Spiritual knight

Chapter Case 20: Ghost

30 years ago...

A eight year old boy woken up by the sound of arguing on the living room, he stood up from his bed, open the door as he walks toward the sound of argument, he hid behind the door frame as he watches his mother and father arguing with a strange man, he is wearing a nice expensive suit and he looks like a rich guy. As they argue about their Grandfather’s last testament, pointing a gun at his father, then at the moment of the shot his mother got in the way protecting him, on her dying breath she beg him to protect their son, the man stood up and push the men away, he notice his son watching the entire thing, so he grabs him and ran toward the upstairs room, he close the nearest room and his on another. The child started to whimper, but the man shush him, telling him that he has to be as silence as a mouse, but what happen next is a mystery.

Present day:

In the living room (of the same house) Otto is taking pictures of a men’s dead body with a stab wound in the back, Scarlet enters the crime scene and sees the place, Aron sees this and walks on her track as she knees down to see some footprints.

“Aren’t you suppose to be resting?” ask Nicolas

“Aren’t you suppose to be the one resting? Beside I am fine, I am pregnant bot invalid” answer Scarlet

“Then what do we got?” ask Aron a bit angry

“Not much, footprint seams like a male, by the angle of the print it looks like he had an injure leg; due to the stab wound, I would say he is a professional, and the smell of grease and sweat is overpowering the house entirely, it seams that the murder was that guy’s friend” said Scarlet

Aron help her get up, Scarlet was about to check the man’s room upstairs when she looks up to see a boy in his pajamas, he was looking at the dead body, then he look at all of them and then at Scarlet he sees that she is watching him. Scarlet didn’t take her eyes off him, there was something that didn’t fit to the man’s life, she made a quick scan in the room and there was nothing that could tell her that he had or has a son. When she look back the kid was gone, she rub her now 4 month baby bump and then Aron touch her by the shoulder.

“Are you alright?” ask Aron

“Yes, I just...never mind” said Scarlet getting out of the house

Both Aron and Scarlet are walking in the agency and they are analyzing the situation of the crime scene. Titania arrived with the victims record, she told them his entire life story and the fact that he doesn’t have kids made Scarlet uneasy. There was something wrong in that house and she has to find out, then Aron again touch her shoulder, asking her that if she was ok, she nods her head and took a sharp deep breath.

Scarlet turn her head toward Aron “We should go, we can’t be late, right?”

Aron look at his watch “Yeah we should”

They both grab their things and left the agency to the hospital for the baby check up. Once they arrived, the doctor call out both of them.

“How you been feeling Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Kingston?” ask the Doctor

“Mrs. Walker is fine, and I have been good, although I feel a bit heavy” answer Scarlet honesty

Her belly was bigger than a normal pregnancy and that scare her a bit. The Doctor prepare the curve transducer and place it on her belly. There is an image of a baby there, the doctor makes the measurements and take pictures of the baby. Aron grabs Scarlet’s hand as he sees his son in the picture, with tears in his eyes he felt proud and happy for the three of them, when the Doctor press the Pulse Wave Doppler and the sound of a abnormal hear rhythm scare both parents, they look at the Doctor and the Doctor look at them surprise.

“Well this is unexpected” said the Doctor

“What?” Ask both of them in union

“Well I think a huge congratulation is in order, you are having twins” said the Doctor

Aron and Scarlet stood frozen in place, the moment the Doctor said the word «twins» it stop everything. The Doctor got worry that he might had broken both the parents, it was rare for them to have twins, he also reveal that they are both fraternal baby boys.

When they head back at the agency, both Scarlet and Aron were walking weird, more like wobbling their way back to their working place, Titania, Otto and Nicolas were discussing about the case when they saw them arriving.

“So how things go?” ask Otto

“You two look like you saw a ghost are both of you ok?” ask Titania

“Is the baby hurt or sick?” ask Nicolas

Both of them shakes their heads side by side, Aron is the one that spoke “Both babies are fine”

They let a sigh of relives when they understood the meaning of their words “Babies?!” shouted the trio in union

“Yes as in twins” said Scarlet

They started to ask a lot of question witch still is unanswerable due to the shock that Scarlet and Aron are processing on. Then Otto suggested to take their minds of things with the case and they both agree to get distracted for a wield.

“As far as we got, the murder weapon hasn’t been found yet, and yes we did remember the scent of the human blood, so if we find the weapon there might be a slice scent unless you chooses to make the search in your lab to confirm it” said Otto

“Not just that, when I was interviewing the neighbors, one in particular mention that is not the first murder in the house” said Titania

“I took the liberty to make a through search of the victim and the property, it turns out that 30 years ago there was a massacre in the house, wife die in the kitchen and husband die in the master bedroom, those victim had a son by the name of Michael Altiery” said Nicolas

Nicolas show the picture of the family, Scarlet’s eyes landed on the boy, she recognize the child as the boy she saw in the house, she turn her face to Nicolas and then at Aron.

