Supremacy Games

Chapter 1703 The Last Dance XI. (The End)

1703 The Last Dance XI. (The End)

Sometime earlier, back in the capital city...

With one helpless sigh, Apollo disappeared after a flash of light...When he reappeared again, he was already millions of kilometers away from the eternal kingdom.

'So, how are we supposed to find him, smartass?' Apollo said with a vexed tone as he extended his senses to far distances, but nothing came up on his radar.

He knew that as long as Felix was inside the dreamrealm, it would be near impossible to find him.

'Chase down Uranus.' His alter ego ordered coldly, 'If he caught him, we will help him out, and if not, we will wait until he shows himself.'

'Ahh, you are truly a pain in the ass.' Apollo complained, but he did as he was told.

Merging seamlessly with the dark matter that pervades the cosmos, he stealthily tracked Uranus's movements. Leveraging his mastery over the dark matter, he pinpointed Uranus's location with precision and set off in pursuit, a shadow moving through the vast emptiness of space.

Even though Uranus was using his spiritual pressure to conceal himself, he could not help leaving a trail of interrupted dark matter while traveling through it.

While he could have avoided leaving this trail, he saw no point in doing so. How could he have predicted that Apollo would turn against them?

A few moments later...

'My superstar sure knows how to make a big scene.' Apollo remarked enviously as he watched the fireworks popped off by Felix above the kingdom.

'Ahhh...If I were there, he would have been accompanied by the finest known sco...'

Before he could finish his statement, his eyes widened in disbelief after his senses picked on Felix's daring attempt to rescue Asna right before the three rulers.

A nanosecond later, the attempt ended up in failure. Yet, what made his heart skip a beat was the third ruler's sudden disappearance.

'Don't tell me he went inside the dreamrealm...' Apollo gulped a mouthful in fear, knowing deep down that his assumption was correct.

'Who gives a sh*t?! Keep chasing Uranus!' His alter ego didn't seem to care about the implications.

'Are you dumb?! Has your brain been rotted after you spent so much time in that place?' Apollo scolded with an agitated tone, 'It's a ruler! The paragon is done for! If we dared try to help him now, we would join the victim list.'

'If he dies, he dies.' Apollo's alter ego said coldly, 'Just keep a close distance from Uranus and be prepared to make your move. Otherwise, let me handle this and you can bitch in silence.'

'There is really no winning with you.'

Apollo could only wipe his imaginary tears and continue his chase, feeling like he was delivering his head to the gulag.

As much as he loved Felix and the drama he created, he knew how to separate entertainment from putting his life in jeopardy.

If it wasn't for his alter ego, he would have been spending his time playing music and when the whole situation calm down, return to his cushiony bed and have fun with his harem.


As Apollo navigated the vast expanse of outer space, a series of subtle shockwaves caught his attention.contemporary romance

When he noticed that Uranus had switched his direction and headed toward the source, he knew that must be the dreamrealm location.

'Follow him.'

'Shut up, I know.'

He switched his directions too and kept chasing after Uranus. During their journey, the shockwaves kept getting stronger and more obvious.

This raised questions in Apollo's mind.

'What the hell is going in there? Are they actually trading blows? A ruler? Trading blows?'

Apollo couldn't even believe himself when he said it, don't even mention imagining it happening.

In his eyes, the moment a ruler decided to get serious and get involved personally, the curtains would be pulled down instantly.

With a mixture of curiosity and caution, he got closer and closer until arrived at the source with Uranus.

It was a massive area filled with millions of spatial fissures and cracks that were releasing rainbow-like colors through them.

Without hesitation, Uranus went through one of the fissures.

'Go! Go! Don't let him leave your eyes.' His alter ego pressed angrily.

'I am going, I am going, stop nagging me.'

Apollo murmured in irritation as went towards one of those fissures. Just as he was about to enter one of them, he saw a scene through it that would be etched into his memory forever.


Before him unfolded a spectacle of cosmic proportions.


Felix, in a display of raw power and defiance, was smashing Amun-Ra with his hammer into the ruined reversed sky below!

The sight was so staggering that Apollo felt a shiver run down his spine, his usually composed demeanor giving way to sheer astonishment.

For a moment, he stood frozen, witnessing the unthinkable. He expected many, many different outcomes of those two conflicts, but not in his wildest dreams did he expect to see this freakish scene!

"By the sun..." Apollo whispered to himself, his voice barely a murmur in the surreal silence of the Dreamrealm.

His eyes widened, not just in shock but with a growing realization of the magnitude of Felix's ambition and the potential upheaval it represented!

' madness,' He finally uttered, the words escaping him as if drawn out by the gravity of the scene before him. 'Felix has not just crossed a line; he's obliterated it!'

