Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love

Chapter 113 1 Don't Want To Hear That Answer

After Ethan left, Nancy's shoulders slouched forward as she dropped her eyes to the floor. How did she end up here? She released a heavy defeated sigh before picking up her clothes and putting them on. Fannie and Doris came in at that moment. They looked at Nancy worriedly for a moment before Fannie broke the silence. "Nancy, I know that you think I am the one behind this unfortunate incident. But trust me, sister. I am not. I don't know who did all this but the only way we can find this out is if we seek a police investigation. Let's call the police and sort out the matter. This is the only way we can find out who was behind everything that took place. Besides, it'll remove your doubts and prove my innocence," Fannie suggested. But she was far from calm. She said all of that gritting her teeth, while trying to keep her calm.

The unfortunate incident had spread through the internet at breakneck speed. Nancy feared now that everyone knew, people on the Internet must be blaming her for all that happened.

If she went out now, she would face everyone's wrath if anything.

"I'll call the police," Doris quietly informed before calling the police.

There was no other way to solve the issue now. The matter had already spread, and they would only be helped if they went to seek legal help.

After the call they were asked to pay a visit to the police station. So, Doris and Nancy went to the police station to lodge a record of the incident. Then they went to the nursing home.

Nancy wore a sad face all the way to the nursing home. She was breaking inside. Her entire body was cold and shivering often whenever the flash of that unfortunate incident was flashing through her mind. She felt like falling into hell.

Doris noticed Nancy's saddened state. It worried her to look at her. "How about I stay?" Doris offered politely.

But Nancy refused right away. "No, Doris. It's alright. Don't worry about me." Nancy managed a forced smile at Doris to assure her.

Doris nodded. "Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. Remember that I'm always with you no matter what." Doris gave a comforting pat on Nancy's shoulder as she said so.

"Yes, I will."

After Doris left, Nancy went to Jade where Nadia was accompanying her. When Jade saw Nancy she tried to speak. "Nancy, Nancy..." But she could only manage to utter Nancy's name in a broken accent. Although Jade was bedridden, she could easily read the expression Nancy's face held. Nancy wasn't happy.

Which was when Nadia pointed out, "Mommy, Grandma wants to know what happened to you." Nadia was cautious the whole time since the moment Nancy walked in. She didn't want to hurt Nancy so she chose the words carefully to say to her Mommy.

Besides, she wanted to know what happened to Mommy as well. Nancy didn't look happy and that part was clearly noticeable.

"Nothing, my baby." Nancy leaned forward and hugged Nadia in a warm embrace. She needed the warmth of her child for comfort. "I'm fine."

Even though Nancy said she was fine, Nadia wasn't convinced. She knew Nancy wasn't fine. It made her worried.

"I want to call Daddy," Nadia said quietly, sensing the seriousness that hung in the room.

Nancy shook her head denying her, "No. You shouldn't bother Uncle Charles anymore. He is a busy man. He cannot always talk to you."

As Nadia brought up Charles' name, Nancy felt a pang in her heart.

Just recently he had announced their engagement. And now she was stuck in this scandal defaming Charles' name along with herself. Charles must be very angry with the news.

This must be the reason why he hadn't yet called her. He must feel disdainful to call and question her about the incident.

Nancy knew that everything that had happened yesterday was caused by the announcement of Charles' engagement to her. Someone wasn't happy with the news of them getting together. There were quite a few people who didn't want Charles to marry her. What happened yesterday was a way for some of them to take revenge on her.

Nancy prayed inwardly, that Charles would work out the reason and understand their evil intention.

When Jade's condition stabilized a few hours later, Nancy returned to her work.

However, when she reached the hospital, people threw strange stares at her. It made her feel uneasy. Some of them even avoided her as if she was infected with an untouchable disease. Jessie however came forward only to spill hurtful words. Her taunting tone was enough to make someone's skin crawl. "You know what Nancy? People cannot escape their destiny. If something meant to happen, you cannot stop it. It is how it is. Distinct people are destined to lead certain kinds of life. That's exactly what happened to you. You had desired beyond your capabilities and now you lost everything." Jessie's words were dripping with sarcasm.

Nancy gave her a tight-lipped smile. If she remained indifferent now that'd be for the best.

"I'd say Dr. Nancy, you marry Ethan. He is also a good person. Think about it like that. If you marry him, all the gossip will die down. No one will have anything to talk about against you," Jessie added, when Nancy didn't say anything.

"Nothing happened between him and me. So, there's nothing anyway to talk about," Nancy countered indifferently. "Besides, I don't love him. Also I don't want to hurt him."

"You are so stubborn, Dr. Nancy!" Jessie shrugged and then she left. Nancy too went back home with Nadia.

It was evident that Jessie was taking pleasure in Nancy's misfortune.

But it didn't affect Nancy. Because it didn't matter to her what someone thought about her. She knew what she was and it was enough for her.

However, as Jessie talked about Ethan, Nancy thought about him. Since the unfortunate, Ethan had disappeared from Nancy's sight. She didn't know where he was right now.

"Mommy, Bobby talked to me today," Nadia suddenly exclaimed, interrupting Nancy's train of thoughts.

"What did he say?" Nancy asked eagerly. She was concerned about Bobby.

"He said that we will be your flower kids when you and Daddy get engaged," Nadia relayed earnestly.

