Surrogate For Alpha Dom

Chapter 394

Chapter 393: Family Reunited Ella
I get tenser and tenser as the minutes pass, and I can feel Sinclair behind me
likewise desperate to know what’s going on behind that closed door. A priestess
comes by after a little while, offering us tea or seats, but we decline both
because we’re very aware that we’re definitely not going to be able to relax until
that door opens. Which it doesn’t do for a very, very long time.
“What are they even doing in there?” I ask, especially when I hear a little muffled
shout come through that makes me go quite still. Sinclair chuckles a little and I
spin to look up at him, not understanding what he means –
But then, when I see his raised eyebrow and the smirk on his face, I realize...
“Oh, EW!” I say, swatting at him with my free hand, the one that’s not holding the
sleeping baby. “They are so not-”
“Roger would,” he murmurs, smiling at me and still laughing lightly.
“Cora would not,” I say, vehement. “ This is mom’s house.”
“She didn’t seem to mind about such activities outside the RV, where dad could
have seen, were he to glance out the window.”
“Yeah, but that’s your dad,” I say, rolling my eyes and returning my focus to the
door. “It’s different.”
“The Goddess is all-seeing,” Sinclair says, and I can feel him shrug. “She’ll spy
if she wants to – what’s the difference between having s3x in her temple as

opposed to anywhere else -”
But I hiss at him to shut up, looking around anxiously to make sure he wasn’t
overhead. Chuckling, wrapping his arms around my waist again, Sinclair pulls
me back against him. “If the baby weren’t here,” he murmurs low into my ear,
pulling my hips back against him...
“Enough out of you,” I chide, though I can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips.
Because...well, my mate is very difficult to resist. Even in an inappropriate
religious space dedicated to my mom.
Luckily, the door opens then, and Cora and Roger come striding out, wide
smiles stretching over both of their faces as they speak softly to each other,
holding hands, completely oblivious to our tense waiting.
“Cora!” I cry, thrilled and excited. Her head spins to me and her smile widens as
I dash over to her. But as I get within three feet of her I sense –
What is that? I stop dead in my tracks, raising my nose to sniff the air – but I
can’t –
Sinclair, coming up behind me, likewise goes stiff and then starts to laugh. “Well,
congratulations, sister-in -law,” he says, and I glance back to see a wide grin on
his face. “Looks like you’re a wolf after all.”
“WHAT!” I shout, completely shocked and throwing an arm around my sister,
tugging her to me and holding the baby to my side so that he doesn’t get

smushed. “Are you serious?! Are you?” And then I back off a little again, sniffing
around her and sensing –
Yes – yes –
I may not have been able to smell it months ago, before I was immersed in this
world – but my sister has a wolf, and it’s awake in her, and prowling around.
Cora laughs, thrilled. “Yes, Ella,” she says, nodding and stepping away from me
but holding my hand. “I have a wolf. Um, I’m still human, so I can’t shift? But
apparently,” she shrugs, shaking her head still in disbelief, “I have always had a
wolf soul, inherited from mom. I just...never knew. She helped me find it.”
“Wow,” I say, squeezing her hand and staring at her, baffled and thrilled. ” Cora,
that’s amazing – I mean, I think it’s amazing. Do you?”
Thrilled, my sister nods and then takes her hand from mine, stepping back with
her mate. “I do. We both do.” And then she puts a hand on her stomach, still
smiling at me. “The baby does too.”
“WHAT!” I shout again, laughing and stumbling forward, putting my hand on her
stomach as if I could feel the baby too. “You can feel the baby now?!”
“Yes,” she says, happy. “I can feel him through the bond.”
And then my eyes snap up to her and I feel my eyes instantly fill with tears as
her words echo in my mind. “Feel...feel him?”
Slowly, grinning, Cora begins to nod.” Him.”

“A baby boy!” I shout, estatic, and my mate wisely slips my own baby boy from
my arms before I hurl myself at my sister, wrapping her up as tight as I can as I
cry against her, so happy – so incredibly excited for her, and for me to have a
nephew, and for Rafe to have a best friendBecause it’s not optional anymore Rafe and the baby are going to be best
friends –
“Ella!” Cora laughs, holding me tight and shaking her head. “It’s all right! You’re
choking me!”
But I have a hard time letting her go, so my sister just laughs and holds me as
we rock back and forth, united in our joy.
When I am able to pull back a little and wipe my tears from my face, I see my
own mate with his arm around his brother’s shoulder, beaming at him as Roger
looks down at Rafe in Sinclair’s arms, probably considering that he’s going to
have his own baby just like that in such a short amount of time.
“Do you know?” I ask, turning back to Cora. “How long the pregnancy will be?”
She pauses and then lets out a frustrated little groan, turning to Roger. “Roger,
we forgot to ask!”
“Ask what?” he asks, looking up at her. “How long the pregnancy will be for a
hybrid baby,” she answers, sighing, and I see Sinclair perk up at this, interested
in the confirmation that the baby will indeed be part wolf and part human.
“Well, whatever,” Roger says with a shrug. “The baby will tell us when he’s

ready, or whatever.”
“Or whatever,” Cora repeats, crossing her arms and glaring at him. “Easy for
you to say.”
“Yes,” Roger says, grinning smugly at her but also with a great deal of love. I
“Yes, it is.”
And then I laugh and loop my arm in my sister’s, tugging her with me as I head
for the temple’s door. “Come on, let’s go tell Henry,” I say, smiling at her.
“Okay,” Cora says, sighing with happiness as if she hasn’t got a care in the
world and I suppose she doesn’t 1 anymore, not after our mother answered so
many of her questions. We give our thanks and goodbyes at the door to the
priestess who let us in, who looks incredibly happy for us all, and then we start
down the long stone steps just as the sky starts to turn pink with dusk.
“We still have so much to tell you,” Cora says, holding my hand as we trot
excitedly down the steps.
“Really?” I ask, fascinated. What else is there to know?
“Yeah,” Roger says, smirking at his brother.
“Like what?” Sinclair says casually, clearly not really believing that there could
be much else beyond the amazing news we’ve all just received.
“Like, that Rafe’s got magic powers,” Roger says with a wide grin. Sinclair and I
both go dead still in our tracks, turning to our siblings. Then, as one, we both

say the same thing: “Wait, what?”
And Roger and Cora burst into laughter

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