As he absorbed the scene, a mix of fear, respect, and an undeniable thrill of anticipation coursed through him.

However, his reaction swiftly died out after spotting Felix escaping through a void portal and Amun-Ra chasing after him.

'Look, Uranus has gone through another portal.' His alter ego alerted him.

When Apollo turned his head at a distance, he noticed Uranus also disappearing from a different void portal, which made him realize that Amun-Ra had noticed him and opened a portal for him too!

'Chase them quickly! The third ruler is powerless in the matter universe!' His alter ego stressed, 'Quickly before the dreamrealm collapse!'

'Ahhh!! Screw it!!'

Apollo fought against his laziness and fear as he darted through the collapsing Dreamrealm, a landscape coming undone at its seams!

Rumble!! Rumble!!..

He maneuvered with an agility that belied his usually tranquil demeanor, weaving between tumbling rocks, shards of what looked like skyglass, and whirlwinds of chaotic energies that defied explanation!

The realm was disintegrating around him, a tapestry of dreams unraveling into a nightmare!

'I can't use my laws! I don't think I will make it!' Apollo shouted.

Ahead, a void portal pulsed, its edges fraying as it began to close, a narrow escape route from the imploding realm.

'You better make it happen!'

Apollo's heart raced, not from fear, but the exhilaration of the chase, the thrill of racing against the collapse of a universe.

Every fiber of his being focused on that shrinking gateway, the only passage back to a semblance of reality!


With a burst of divine speed, he surged forward, the portal's edges inching closer together with each passing moment.

Just as the portal seemed no larger than a flicker of light, Apollo lunged, diving through the narrowing gap with mere fractions of a second to spare.

He emerged on the other side just as the portal snapped shut behind him, the dream realm's final explosion echoing through the void, a world lost to chaos...

'Darkness Cloak!'

The instant he was thrown to the void realm, he cast another cloaking ability that utilized the darkness around to hide his existence from all senses.

He could be remarked to have gotten lucky that the other side was the void realm, which was one of the darkest areas in the universe as light particles get disintegrated almost instantly.

'No one saw me.'

Apollo murmured in his mind as his pupils scanned the current scene before him...It was of the chained Felix being antagonized by Uranus.

Amun-Ra was nowhere to be seen.

Apollo wasn't scared of the three rulers seeing him with their senses. Their senses couldn't pierce through his cloak while he was in the matter universe.

'Ohh, he sure is torturing him up...' Apollo commentated, his eyes affixed on Uranus who was holding into Felix's heart akin to a toy.

'Get him out of here quickly before any of them do something irreversible.' His alter ego wasn't in the mood for games.

'How...This is Uranus we are talking about.' Apollo frowned with a serious expression, not treating the situation as a game.

Uranus was a fearsome opponent and he knew that if he dared to face him one to one, he might not end in a pleasant situation.

'No need to fight, just steal the paragon and make a run for it.' His alter ego pressed, 'No one can catch you in the matter universe, not even him!'

'Ahhh...I am really going to throw my life away.' Apollo sniffled, 'Farewell to delicious meals, farewell to harmonious tunes, and most notably, farewell to my cherished hoes. I am going to miss y...'

'Stop bitching and move!'

The moment he got shouted at, Apollo's expression got serious as he stressed out loud, "Let there be light."

Following that order, Apollo transformed into an entity of pure luminance, his body, a beacon surpassing the brilliance of a supernova, erupted in a blinding flash that rivaled the birth of stars!

This radiant outburst, unparalleled in intensity, momentarily blinded both Felix and Uranus.

"Let there be darkness."

As their eyes instinctively shut against the overwhelming glow, Apollo's light vanished as swiftly as it had appeared, plunging the realm back into its accustomed darkness!

The abrupt transition from blinding light to shadowy obscurity escaped an eerie stillness, as if the flash had never occurred, save for the lingering spots in their vision.

However, it was more than that as both Felix and Uranus recognized out that their senses were completely killed off!

It was like they were thrown into a sea of silent darkness where they could see, hear, feel, or sense nothing!

While Felix was already out of it and barely could think straight, Uranus' expression turned ugly as he recognized the culprit behind this ambush.

Just as he wanted to entrap Felix in a gravitational prison to ensure he goes nowhere, he recognized out that he could no longer sense his existence near him!

He didn't know if it was due to losing his senses or because Felix was taken away. This pushed him to rely on his gravitational waves as a new method.

Alas, the findings had set his heart on fire...There was no disturbance of gravity near him, which implied that Felix was truly gone.

All he could do was scream one name in rage as burning blood coursed through his veins.


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