“Nick, did the boy’s body was found?” ask Scarlet

Nicolas shake his head, indicating that the boy’s body was never found, in that moment the elevator sound, a man is walking toward the team, he seams accompany with someone younger than him. Scarlet recognize him immediately, as for the other members of the team they know him as the murder in one of the previous cases.

“Is been a long time Great ones” said Grim

“What are you doing here Grim?” said Scarlet

“Firstly in congratulation on the babies, second I am here to help you, Black Dragon” said Grim

“In what kind of help?” ask Aron

Grim explain to the team that Scarlet’s ability will enhance due to her pregnancy, there might be days that she will have extreme mood changes and may be causing thunder storms for then next two to three months, but that is something that has to be dealt with the rest of her mate, the only thing that Grim is there to help is her eye sight of the death.

“So you are telling me that I can see the Dead?” ask Scarlet

“Yes and No, you can see the lost souls that are chain in the earth, for example the little boy in that house” said Grim

Everyone look at Scarlet

“How did you know?” ask Scarlet

“Because Dark told me that he can see when a human soul is chain to the earth and can’t find peace, the only thing that can help him is if we find the cause of his death, think of it like this video game that some youngsters like to play (referring to Trace Memory, Nintendo DS), the only one that can communicate with them beside myself is Lady Scarlet” said Grim

It surprise everyone that Scarlet can see the dead, but communicating with it is another matter that Scarlet and Aron find it kind of scary, the ghost boy could hurt her and the babies. Scarlet though about it, she might solve this case, she told Nicolas to find the case of that family massacred, as for the Knight Team she ask them to continue in their work. Scarlet grabs Grim, talking to him and asking him to drive her to that house, she might have a hunch of the death of that child and their newly fresh victim.

As they are driving Grim is the one in the wheel, the youngster is on the side and Scarlet on the back, she has this weird feeling that the youngster, she meet him before, a long time to be exactly. She stare at him for the entire ride, Grim was chuckling and the youngster is nervous to the bone.

“OK I can take this anymore Scarlet, you are killing me for the second time” said the youngster annoying

Scarlet recognized that voice and widen her eyes “Dark?!” said in surprise

“Yes, is me, I ask Grim to bring me to the human world and see how are thing s with you, imagine my surprise when I saw you and my brother’s successor together and with a babies on the way” said Dark

“But?” said Scarlet looking at Grim

“Dark only has a physical body, just like me, but once is done we will return to the underworld” said Grim

Scarlet understood the circumstances, he was curios. When they arrived at the house, Scarlet started to search, she used all her senses, to search, but to avail, she only sense the victims odor and a faint odor of the murder and blood.

“Let me Scarlet, I have a better senses since I was the original one, my power may be gone, but I am still a Dragon” said Dark

Then he manage to see what happen, little by little. Dark then knew that he couldn’t travel further in the time and space he created to see the incident 30 years ago. Then out of nowhere that same boy appears in front of Scarlet.

“It’s you, Michael” whisper Scarlet

The boy look at her with confusion in his eyes, then he widen them up realizing that she can see him.

“You can see me?” ask Michael surprise and a bit happy

“She cam and we can too” said Grim looking at the boy

Michael started to whip then he sob in Scarlet’s arms. Then he started to explain everything he saw that night 30 years ago, but the problem was that Michael lost a few fragments of that night, he remembers when the man kill his mother protecting his father and that his father hid him and told him to come out until he said the magic word. In the end he never came and Michael was to scare to come out. Scarlet concluded that Michael die of starvation and fright.

When the trio return back at the agency they saw Aron dragging a demon into the interrogation room, both Dark and Scarlet thought the same thing «he hasn’t change a bit» and continue to walk toward Titania, she explain that they found the murder weapon in his place, but he claims to be innocent.

“Why?” ask Grim

“There is a grudge between the victim and the suspect” said Titania handing over the folder of the suspect at them

“Wow, I couldn’t imagine” said Dark reading the field

Scarlet took a closer look at the suspect picture and the victim, they look like best friend, she left them on the floor as she walks back at the lab. She enters the lab with determination. Nicolas got close to her and spoke about the victim and murder weapon the Knights found. Unfortune the DNA didn’t match, but in that moment they found a second match, when they open the field, both Scarlet and Nicolas got shock to see their suspect number two.

“Scarlet is that?” said Nicolas

“Yes Nick, is Uncle Eliot Walker” answer Scarlet finishing Nicolas question

“Scarlet that would mean that, your family is related to the victim” said Nicolas

Dark enter the room and saw the new suspect, the little boy Michael is following them to see if they could find any information?

“Michael, do you recognize the man?” ask Scarlet

Michael nods his head “That man was fighting with the other man, in the end the man push him and he got unconscious in the floor, that is when he grabs the knife and started to stab him, a lot of times” whip Michael

Scarlet turn her head in the picture if her Uncle, then she look at Nicolas

“Nick did you find something about the property?” ask Scarlet

“I did, but before that, lets assume that you aren’t insane after hearing that you are having twins. Who were you talking to?” ask Nicolas

“Yeah, right, Nicolas in this very room two ghost are flowing, one is the Black Dragon, Dark and the other one is a little boy name Michael” explain Scarlet

Nicolas didn’t believe her at first that is until Dark kept hitting him behind his head, Scarlet explain to him her hypothesis about the death of Michael. Nicolas is a bit confuse at first, but then he remembers why did Scarlet ask him about the property.

