Such a Rude and Noisy Woman

Chapter 346 Evidence Against Fannie

All she could see was that all the seats had already been occupied by leaders of all levels, and Hiram was sitting at the chair which directly faced the door.

Seeing Rachel enter the room, Hiram didn't bother to stand up but he lifted his hard eyes, saying coldly, "No matter what you have got, I'm only available to hear when this meeting is over."

"No, I'm afraid but I have to talk to you right now!" she insisted and plainly refused to wait any longer. She remembered that once he had asked her to wait until he was done with the meeting, but what happened after that? He thought of a variety of excuses and left her in a lurch and went away.

"I think we can finish it here," Seeing that Rachel was being so adamant Hiram said to his co-workers inside the room.

Within one second, everyone vacated the room and there were only Hiram and Rachel left inside the huge meeting room.

Still sitting on his chair right in front of the table, Hiram said to the woman who was standing at a door a minute back, "Go ahead, and tell me all that you want to say to me?"

Looking at him, Rachel felt that all the false pretenses she had put up were collapsing like a castle made of sand did when the waves kept rushing to it. It was so fragile itself and how could it stand against the waves? Her strength broke into thousand pieces the moment she saw his face.

Her tears were streaming down. All here defenses were destroyed and she ran up to him to hold him in her arms.

"Hiram, boohoo...... I miss you so much! I can't......boohoo......" she continued weeping as her arms were wrapped around his neck. The tears just seemed to be flowing as if they would remove all the problems that had cropped between them.

Hiram narrowed his eyes and he took her hands off his neck, saying, "Why are you always crying? Are you wasting your tears for me, or better still are they for that man?"

Looking at his starry eyes, which never changed, Rachel sniffled and cried out loudly,"Please don't do this to me, honey! I never liked him or anyone else for that matter, and you know that very well! I would cry if it was him or anyone else that I know of! You know that I can't control my emotions!"

"Really? Is that so? But you know what I could see more than just sympathy for him. Your eyes were conveying a lot of things!" Hiram said as he put his hand on her chin and raised it, which was by now fully covered with her tears.

Blinking her eyes, Rachel couldn't help that her tears were welling up again in her eyes and she continued to weep bitterly, "Tell me, Hiram! Tell me what I should do! Tell me how I can regain your trust again!" Humans are supposed to be emotional because they are not stones, are they?

Rachel admitted that she was carried away by Patrick when he had met her again and again. He was so good at making her happy and that is what she liked about him, but then that was just how common people like her would react. Hiram was the only man she had ever loved in all her life.

"Listen, you know very well how I have treated you, Rachel. I've always given you some leverage because I always thought that I owe a lot to you, but there's only one thing that I just can't tolerate. That is you thinking about another man in your heart."

Hiram took his hand from beneath her chin and laughed coldly, "What's more, this man died because of me, and I've been thinking that now you are going to remember him your entire life."

Hiram was not only very particular of cleanliness in his life, but he also wanted loyalty in his relationships at all the times.

He wanted to maintain his love and loyalty with Rachel both physically and spiritually.

And so he expected the same from her too.

"So, you are never going to forgive me, right? You have just ignored me since the past ten days!" she asked laughing suddenly, tears still running along her cheeks.

It is true that it is very difficult to remove memories from your heart especially if they are of a special person. Rachel believed that she could never forget Patrick and from time to time his memories would keep haunting her. How could Hiram ignore and not forgive her because she had this memory etched in her heart?

"Both of us need some time to calm down, and I am tired of pretending in front of you that it does not matter to me," Hiram said as he dropped his phone, which was ringing,"are you done with your words now? If so, it would be better if you please go home now, as I have got lots of work to do today."

Wiping off her tears with the back of her hands, Rachel looked at him and replied hoarsely, "I know that you have not got over it, and I really don't care how you are going to treat me. I can understand, but can you now go to Gavin? Please go and talk to him!" Hiram raised his head and looked at her immediately.

"Can you please persuade him to stop? Can you request him to set my mom free?" Rachel said and her tears were falling fast just like a broken strand of pearls kept bouncing back.

Hiram knotted his brows and asked her, "What? What are you talking about? You said that your mom was taken to the police station?"

He was out of town since the last few days and really had no idea what was going on because he had been ignoring all calls other than business.

"They said that my mom was involved in a murder which had happened twenty years ago, and they have got solid evidence against her. I've gone there twice, but they didn't let me meet her!" Rachel whimpered.

Hiram stood up and came close to her. He put his hands on her shoulders and patted them, saying, "Okay, I'll go and see what has happened. Stop crying now and I'll see what I can do."

Resting her head on his shoulder, Rachel nodded. However, she couldn't stop crying immediately.

She trusted Hiram and knew that he would never turn her down no matter what happened between them.

In the afternoon, Hiram arranged Rachel so that she could meet Fannie in the police station.

"Mom, look at where we are now! Please tell me the complete truth. Everything that happened at that time? They are saying that you killed Landy's baby. Is that true?" Rachel asked.

Holding Fannie's hands Rachel aimed to know the truth from her mother.

Fannie shook her head and replied, "My dear, they have also asked me about the case countless times in the past few days, but I really had no idea whether Landy had a baby. How can I kill a baby when I had no idea that he was there?

Honey, I admit that I had done some stupid things to her when I was young, but I was not crazy enough to go and kill her baby. I don't know from where they have found the so-called evidence to prove me guilty. They said that I strangled her baby and buried it under the foot of south XH Mountain. How can I ever do such a thing?"

Fannie felt it was ridiculous and she laughed loudly. She even didn't know when Landy got pregnant and her husband had told that Landy and he never slept together.

Even when she was taken to the police station, she had no clue about what had happened.

Rachel's words forced her to think, and she was very confused. She couldn't tell whether Simpson had lied to her or someone had made up this most ridiculous story.

"Mom! Are you saying that all the evidences are faked? And you think they have been set up, right? Landy never got pregnant and someone has made the entire story!" Rachel asked shocked. It had been a long time and where had all these evidences come from? Fannie nodded and replied, "Yes, honey! At that time I had seen Landy several times, and how was it possible that I would not notice that she was pregnant? I was wondering maybe I hurt someone when I was young, and now he is taking out his grudges by implicating me like this."

She was quite forthright at that time and always quarreled with others. Thus she had no idea if people could go to the extent of framing her just to take revenge.

"I see, mom! I'll look into this matter and find out what's going on. Are you fine here, is there anything that bothers you?" Rachel asked as her eyes turned red. She had been crying excessively

"Fine, I'm fine! Don't worry, honey! People here are respectful to me, and, they all know that I'm Hiram Rong's mother-in-law! No one dares to bully me! You know what I've gone through all those years! I can go through this too, honey! Relax!" Fannie replied briskly. She was adamant and truly she didn't want to upset her daughter.

Rachel lowered her head quietly. Then she wiped off her tears and said confidently, "Mom, please take care of yourself, and I'll try my best to prove you're innocent! Trust me, everything would be good!"

She left the visitation a moment later. When she walked out of the police station, she saw that Chad's car was waiting for her.

Hiram put away the document he was reading after Rachel entered, and said, "I've gone through all the evidences just now. They are pointing towards Fannie. They found the baby buried under the mountain foot, and DNA detection has confirmed that it was Landy's baby. Besides, they've found some witnesses also, and I'm afraid that Fannie may have to stay here for some time."

He was telling the truth. Hiram didn't feel like comforting Rachel and he wanted her to face the reality. She should understand what could happen in the future. DDD

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