"Do not make up things in your head Nadia. Never again mention this to me. You understand?" Nancy chided Nadia softly.

"I promise Mommy, I am not lying to you. Bobby told me that." Nadia pouted as she said so.

Nancy sighed as she noticed Nadia's sad face before she mumbled, "I won't get engaged to Charles." Her heart shattered into pieces while uttering these words. It ached so furiously that she felt she would faint.

"But, Bobby said that Daddy has been preparing for the engagement. He has personally instructed the seamstresses to make your wedding dress royally beautiful. Also my and Bobby's clothes are also ready." Nadia wanted her Mommy and Daddy to be together as quickly as possible.

"Stop it Nadia. Go, take a shower and go to bed," Nancy scolded Nadia, making the kid pout. When she saw that Nadia had gone upset with her words, she pulled her closer and then took her clothes off. "Honey, don't get upset please. Just don't mention the engagement anymore."

"But," Nadia started but she dared not say anything anymore now that Nancy had asked her not to.

The same night, Nancy dreamed of her marriage. She saw herself in her wedding dress and she was happily smiling. Their wedding was taking place on a sunny day as the sun was shining bright soaking her in its golden light.

She saw Charles standing at the altar as she made through the aisle to him. He also had a big and bright smile on his face. When she reached the altar, Charles took her hands on his as he stood beside her. He kissed her hand, and then smiled at her longingly. "Nancy, I love you. Do you love me?"

Nancy wanted to scream from top of her lungs, "Yes Charles, I love you! I love you so much!"

But the words seemed to get stuck somewhere in her throat. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't form a single word or make a small sound.

All of a sudden it started raining heavily

and Charles disappeared from before her eyes.

Everyone else was also gone.

Only person standing on the vast field of mud was Nancy herself, in her wedding dress.

She was the only one. Crying bitterly but she wasn't able to make any sound.

The sun was also gone in a blink of an eye and the rain started pouring heavily.

"Charles!" Nancy searched for him everywhere but couldn't find him. She panicked and shouted aloud his name. Which was when she gasped awake from her dream.

She was panting and her clothes were all drenched in sweat.

Few moments of taking rest and calming her nerves she got up from her bed and poured herself a glass of water. The painful truth hit like a cannonball. In everyone's eyes, her engagement to Charles was nothing but a joke. No one supported their decision of getting engaged.

Everyone considered it ridiculous and now they were getting proven right.

The next day, after having breakfast with Nadia Nancy took her to the kindergarten.

However, she didn't expect she'd meet Charles there.

After parking the car, both she and Nadia got out of it. Nadia kissed her on the cheek before she went ahead and entered the kindergarten by herself.

"Mommy! I missed you so much!" Nancy shifted her attention when she heard the familiar voice of Bobby.

Nancy turned hastily and saw Bobby getting out of the car with his school bag tucked on his back. Bobby ran towards her while Charles climbed out of the car.

Nancy saw Charles' expressionless face before she focused on Bobby.

"I missed you too, Bobby."1 Nancy crouched down before the little boy and pulled him into a loving embrace.

Bobby pulled back and gave a kiss on Nancy's cheek.

"Don't be sad Mommy. We will meet you again tomorrow. Are you happy now?" Bobby chortled happily.

Nancy however dodged his question by saying, "Bobby, you're getting late for class. See, all the children have gone to their classes. The class is about to begin. Hurry now." Nancy tousled Bobby's hair dotingly and urged him to go to his class.

Bobby nodded happily. "Okay, Mommy. Bye." Bobby gave another kiss on Nancy's cheek and then ran towards the school gate and went inside.

"Bye." Nancy waved back with a smile on her face.

After Bobby disappeared into the kindergarten, she stood up and found that Charles was intently looking at her. She doubted he had even strayed his eyes from her.

Nancy shifted her weight from one foot to another as the awkward silence settled between them. She didn't know how to start the conversation.

A while later when the silence was too much to bear she gulped the embarrassment down her throat and broke it by saying, "Good morning, Mr. Fu."

Charles gave a tight lipped smile. Then he completely ignored her words and snubbed, "Nancy, you didn't answer Bobby's question." What do you mean?" Nancy blinked, averted her eyes. "Playing dumb I see," he retorted.

Nancy took a deep breath before slowly raising her eyes and finally meeting his gaze.

She did a quick scrutiny of his disheveled appearance. His eyes were bloodshot and he had grown an overnight stubble.

However, his hair was neat.

He looked undoubtedly tired.

It was obvious that these days were keeping him on his toes. He was having a hard time taking care of unwanted issues.

Definitely, he wasn't fine.

He didn't even dare to turn on his computer last night in fear that the gossip about Nancy and Ethan would turn out to be true. He would shatter to pieces if that was true.

He was afraid that he would explode. He was afraid that he'd run to Nancy and confront her about the incident. He wanted to know badly whether it was true, and whether what happened between her and Ethan was true. He had feared if he went to Nancy he wouldn't be able to keep his cool and would burst out in anger.

He was afraid of her answer. He feared she'd say, it was all true.

So, he stayed shut in his room. He pretended he knew nothing and saw nothing online.

He couldn't even sleep last night. All he could do was drink and smoke until he could no longer think about the incident.

The next day, he wanted to lock himself in the room as well, but then he took Bobby to the Kindergarten.

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