Such a Rude and Noisy Woman

Chapter 373 Hiram Got Shot

Instinctively, Rachel turned and looked back. Patrick and Hiram were a little far away from her as she was facing the street corner on the right side. Rachel didn't know that

Patrick and Hiram already knew in which direction the bullets would go by carefully listening to the sound of the automatic machines when they pitched a bullet, as they had been here for a while "Rachel!"

Hiram shouted before running to her. As soon as he got close enough, he wrapped his big, strong arms around Rachel. All thoughts of his safety were disregarded when Hiram saw that his wife might be hit by the oncoming bullets. Just as he reached Rachel, Hiram furrowed his eyebrows for a split second. Then he gazed at Rachel and asked, "Are you all right?"

Rachel was startled. She shook her head at Hiram endangering himself before answering. "Yes, I'm all right. What about you? Did you get hurt?"

Hiram shook his head. "I'm fine." When he spoke, his voice was husky as though he had trouble speaking. After a frown and a deep breath, Hiram continued, "You can't stay here. Get out of here, sweetie. Be quick!" Patrick had rushed in Rachel's direction when he saw Hiram hurrying to her rescue. His eyes widened when he saw Hiram's back. "Let's get out of here. We're done for today!

Turn on the light!"

Patrick shouted. A moment later, the whole street lit up.

Rachel didn't know that Hiram had been hurt. She just grabbed his hand and walked toward the door.

Patrick followed them with his head bowed. He was flooded with conflicting emotions. Every few seconds, he would glance at Hiram's back. The blood pooling in the spot where Hiram had been shot seemed to be growing.

When he asked Hiram to come here, Patrick had been determined that only one of them would walk away unhurt. The only acceptable resolution would be that one man died. However, when Patrick saw that Hiram had been shot, he didn't feel happy or relieved as he thought he would.

Still holding Hiram's hand, Rachel led him into the house. The silence in the house worried Rachel. There had been so many men here just a little while ago. When did they leave?

She was even more astonished when she noticed that Patrick hadn't followed them into the house.

At this time, Kun had arrived with several helpers. As soon as he had heard the news, he had gathered as much support as possible and rushed to the house.

"Hiram, are you okay?"

Now that Rachel and Hiram were in the house, and under the bright light, Rachel realized that Hiram was sweating profusely. She was startled by his appearance and squealed. "Hiram!" Meanwhile, Hiram was biting his lips to contain the pain he was feeling. His face was pale from the blood loss and the exertion.

"Call an ambulance!" Seeing Hiram's pale face, Kun instructed his subordinates immediately.

Rachel was speechless. Although several thoughts ran through her head, she found that she couldn't voice them. Rachel didn't know what to do. Rooted to the floor and dumbstruck, she just stared at Hiram.

Hiram knew that his wife was worried, so he glanced at her with a forced smile. He tried to reassure and comfort her by saying, "Rachel, don't be afraid. I won't die."

Then he stretched his arms and pulled Rachel into a hug. Hiram's voice had become huskier.

"As long as you don't get hurt, nothing else matters to me. Listen, remember this. No matter who asks you, don't say a single word about what happened today."

Once in Hiram's arms, Rachel found that she couldn't control her feelings anymore. She began crying when she heard what Hiram had to say. The more he spoke, the more Rachel cried. She couldn't control the tears that kept falling down her face. When she saw that his white shirt was turning red because of the blood, Rachel pulled away from his hug. In surprise, she looked at her hands and found that even they were soaked in Hiram's blood.

Her mind went blank at that moment.

"Hi... Hiram? Hiram?"

Rachel stuttered. When she got no reply, she looked at his face and found that after resting his head on her shoulder, Hiram had passed out.

Kun rushed to Rachel immediately and helped her move Hiram to a more comfortable position. Then Kun began rummaging for some bandages to help slow down the bleeding. As a thought flashed through his mind, Kun turned and instructed his subordinates. "Find Patrick! And search the house carefully! The others might still be here hiding somewhere."

The next few minutes were blur for Rachel. She felt as though she could no longer hear the voices of the people around her. Her entire focus was on Hiram, who had been shot because of her and was bleeding.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, the medical staff rushed into the house and transferred Hiram to the stretcher.

