Supremacy Games

Chapter 1750

1750 The Hundredth Floor. XIII
Meanwhile, deep within the confines of Eris's meticulously crafted prison, Felix, unaware of the approaching deities, was engaged in his own critical
The moment had come for him to commit to the plan he had been formulating during the long, oppressive weeks of captivity.
'It's been three months, they should be close to the tower or even inside of it. I have to make a move, now or never...'
With a sharp intake of breath, Felix snapped his eyes open, their depths alight with decisiveness.
Focusing on Eris, who stood before him in the guise of an unassailable jailer, Felix reached out with his mind.
"You pushed into a corner." Felix stated coldly, "Don't blame me for this."
Before his voice could reach Eris' ears, his eyes flashed once as he gazed at the depth of Eris' eyes!
Following the flash of light,the intricate web of electrical charges coursed through her brain, the network that facilitated thought, action, and, crucially, control over the prison that held them, was invaded by Felix!!
Then, he ordered without an ounce of mercy.
The massive and powerful electrical network had every single electrical signal overcharged to the limit, causing Eris to feel like her brain was being fried alive!!!
The overloading wasn't just causing it to overheat, but forcing it to engage with every single thought, memory, action, and the list goes on!
Since the mind has a limited capacity for attending to information at any given time, even Eris couldn't help but fall victim to a mental paralyze, making it almost impossible for her to focus on a single thought!
Yet, Felix wasn't done!
"Celluar Implosion!" He took advantage of Eris' inability to think or react and used his water laws to launch the same ability Poseidon used against him!
This ability caused the water within the cells to explode, causing an internal unavoidable implosion!
The only reason Felix was able to defend against it ahead was due to his preparation.
But in Eris' case? She had no clue about Felix's two ascensions and the loophole that enabled him to use laws even while chained by the universe, a phenomenon never seen before!
Thus, Felix and the tenants watched as Eris' beautiful goddess-like body inflated akin to a water balloon and exploded into pieces, hurling blood, flesh, and body parts everywhere.
The tenants were left with widened eyes as they watched those bodily fragments still mid-explosion, causing a chain of revolting fireworks to fill the void around them.
'He has done it...'
'He really killed her!'
'What a fierce combination! It's near impossible to counter it if one got ambushed.'
The tenants each had their own reaction to these shocking results as none of them expected Felix to truly succeed in killing Eris!
While it seemed too easy, many conditions had to be fulfilled for such an attack to succeed. Lack of information, owning two laws that had no relation to each other and could both assault the target internally and most importantly, a weakened target.
If Eris was at her peak, the moment he invaded her mind and overloaded her brain, she would have been able to stop it right there and then!
'How come the prison isn't going away.'
However, their initial delight quickly changed to confusion and concern. As the last of the fireworks faded, they noticed that the dimensional prison remained firmly in place, unchanged by Eris' death!
Before any of them could ponder further or formulate a plan of action, Eris reemerged in the same position she had occupied before.
She was still seated with the same book in her hands like her death was nothing
but a mere mirage...
Eris opened her eyes and affixed them on Felix witha hint of surprise and interest.
"I must admit, little paragon, I hadn't expected you to succeed in the ascension while under the universal punishment. I had some doubts, but I am glad they were cleared now."
The tenants, witnessing this exchange, were silenced by Eris's words, the implications of her statement made them feel chills course down their spine.
'She must have left lightning and water laws activated in her reality to clear her doubts...'
They came to the realization that Eris was seeking to gain new knowledge and had no problems with risking her life over it.
After what happened, they doubted if there was even a hint of risk involved.
"You must have set up an automatic revival measure in case you died," Felix replied with a bitter hopeless smile.
This was her reality space and she could do whatever she wanted in it.
"I did more than that, but you are close enough." Eris responded calmly, her tone resembling a scolding mother, "Now that you had your fun and I gained some new information, I suggest you sit quietly. Uranus and Demeter are almost here
to bring you back."
She didn't even bother to move from her place or punish Felix over his attack. It was like she refused to engage in needless aggression.
"I am afraid I can't do that."
Suddenly, Felix's entire demeanor changed from hopeless to indifferent as he snapped his fingers right before her.
The moment he did so, a deeply buried complex array of invasive electrical
signals within Eris's brain were activated, causing them to make their move and
formulate a single order!
Freeing The Shadows Law inside the dimensional prison!
The moment the order was given, a figure leaped into existence from the depth
of Felix's shadow!!!
With a flourish that only Apollo could muster, he directed his gaze towards Eris, a
mischievous twinkle in his eye.
"It's lovely to see you again,"
His voice was laced with a charm and confidence that seemed out of place in the
dire circumstances.
And with that, he blew a kiss towards Eris and grabbed Felix by the arm, dragging him into his shadow with a single swift tug!
The entire sequence took less than a nanosecond from the neurons formulating
the order to their vanishment, leaving Eris staring at Felix's empty place with a
stunned gaze!
A nanosecond later, Eris was brought out of her daze with a faint impressed chuckle, realizing that she was maneuvered from the start to the end.
'Just when I pondered I had made the wrong decision, he goes and does this.' Eris smiled as she gazed through the fabric of her prison into the distance, spotting Felix, Apollo, and Commander Bia standing right in front of the floor's
She figured out that they reemerged from Commander Bia's shadow, who was stationed strategically in front of the floor's exit from the very beginning!
The entire time Felix wasn't really seeking to escape from the prison by killing her, which would cause the prison to either disappear or at least weaken
He aimed to implant a single command in her mind by sending invasive electrical
signals that would create an irresistible order.
If he didn't overload her mind at the start and fry her brain, it would be near
impossible for him to plant the formulated order without her spotting it!
To make sure she bought his initial attempt even harder, he had to blow her body through a cellular explosion, to make it seem like he sought her death.
But in reality, that single order was the only thing on his mind and Eris genuinely
hadn't pondered he would go this far.
'Now, my decision seems more worthwhile.' Eris pondered to herself as she
stood up slowly, 'But now, I will be coming at you with everything I got.'
'Don't disappoint me, little Paragon...'

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