Supremacy Games

Chapter 1747

1747 The Hundredth Floor. X
As Felix bathed the All-Seeing-Eye in his evil energy, its color began to shift, the normally clear and penetrating red hue turned into a deeper, more sinister shade.
Veins of red and black snaked across its surface, giving it a vicious appearance that screamed of corruption and malice!
Due to its massive size, the transformation took a short while, but after its completion, no one could remove Felix's pleased smirk from his face.
He could feel the connection link between him and the corruption residing deep within the eye, allowing him to control it as he pleased.
"I had some doubts about this since quantum realm creatures have no souls for evil energy to possess. But, it's great that it has worked." Candace remarked.
While evil energy could corrupt almost anything as long as it wasn't resisted, having a soul played an important part.
That's because if someone got demonized with a soul, it implied his permanent enslavement to Felix.
Wendigo and Saurous knew it better than anyone as even though Felix had left them behind after his ascension and rarely interacted with them anymore, he still had complete control over them regardless of distance.
'It feels like it's a lifeless object. It doesn't even have a brain or a single thought roaming its mind.' Felix disclosed with a curious tone as he studied the eye fully now that it was corrupted.
'It's quite a unique entity.' Lady Sphinx commentated, 'It is more or less similar to flora or fungus, operating based on a singular evolutionary command.'
'In its case, open its eyes, destroy any disturbance, and then seize a rest.' Elder Kraken nodded.
'That's all I wanted for it in the first place.' Felix smiled coldly as he commanded it to halt firing the beam at Commander Bia.
The moment it retracted its beam, Commander Bia stopped and gazed at the eye with a stunned expression.
"He really did it..." She murmured.
She was already told that Felix was going to gain control over the All-Seeing-Eye, but she didn't believe him.
In her eyes, no one could gain control over the tower's assets.
Before she could think too much about this, a sudden green beam was fired at a distance from her...Then another, and another, and another!
A series of precise beams kept lasering down the entire floor, deleting one squad after another!
Felix had marked the majority of squads' positions on the floor earlier and was now using his finger to point at them one by one without an ounce of mercy!
'What the hell is going on?!' Mognki'r exclaimed, his eyes screaming with confusion and dread.
Who could blame him? He had just witnessed two close strongholds get obliterated without the faintest disturbance in the vicinity!
'Huh? How come everyone is active at once in this cycle?' Prince Malakar knitted his eyebrows in doubt as he watched the menacing eye keep firing beams nonstop!
'Something doesn't feel right, prince.' Hyrus interjected.
The rest of their teammates nodded in support... They knew that most of the squads were pretty cowardly and all they wanted was to escape from the floor in one piece.
Without them to create a mess, this cycle should have been peaceful just like the past one.
'It seems he finally decided to make his move.'
Meanwhile, Eris gazed at the menacing eye, her spiritual senses might not be at their peak yet, but she was able to sense the demonic aura around the eye. It was a clear giveaway of Felix's involvement.
'It seems I can't let the possession happen naturally anymore.'
With an unfazed expression at the rain of beams, that caused everyone to freeze
in fear, she manifested the tome in her hands.
Then, she flipped a single page, and the moment the paper edges connected, divine light pierced through the pages and exited Prince Malakar's eyes!
Hyrus and the rest were startled by the sudden emergence of light from their prince, causing them to check on him.
'Huh? Is something wrong?'
However, he didn't respond to their calls as his existence was already erased by Eris the moment she flipped that page!
She refused to do this before since it was going to affect her final strength even more when the possession ended, but she had to commit it after witnessing the
ongoing massacre.
She understood that it wouldn't be long before their turn arrived and whether they moved or remained in their place, they could not escape from Felix's judgment!
This would in turn eliminate her vessel.
With a sudden flash of light, Prince Malakar's form began to morph, softening and reshaping under Eris's hands!
The Chaosians watched, stunned into silence, as their prince's transformation continued. His body elongated, becoming more slender, more graceful.
His hair, previously a wild mane, lightened, taking on a silver hue that flowed like liquid sunshine.
But it was his face that held them captivated...A visage that was no longer his own, but that of a goddess none of them recognized!
'Who.. Who are you...' Hyrus stuttered as he watched the breathtaking Eris flip her silvery hair behind her back with an indifferent expression.
