Supremacy Games

Chapter 1744

1744 The Hundredth Floor. VII
'I just came to realize that we had it quite nice...' Thor murmured, feeling like his fate as a primogenitor was a million times better than what Commander Bia had to go through.
The memories had shown them that Bia had been kidnapped by Uranus on a whim for the sake of fulfilling an experiment.
He brought her to the eternal kingdom and 'married' her...But in reality, he put her through all known and unknown forms of abuse for the sake of one goal...Birthing a child.
A child born out of a unigin and a primogenitor sharing the same traits.
Yet, after millions of years of all kinds of unspeakable actions done to Bia, she had failed to get impregnated.
With each failure, the abuse got worse for Bia due to Uranus' irritation building up.
In the end, she managed to escape to the quantum realm after Uranus had lost complete faith in the experiment. In reality, Uranus allowed her to run away after his interest died out.
'What he did to her is unforgivable, but we will be considered as hypocrites if we were to denounce his actions.' Lady Sphinx remarked with an emotionless tone, 'I have done much worse to mortals for the sake of discovering the truths of the universe. Just like we perceive mortals as nothing but walking sheep, the Unigins possess the same perception over us.'
Lady Sphinx understood that Bia was simply on the other side of the fence. A victim in the hands of a much more powerful being. While she would never approve of such despicable actions, she understood that life wasn't fair.
The strong eat the weak.
It was just that the primogenitors didn't feel good to see with their own eyes a peer being treated as a subject in an experiment, which made them feel frail and abused.
A feeling, all mortals had gone through during the primogenitors' reign. But, none of them bothered to give it two thoughts since mortal life was as cheap as a piece of rock on the sideline in their eyes.
After all, just think? How could the universe get this populated with millions of different species descending from primogenitors if there wasn't some kind foul play?
Even if the primogenitors didn't 'force' themselves upon others, how could a mortal even reject their advances?
'We might not have the right to denounce his actions without sounding hypocritical, but it doesn't stop me from doing it.' Thor said coldly, 'We were pieces of sh*t for those below us and he is one too.'
'Also, we didn't do any kind of those twisted and sick actions to impregnate our wives forcefully.' Jörmungandr supported with a solemn expression, 'We merely followed our strong instincts to spread our seeds before our intelligence had matured. On the other hand, he has done it as an experiment and put her through hell even when the results were clear from the start.'
The rest of the tenants nodded in agreement. They may not be squeaky clean and had their own fair share of evil deeds and misgivings, but still, they refused to get lumped up in the same breath as that horrendous beast.
He was on a different level entirely.
Felix left them to argue among themselves about this moral dilemma and reached out to the silent Commander Bia.
'I am sorry you had to go through that...'
However, before he could finish his sentence, she interrupted him.
'I didn't show you my past to harvest sympathy...It's long overdue.'
Commander Bia said with a deadpan expression, but a hint of hatred and weakness born out of her vulnerability couldn't escape reflecting from her pupils.
Felix knew that she was referring to the notion she entered the quantum realm alone with trauma as massive as a mountain over her shoulders.
The worst part, she had no one to talk to about it since she had to keep her identity hidden.
If only she knew that Felix said this to be polite as his heart could no longer feel such emotions for anyone besides Asna and very loved ones.
But, he didn't want to add salt to injury as her past was something he wouldn't wish upon his worst enemies.
The trauma of being treated as a sex doll and possessing zero power to retaliate or stop it was shared by many unfortunate souls across the universe...
For it to happen to even a primogenitor meant that no one was safe unless they obtained absolute strength.
'May I ask why Uranus wanted a child?' Felix inquired.
He didn't want to be insensitive, but at the same time, he was in a situation where he needed all sorts of information about his hunters.
'To keep him company, he said.' Commander Bia replied, her eyes affixed into the distance, 'Unigins have tried to give birth to children before and failed with each other. He believed it was because the universe performed not allow such a chaotic child to be born. So, he tried to make it happen with me, believing that my lower status and matching laws would make a difference.'
Felix wasn't surprised by the notion of two unigins having no ability to birth children. Unigins were born out of the Universe's Heart as a core... There was no way, a unigin would be born out of two even if they created perfect reproduction
The universe wouldn't allow it as it went against all of its orders and settings. Though, he was somewhat surprised it also failed with a unigin and a
'This means I can never have a child of my own whether it was with Asna or another...' Felix murmured in his mind.
He always had his misgivings about having children with Asna since both of them were currently too high up in the food chain to have a child that wouldn't bring the universe to its knees.
But to know that he could never have it was a different blow as it had cut off his
hopes entirely.
Fortunately, he wasn't in the right situation to mule over fatherhood since his life was at stake, and his loved one was captured.
He swiftly threw the matter at the back of his head and fired a series of questions with a serious tone, 'When performed you tell him about us? How were you planning to kill him in the tower? Does he also possess the map?'
'I told him right before I entered the tower. With the time difference being somewhat on our side, he should be still on the way to the tower. He doesn't have a map, which is one of the reasons I dared to bait him here.' Commander Bia uttered coldly, 'As long as we keep going down, he will be forced to keep chasing us. I am counting on the tower's challenges to get rid of him or keep him
The plan sounded good on paper, but if Felix was able to move without killing everyone, he would have facepalmed in frustration.
Uranus had already entered the tower, reached the first floor, and succeded in leaving it in one piece. Although it wasn't a smooth journey for him, he had done it before and had no problems with doing it again.
The worst part? Felix knew that he would be bringing with him Eris and the rest... He still had no clue who was sent with him, but he was sure about Eris and
Uranus being involved.
If it was just Uranus he might have a tingle of faith in her plan, but with Eris' involvement, he didn't bother to entertain the thought.
In a tower where reality made absolutely no sense and chaos thrived, she could
be uttered to be walking in her backyard.
'Right now, those two are coming for us...Ahhh, do I seek out the earliest exit and
get the f*ck out while I still can?' Felix was thrown off by this new development and recognized that he had to rethink his next steps.
If only he knew that Eris was already inside and had him on his radar, the decision to take a dip would be the easiest one to make.
'You have been awfully quiet.' Apollo suddenly interjected lazily, 'Did you
'It has gotten more complicated than it is.' With a deep sigh, Felix updated him on everything discussed and even shared with him some backstory between Bia
and Uranus.
'She is his ex-wife?? Why am I hearing this for the first time?' Apollo was left
more surprised by this piece of news than the fact Uranus was on his way here.
'He made sure to hide her existence and the experiment from the unigins' eyes, knowing that he would be judged.' Felix said.
He didn't come up with us on his own...He had witnessed how Uranus was keeping Bia imprisoned in his mansion while using his spiritual pressure to cover
her existence.
While there were monsters amidst Unigins, there were also softies...Artemis was one of them and would have not remained quiet if she had found out about it.
'What do you think?' Felix sought his opinion, 'Do we stick with our plan and keep going to the bottom while using the map to our advantage or ditch this place at the first opportunity?'

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