Rachel was pulled away. She was so startled that she couldn't move. At that moment, her world was completely silent. She literally couldn't hear anything.

Rachel was scared stiff.

All she could think about was Hiram's bloody shirt.

"Rachel? Rachel?! Don't scare me. Talk to me, please!"

In the hospital hallway, Carl shouted at Rachel again and again. But no matter how many times he tried, Rachel didn't respond.

Gavin and Joanna left for the hospital as soon as they heard the news. Once they arrived, they anxiously waited outside the operating room. Lydia arrived at the hospital a short while after her parents. She was inconsolable when she heard what had happened. "Carl! Come here. You've been with your cousin this whole time. How did Hiram... What the hell happened?" Joanna shouted at Carl.

"Auntie, I'm sorry. I don't know. I wasn't there when this happened. All I know is that Patrick is alive and he wanted to take revenge on Hiram!" Carl shrugged as he replied. Then he remembered something and turned to Rachel.

"Oh, Rachel was there. But I think she is so worried about Hiram and in shock that she won't be able to tell you anything now."

Gavin took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes to calm himself. Although he tried to hide his nervousness, the others could see that his hands were shaking.

Lydia glanced at the operating room. As thoughts of Hiram's condition flooded through her mind, she began crying aloud. "No, no way. This can't be true. Hiram will be fine. He will be safe!

Hiram will be safe. Rachel, tell me. Tell me! How did Hiram get hurt? Rachel? What happened to my brother?!

Don't remain silent like that, Rachel. Tell me, please. How did my brother get hurt?"

Lydia walked up to Rachel suddenly. She grabbed Rachel's clothes and shook her as she asked. The longer Rachel remained silent, the more Lydia lost control of herself.

"Talk to me, Rachel! Say something! He's your husband. Why didn't you protect him when he got hurt?"

Rachel was dazed. Although she could hear Lydia asking all these questions, she found that she couldn't say a word.

"I'm talking to you, Rachel! Can you hear me? Say something!" Lydia shook Rachel's shoulders as she demanded answers to her many questions.

Rachel blinked and looked up. Lydia's persistence had snapped her out of the shock in which Rachel had been. She said weakly, "No, it was my fault. He got hurt because of me."

"What? What are you talking about?" Lydia asked in disbelief. She shouted at Gavin and Joanna. "Mom, Dad, did you hear that?

Did you hear what Rachel just said? She said that Hiram got hurt because of her!"

Gavin walked up to Rachel as soon as he heard what Lydia said. "Rachel, tell me. What did you say just now? Say it again!" he demanded.

Rachel turned her head away. She didn't want to look at Gavin. "Yes, Lydia is right. Hiram got hurt because of me."

When the incident occurred, Rachel was being aimed at. Hiram had rushed to push her away in an attempt to save her. That was how he got shot.

Although Hiram had told her not to say anything to the others just before he passed out, Rachel finally decided to be honest with his family.

Gavin was furious. Hiram was his only son. Because of Rachel, Hiram had chosen to oppose him in public to defend Fannie and Rachel. And now, Hiram had almost lost his life because of her. Gavin couldn't put up with this anymore!

"All right, all right. Calm down, Gavin. What's the point in asking all these questions? There's no use in crying over spilled milk. You can't lose control now, Gavin. Hiram needs you!" Joanna walked toward Gavin as she tried to calm him. She gently took his hands in hers as she spoke. Then she shouted at Lydia.

"Lydia, I know that you're worried about your brother! But we don't know the whole truth. Don't blame Rachel for all this, okay?"

Joanna glanced at Rachel and sighed before she walked to the door of the operating room with Gavin.

Rachel buried her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook with the effort to keep her emotions at bay.

Before he fainted, Hiram had told Rachel not to tell anyone about this.

He knew that his family would blame her.

But Rachel wasn't afraid. As long as he survived and returned home safe and sound, she would take the blame. 'Hiram, you can't die.

You promised me that you wouldn't die.'

Rachel snapped out of her thoughts as soon as the door to the operating room opened and the doctor walked out. 000000

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