Supremacy Games

Chapter 1697 The Last Dance. V

contemporary romance

1697 The Last Dance. V

"Fear now grips you?" Amun-Ra stated, devoid of emotion. "You were granted ample opportunities to reevaluate your confrontational stance... Fear, at this juncture, serves you no purpose."

Upon hearing this, Felix was forced to take a step back reflexively as his mind was working on overdrive to seek out the best path for survival.

He didn't even consider for a second that he had a chance at beating the third ruler...He wasn't that delusional.

With or without divinities at their disposal, the three rulers were on a different plane in terms of strength compared to the rest.

When Amun-Ra noticed that Felix was getting antsy, he uttered with a monotonous tone, "You don't have to worry, my child. Your ability to devour and ascend with unigin's cores is too vital for us...You will serve as a perfect divine soldier to get rid of those needless parasites."

'I would rather have you commit suicide than get caught by him.' Lilith uttered with a serious tone, 'They are more than able to turn you into a loyal puppet with a bit of heavy investment.'

Lilith understood that the three rulers wouldn't mind losing a great percentage of celestial energy if they managed to enslave Felix.

After all, he had just slayed and absorbed two unigins cores...When he ascended with them, they would be considered dead for real and their territories would be passed to other unigins.

If Felix took care of the rest in the same manner, the eternal kingdom would be under the three rulers and the three upper celestial unigins forever.

The three rulers hoped for Felix to handle this on his own, but he soon made them regret this decision after he switched his target to them.

Now, they would do the right thing and put him under their leash once and for all.

"When we are done with you, your collection of cores will be of great assistance in our second attempt at breaking the universe's heart."

With the calm and deliberate grace that only a deity of his standing could embody, Amun-Ra lifted his Was scepter a few inches above the ground.

The scepter, an embodiment of his dominion over creation and the unyielding force of his will hovered momentarily in the air as if the very cosmos paused in anticipation.

"For that, this realm has to disappear first."

Then, with a motion that was both elegant and filled with purpose, Amun-Ra tapped the scepter against the ground.

The impact was gentle, almost tender, yet it carried the weight of eons, the authority of a god who had shaped worlds and commanded the forces of life and death!

Instantly, the dreamrealm responded.


A realm known for its stability, where the fabric of reality bent according to the whims of its inhabitants, now trembled as if caught in the grip of an unseen tempest!

The ground shuddered, sending ripples across the landscape that grew into violent quakes, unsettling the very foundation of this place beyond places. The air vibrated with the force of the impact, carrying the tremors to every corner of the realm.

Even the sky, a vast canvas that stretched into infinity, adorned with the dreams and nightmares of countless beings, began to show signs of strain!

Cracks appeared, spider-webbing across its expanse, a visual testament to the god's immense power.

These were not mere physical fissures but ruptures in the very essence of the dreamrealm, threatening to unravel the fabric that held this place together!

'Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!'

Felix felt like his heart was assaulted directly after realizing that the dreamrealm wouldn't be able to resist too many of those tender love taps!

If the dreamrealm was ever to get destroyed, he understood that his life would be done for.

To be this close to a ruler with his ability to tap into his celestial energy freely was a death sentence!

'I need a cover to escape!'

Just as he was about to switch his focus to his clones and bring them here to assist him, he felt his soul getting sliced apart with a blade.

Chills coursed down his spine after realizing that his three duplicates in outer space had been slain!

When memories of what happened to them registered in his mind, he felt like he was watching the wrath of a god for the first time in his life.

His reaction was understandable as the three gigantic clones, each one a towering presence that dwarfed even the grandest celestial bodies, had their heads severed from their torsos simultaneously by a sudden flash of light!

Not many managed to see the whole thing, but those who did were left with narrowed pupils and a fearful tingle in their hearts.

"A single divine blade finished them off...The three rulers have gotten serious at last." Aeolus commentated with a deep solemn look.

He saw that with a single, fluid motion that spanned the distance between thought and action, the second ruler swung a massive golden blade from one end of the realm to the other!

The edge moved with a speed and precision that defied comprehension, tracing a straight line through the void.

In an instant, the heads of the three duplicates were cleaved from their bodies before they could even blink!

The blade's passage was so swift, so clean, that for a fleeting moment, time itself seemed to freeze, holding the heads aloft in a silent tableau of divine judgment executed with unerring accuracy.

Then, as if existence rushed to catch up, the heads began their slow, silent drift away from the bodies, leaving a trail of cosmic energy in their wake!

After she was done, the second ruler returned to her seat and extended her hand to help out the first ruler in dealing with the dying explosion...

Back to the dreamrealm, Felix could be seen replaying the same scenes in his mind, having no clue where the blade came from, and if he had a chance to evade it in different circumstances.

The answer came back as a big fat No!

'I would be dead if I was there...'

A sweat drop manifested on his forehead, a bodily reaction he had almost forgotten about after his second ascension...If he had any delusions before, that blade sliced them apart with the heads of his clones!

'Use your exit strategy! Leave this place now!!'

Thor and the rest of the tenants recognized that Felix could be said to have placed himself in the worst possible situation.

When they were perfecting the plan, they predicted that there was a chance of a ruler making a move personally against Felix during his rescue mission.

This was pinpointed as the worst possible scenario since it made his escape possibilities extremely slim compared to dealing with Uranus, Eris, or another Unigin.

Still, Felix took his chance and committed to the plan. Now, he was about to pay the price for his daring risks...

"I won't fall in your hands even if true death is the only path forward! TERRITORIAL PRESSURE!"

With a fierce shout, Felix unleashed the full might of the dream realm's territorial pressure, and directed this colossal force towards Amun-Ra, hoping to buy himself just a moment's respite, a sliver of time in which to enact his escape!


As the realm itself seemed to buckle under the strain of trying to force a god, Felix executed his next move with impeccable timing.

He teleported swiftly, almost imperceptible flicker in the fabric of the dream realm, reappearing leagues away from his divine adversary!

There, with the urgency of being chased by fate itself, hevoiced a wish in the depths of his being.

'Connet me to the void realm this instant!!'


A portal tore through the very essence of the dream realm, a swirling vortex of void energy that guaranteed sanctuary!

This void portal was leading to the actual void realm mirroring the universe!

It was possible only because the dream realm existed as a separate entity from the Eternal Kingdom, which offered a loophole, a crack in the cosmic order through which Felix aimed to slip through!

Without hesitation, Felix flew toward the portal, not caring about what happened to his dream world in his absence.

Alas...How could it be so simple?

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