Surreptitious Alliance: Marked by My Alien Slave

Chapter 14

Rain pov. The Red-Light district is a messy place to be if you end up on the wrong side of it, so I stay far away from the trading grounds, walking around the restaurants to find myself a job. After my lazy day with Morgan yesterday I figured it was time to seriously go looking for a job, since the dark web wasn't helping much. Knowing I can see my sister whenever I want is also a big motivator so when another shop owner tells me they don't have any jobs for me now, I don't give up despite being here for the better part of the morning. Sighing I push through the doors of another restaurant, finding a purple haired woman standing behind a desk. She doesn't smell quite human so I know she must be a Fairie, being too tan and lacking the red eyes to be a vampire.

"Good Day, table for one?" I shake my head, and she nods. "How many then?"

"I don't want a table." I tell her and she frowns. "I was wondering if you might have a job for me?" As if I told her I'm giving her a million coins her eyes light up and she rushes out from behind the counter.

"Oh, you have perfect timing. A waiter of mine just quit this morning. Can you read?" I nod and her grin widens. "Perfect. When can you start?" I rub the back of my head; it can't be this easy right? Not after all I've heard is 'no' all morning. "Now." I tell her and she starts bouncing on the balls of her feet, her smile becoming impossibly bright.

"Great. I'm Bubbles. Follow me." She waves me behind her as she takes off and I take longer strides than usual to keep up with her. "We have two floors, fourteen VIP rooms, a break room and a changing room." She rants as she leads me through a large dining room, through a sliding door and down a short hallway. "This is my office." She explains as we enter the room at the end of the hallway. "Stand on the scanner." She instructs and I do so, watching the blue light scan me, like Bing did almost two weeks ago at Morgan's now. "You're a slave?" I nod, knowing I haven't signed a contract with Morgan yet and the branding on my back speaks for itself.

"Yes, my owner doesn't like that word though so..." Bubbles nods and presses a few things on the screen of her desk.

"Alright, everything is set, come, let me show you around." So, she does. She takes me through the entire place showing me the kitchen, VIP rooms and break room. She shows me the alley the employees leave through at the end of the night and then shows me the break room that already has a locker with my name on it and a uniform, complete with shoes. "You put that on when you get here, you leave it here when you go. Otherwise, I don't care what you arrive in, as long as it's respectful. Are there any days you can't work?" I look at her with wide eyes and she giggles a little. "How about you show me your owners schedule and I'll work something out for you according to that?" I nod and we head back to her office. We go through Morgan's schedule that Bing generates for me and Bubbles matches my schedule to hers, so I'll be home an hour before she comes home. Then she sends me a menu of the restaurant and tells me to go home and study it before my first shift tomorrow. I wave her goodbye and make my way home with a smile on my face.


"You got a job?" Morgan asks, taking a bite of her chicken she decided to cook tonight. I nod, drinking the shake she made for me along with my meal. This time he put in mango, and I think I like this better than the berries she's been using. "When do you start?" She asks with a sigh, and I frown.

"Tomorrow at ten. Are you upset?" I truly hope she's not.

"I'm not upset, Rain. I guess I just didn't expect you to get one this fast. I was hoping you'd be home when I got home a little bit longer." I can see how uncomfortable it is for her to admit that, and it makes me appreciate it more. "I'm still going to be home when you get home. Always." I promise her, though I don't know if I should be making the promise.

"Yeah, okay. I have some work to do. You should get to sleep early." She gets up from her seat and comes around to kiss me. It's not a short kiss, our kisses never are and when she pulls away, I feel different. I frown as I watch her leave the room, wondering why it feels like my insides are burning from just a kiss. I finish my drink and clear everything away before going to take a shower and then scrawling into my little human's bed. I lay there with my eyes closed until she finally comes to bed and when she curls up against me, I hide my face in her neck, wanting to smell more of her scent that seems a little bit sweeter today.

The next morning, I leave shortly after Morgan does and Bubbles welcomes me at the restaurant, handing me a tablet and helping through their breakfast rush. I break two plates and deliver food wrong four times before I get the hang of everything. By the end of breakfast rush my entire section is clean and Bubbles give me an impressed smile. Lunch rush comes and goes and by the time my shift ends I'm riding on a high cloud. I get home an hour before Morgan does, so I cook her some noodles.

"You cooked?" Morgan asks as she steps into the living room, throwing her things down on the couch. "I would have thought you'd be too tired." She tells me and I shake my head, pulling her into my arms and burying my head in her shoulder, breathing in her scent.

"I'm fine." I assure her, kissing her shoulder and giving her a gentle bite. She nods and sinks into my embrace, allowing me to hold her close. I stay there for a few more minutes before I let her go and we have our dinner. "Can we watch a movie?" I ask when she joins me in the living room after her shower. She nods and picks one while I quickly make popcorn and then join her. As soon as the movie starts, I curl her up in my embrace, spending more time cuddling her and hiding my face in the crook of her neck than watching the movie. She falls asleep in my embrace, and I carry her to bed. As I drift to sleep, I wonder why she smells so good and hope that whatever the reason she keeps on doing so.

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