nancy."

Now she couldn't take it anymore. "I didn't ask you to do anything Ethan. Please, just let me go. You're making me uncomfortable now. Don't bother me like this. Let me go!" Nancy had lost her calm by now. She raised her voice at the end and jerked herself to lose his hold on her.

"No, I won't. I cannot let you go unless you promise me! " Ethan was equally adamant of having Nancy's consent. He was determined not to let Nancy go away from him. He held her close to his chest tightly and tried to fondle her the wrong and forceful way.

Nancy was small and fragile compared to his bigger frame. So, she couldn't get away from him no matter how hard she tried. Ethan would have his way with her if not fortunately Charles came in at that exact moment.

He pulled Ethan away from Nancy with a violent jerk then grabbed Nancy's hand tightly. "Nancy, let's get out of here, now." "Charles?" Nancy was stupefied at Charles's sudden presence. "What are you doing here?" Now that she got rid of Ethan's hold, she easily went with Charles.

"Don't you want me to come to your rescue?" Charles taunted, sounding jealous, "Am I interrupting you from having your special time with him?"

"I didn't mean it that way. I mean...I didn't expect to see you here. It- It's good to meet you," Nancy stuttered but she was telling nothing but the truth. If it weren't for Charles, she didn't know what would have happened today. Ethan's intention wasn't good anymore.

Ethan on the other side, didn't expect Charles would come there and take Nancy with him. The sudden incident had him flabbergasted for a good minute until he returned to his senses.

"Don't be silly, Nancy. He can do nothing but hurt you over and over again. Because that's what he had been doing till now. I don't understand why you are still with him," Ethan shouted aloud at Nancy. But it was Charles who answered on her behalf, "Ethan, you get this straight inside your head. I'm going to get engaged to Nancy, which means she'll be my wife soon! So get your hands and thoughts off of her. Do you understand?" Charles snarled in a condescending manner.

"Oh? Then what about the rumors about me and her? Don't you really care about them? Or you've gone deaf? Or worse, have you gone blind and don't anymore care about those pictures?" Ethan sneered viciously.

"Ethan! Stop it now!" Nancy yelled, her whole body was trembling from anger and embarrassment. Her head hurt from pain.

Charles growled matching Ethan's tone. "I love her beyond some petty photos. I don't care about them. Ethan, we're getting engaged. I'm warning you. Don't even think to bother Nancy!"

"In that case, I wish you two would live happily together forever!" Ethan smirked with an evil glint in his eyes.

"I don't need your blessings. Let's go, Nancy!" After that, Charles grabbed Nancy's hand and pulled her away and out with him.

It was a bright sunny day.

But inside the car the weather turned gloomy as both of them were silent. Nancy was sitting on the passenger seat with her head bowed and hands clasped together. She was too spent to form any words. Charles stared at her sideways and frowned. Nancy's appearance today was of a total stranger to him. As far as he knew Nancy, she was a girl with a lot of hope in her eyes. She was a person full of youth and vitality.

She always liked smiling. And when she smiled, she seemed to reflect the sunshine.

But today it was all off. Smiling was a faraway act to do when her eyes even didn't have the glee in them. They were empty, confused and pained.

He couldn't see Nancy like this. She shouldn't look this pale.

Charles's eyebrows knitted in a deep frown. He was both angry about the latest incident and worried for Nancy. But overall he felt sorry for her. She had been enduring a lot of pain lately and he couldn't let that happen anymore. Charles's jaws clenched as he turned forward and focused on the road. He drove the car to the lakeside without a word. When they reached the destination, he shut down the engine, lit a cigarette and leaned against the seat.

Nancy noticed their surroundings, confused/ "Why are we here, Charles? You should have driven me home, not here." Nancy blinked back her tears that were threatening to fall down while asking Charles in a wavering voice.

"Nancy, let's get engaged!" Charles answered her question firmly, coming straight to the point.

Nancy looked at him as her eyes widened. Fear and panic flashed across them. She wasn't expecting he would choose those words as his response.

She sighed, "Charles, I have a child. Why are you even persistent into marrying me? I can't love you the way you want!"

Charles didn't respond immediately. Instead he took a few deep puffs of his cigarette before throwing it away. Once done with the cigarette, he turned his head to Nancy and stared at her unwaveringly with his sharp and overbearing eyes.

"Nancy, the woman I love can only be mine for the rest of my life! I hope I made myself absolutely clear here," he announced with his firm tone.

"Please, Charles, don't make it hard for me. Just let me go," Nancy begged. The inside of her heart was breaking into pieces but she couldn't show it to him.

"No! I can't let you go, Nancy. I love you," Charles confirmed in a low and husky voice before leaning towards her.

"Don't, Charles!" Nancy whispered, dodging his advancement subconsciously. But she also knew it was useless. She loved this man in front of her and she didn't have enough strength left to refuse him anymore.

Charles also knew, even if she tried hard to repulse him, Nancy loved him. So, he didn't focus on her words, instead leaned forward and closed the minimum distance between them. Passion flared as they gave in kissing each other with equal yearning. They didn't care how much time passed during their heated moment before Charles let Nancy go satisfiedly. Nancy looked out the window as her face took a shade of crimson after that hot and needed kiss.

Charles didn't say anything else thereafter as he took her straight to a top international dress customization department.

The car halted before the store as Charles climbed out of it.

He rounded the car to reach to the other side to open the door for Nancy.

"Charles, is this necessary?" Nancy asked nervously.

"I give you no choice, Nancy," Charles said firmly and held out his hand for Nancy who took it before getting out of the car as well.

They walked into the dress designing department hand in hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Fu." All the staff of the department immediately came to welcome them. But when they saw Nancy by Charles's side, they couldn't help but to regard her with an obscure look. "Are the dresses I ordered, all ready?" Charles asked without further ado.

"Yes, Mr. Fu, they are ready," the manager answered politely.

"Good," Charles responded. "Go and have a try," he asked Nancy with a gentle tone.

It was now beyond Nancy's hand. She had no other option than to submit to Charles and obey him.

"Come with me, Miss," the manager said politely.

Nancy glanced at Charles for his consent. When he blinked once, she nodded and followed the manager.

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