At least, he managed to utter a question as the rest of the chaosians were left stunned speechless, having no idea how to process this situation.
"Be quiet, and I might consider letting you live," Eris replied calmly as she gazed at the All-Seeing-Eye slowing down its firing rate.
She counted over thirty squads eliminated in under a minute, leaving fewer than ten out of an original fifty.
Since each squad had more than twenty members at least, the death toll was already in the hundreds!
Meanwhile, the Quarklings leader Mognki'r, The head of the Nanites Swarm Virona, and Tempus Vey, the Chronowalkers commander, had ditched their strongholds and escaped towards the exit point at their fastest speed!
"The Eye has gone rogue!! There are no more rules! Fly to the exit quickly!" Virona screamed at what was left of his squad to continue moving nonstop.
The rest of the survivors did the same after witnessing the destruction of their peers without them moving an inch!
Mognki'r frightened bellow could be heard echoing from a distance, the emotions
packed within it were enough to explain everyone's current distressed state.
'How is this possible...Is it related to Commander Bia?' Syla said telepathically while watching the ongoing massacre with widened eyes.
If they hadn't been ordered to not move from their location by her, they would have already chased after the other squads in fear.
'How can this be related to her?'
Plix wanted to hold his heart that was about to pop out of his chest in dread, but
he remained affixed in his position.
While it was evident that staying frozen wouldn't provide any protection, they were ordered to not move at all costs. It was for a good reason.
As they were holding onto this false sense of safety, Felix's eyes were seen zooming in and out akin to an eagle, searching for the Chaosians while putting the eye on automatic mode now that the majority were on the move.
If his teammates ignored the orders and moved, he wouldn't care if the eye took
them out too.
'The eye is showing signs of ustion, I have to get rid of the Chaosians before the next cycle.' Felix frowned deeply while trying his best to scan out the
Even though he owned the eye, he couldn't stop it from feeling exhausted. This
implied another day cycle would occur, and he would rather avoid complications
by dealing with them during the day cycle.
Alas, their transformations within the environment were too perfect, it made them invisible even in his eyes.
But, Felix still had some tricks up his sleeve.
'Let's see if this will work.'
Electricity suddenly crackled within Felix's eyes as he used his electromagnetism
laws to scan out for any electrical signals on the floor.
Sure enough, many tiny flashes of strings emerged spread out in his overextended senses. Those were electrical signals propagated like a wave to thousands of neurons, which leads to thought formation within the brains of
everyone in here!
While quantum natives had no soul, the same couldn't be said about their thought formation as it was more or less the same as the surface dwellers!
In other words, it didn't matter if the Chaosians turned into a tree or a rock, as long as their thought process was active, electrical signals would keep showing
If he wanted, he could even use this method to read other people's minds by intercepting and deciphering those waves.
'It work...Huh??!'
Before Felix could feel pleased with his method's success, his eyes widened to
the limit while his heart felt like a miasma of horror clouded it.
His reaction was understandable as his senses picked up on a massive blinding
pillar of light amidst the darkness!
It was like a sun attempting to hide among a bunch of flashlights! 'What a terrifying brain power...It's like a supercomputer being compared to a calculator.' Lady Sphinx remarked with a stunned expression, even she couldn't believe what her eyes were feeding her.
Felix even gazed at the light produced by his brain and it wasn't even a third of
the brilliant massive pillar!
While it might be a sign of intelligence difference, it mostly showcased the activeness of the brain being in different realms!
"Oh boy, you are in a big trouble." Lilith suddenly interjected with a serious tone,
"There is only one person who can match the three rulers' thought processes and
it seems like she decided to pay you a visit.'
Felix felt chills course down his spine after realizing the horrifying truth behind
her words.
'You can't be talking about..Er...'
Just as he was about to ask for confirmation, a familiar voice resounded crystal
clear in his ears.
What sent shivers down his spine was the realization that the voice he heard was
not telepathic.
His ears picked it up akin to a whisper right behind him...
"Little Paragon, our paths have crossed again,"
Eris uttered calmly as she floated a mere tens of meters behind Felix. Her silvery
hair flailing with the wind, while her piercing violet eyes were affixed on the back of his head.

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