Supreme Harem God System

Chapter 1431

1431 Nux's decision 2
Nux knew he couldn't completely reject the system, at least right now he couldn't.
And this is why, he decided to take small steps.
Slowly and steadily, trying to get out of the System's influence.
And today, he took the first step.
He created system abilities on his own.
With this new step, however, he now faced a whole new set of problems.
As he created the System abilities on his own, according to the System, he now didn't 'have' those created abilities.
In his stats, the section where his abilities were shown, the abilities he created weren't mentioned, now this raised a question, how was he supposed to raise his ability level if the 'button' to click on it doesn't even exist?
It wasn't a matter of System Points anymore, even if he had enough, there was no way he could 'pay' to upgrade his ability.
Of course, Nux did try to upgrade the ability by recalling the feeling he felt when he upgraded his ability, and it did work, both Sound Seal and Senses were raised to 7 Star level but... Nux couldn't do any further.
Even though he could remember what the 8-Star upgrade felt like, his control over Essence wasn't good enough to mimic it.
The same was true for [Core] as well, despite clearly recalling the 'feeling' when he bought it, he couldn't create that ability either.
Nux theorized that it was because of his cultivation level.
The fact that all the abilities he could create were capped at 7 Star couldn't be a coincidence, and obviously, he didn't fail to notice that his control over Essence was indeed weak because of his cultivation.
He knew that every time he grew, his control over Essence got better, that was also the reason why his strength and the gap between him and other cultivators of similar levels continued to increase at an exponential rate.
Now he didn't know whether the increase in his control would be enough to 'upgrade' his abilities, but it was worth a try, and if it did work, another problem would appear.
12 Star abilities... that would mean that creating or upgrading the abilities to 12 Star would require him to become a Divine Stage Cultivator.
That would mean that creating those abilities would... most likely require him to form his Law.
'It all came back to the Laws huh...'
Nux thought with an exhausted look on his face.
Recalling the major reason he entered this illusion in the first place, he couldn't help but sigh once again.
Then, he finally stood up, the tired look on his face was replaced by a determined
It was time to stop thinking about all these things.
He now had the System Abilities, and in order to continue moving forward with his goal of not relying on the system, he decided not to upgrade the abilities using the System and decided to rely on himself instead.
This would also act as a way to further train Essence and understand the System better. After all, reverse engineering was originally done to innovate and create a better version of the previously engineered product.
Who knows?
Once everything ends, he might become capable enough to create his own, better version of the system.
He would then give each of his wives a system of their own, that way, they would all reach his level eventually and they would rule the world as the strongest!
Just thinking about it brought a wide smile to his face.
Soon, however, he shook his head again, focusing on the present instead of the future.
Since he now had his abilities, it was time to officially start training his Zenith Flow. All this time he had spent in the illusion, he had only been using his muscle memory from his real life.
However, in the end, his current body and his body in real life are different from each other, right now, he had to destroy all the muscle memories he had created and replace them with new ones, muscle memories that are created for his current body.
With that, he would continue growing stronger, slowly reaching his previous level and... then surpassing it.
Would it affect him when he later returns to his real body?
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According to Nux's calculations, he
would, at the very least, reach the Divine Stage in this illusion, no he
as forced to reach the Divine Stage, after all, he needed to live for 10,000 years, if he didn't become a Divine and his Life Span ends, the illusion would start from the beginning again. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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Anyways, as mentioned, Nux would, at the very least become Divine as the Illusion ends, his Zenith Flown would grow along with him as well, so returning to his original body would be problematic, but Nux believed that it was something he could solve after training for a few decades. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
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After all, the only reason stopping him from becoming a Divine was his Law, once he forms his Law in Here, he would only need to repeat the same steps in the real world, reform the Law, and break through the Divine Stage. The content is on! Read the latest chapter there!
The entire process shouldn't take more than a century.
Nux was prepared to struggle in the meantime. That was the least amount of discomfort he could go through for being given this chance to enter the illusion and learn so many things.
Anyways, deciding not to think anymore, Nux started officially training, getting
used to his body, and slowly adding his System Abilities and the Skills he learned in his past life to his Zenith Flow.
The process was obviously long, mastering the second layer of the Zenith Flow couldn't be done within just 25 years he had, he needed to be patient.
Of course, this didn't mean he wasn't growing. Every day, every hour, every
minute, and every second, Nux was growing tirelessly. It was a progress that a
certain dragon would be very satisfied by.
Not that Nux had the luxury to continue training though....
After all,
He had a tournament to attend.
Thinking about it, Nux activated the artifact and returned to his Master's Office.
The tournament, A Disciple's Will, was about to begin.

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