“I did found more that I could bargain. The house was build in the Walker’s family property, they sold it to a commoner family, but your Grandfather happen to pass away by a mysterious heart attack which they discover that he was murder by his own son, Eliot Walker. What I don’t understand is why would Eliot be interested in the property?” said Nicolas

“The answer is a bit simple, the Walker family has large and big terreneal areas, but some outsider’s of the family lives in the lower properties, I mean that would had been the house my Uncle Manuel and Aunty Diana would...live...Oh my God” said Scarlet looking at Michael

Michael look at her confuse “What?”

“Michael, you and I are cousins” said Scarlet “It all made sense now, Uncle Eliot might have been 18 years old when this happened, so he realize that something might had happen to do with something that grandpa, might had hid or said to him” hypothesis Scarlet

Then Otto and Titania walk in the lab, a long with Grim, they look at the three people in the lab, Scarlet told them about everything, of course leaving the part that the young guy standing right in front of them is Dark the Black Dragon himself. She explains that there might had been a similar incident 30 years ago and involves a few members of her own family. Titania made sure to tell Scarlet that the suspect is free because of his alibi check out and that Aron is pissed as hell in the second floor. Scarlet sigh knowing too damn well that she has to comfort the great Golden Dragon.

The next day, the Knights team and Scarlet arrived at Walker’s enterprise, to search or speak with Eliot Walker. Once they arrived the secretary stops them in their tracks, that is when Scarlet told her full name , the secretary let her enter the office where her uncle Eliot Walker is speaking with a man in a grey suit much older than him.

“Scarlet what is all this?” ask Eliot Walker

Scarlet place the paper in front of him and growl at him, her emotion are hair wire due to her pregnancy, but one thing that Scarlet hate more is a dead child. She grabs her uncle, sat him down and order the other guy to leave.

“Scarlet I had important business with that man, you can’t waltz in here like you own the place?” said Eliot

“Oh just like you did with Uncle Manuel and Aunty Diana?” said Scarlet

Her uncle got confuse at first that is until he heard the Knights team and the reapers side of the story, that is when he realize what Scarlet’s word means. He got up and turn to the window in search of something, he then spoke with regret fill in his voice.

“I had to admit, what I did 30 years ago, devastated my life. I felt regret after I kill Miguel, but I felt worst when I killed Diana, the women I fell in love with” said Eliot

“What happen that night Uncle Eliot, maybe someone is trying to frame you again” said Scarlet

“What do you mean?” Ask Eliot

“There was another murder in the same house, we believe that someone is trying to frame you with it” said Otto

Titania handed the papers with the current victim, she looks at him, watching every expression on his face. Eliot took a look on the picture, it surprise him to see that the place where the victim is located is the same place he committed the murder.

“Oh my God” said Eliot

“I believe some on is coping you uncle, and that person must be close to us, Walker family” said Scarlet

Once they finish the interview with Eliot Walker, Aron told Scarlet to leave to the house, he doesn’t want her to continue the investigation with both their children in her belly, she didn’t argue, instead she ask Grim and Dark to come with her. What did Scarlet did? She went to the victim house, to see if there is something that she is missing, she made her way to the second floor, that Michael told her about, both Grim and Dark follow her with Michael floating near them. They slip up to search for more clues to the murder, Scarlet brought her equipment bag, that contains the forensic kit.

“What is that?” ask Michael curious

“This is a forensic kit, I use it to look for special clues” said Scarlet

Michael got so excited that he took a closer look in what Scarlet is doing, as she is working on some fiber she found on the ground, Dark walk toward her and then a scent of dead hit his nostril, that is when Scarlet got closer to him and it took the scent.

“What is that smell?” said Scarlet

“I am surprise that you aren’t puking your gut out” said Dark

“I dealt worst than this” said Scarlet

They located the scent in the hallway, Grim notice that the wall was a bit uneven, he knock on the wall and notice that there is one of them is hollow. Dark and Grim manage to open the hollow wall to notice a decayed small body, the three of them couldn’t stand the smell. Scarlet grabs her phone to call Aron, knowing that he isn’t going to be happy about her action.

Later that day, the autopsy retrieve the decay body, Dr. Stellar walks toward the Dragons, Aron is beyond angry, and his anger can be radiant in waves. Dr. Stellar told the team to find the body of a little child in the house, in that moment Scarlet explain that she has been seeing a ghost child always behind her and in the house, she also explain that the father told the child to hide from her uncle, and when he said the magic word, the child could come out, but he die before reaching the hospital, not telling the authorities about his son.

When Aron and Scarlet arrived at the apartment, Aron didn’t spend a single glance at her way, Scarlet started to get annoyed, she walks behind him and confronted him.

“What is your problem Aron?” said Scarlet angry herself

“Is nothing” said Aron

Scarlet use her power to turn him, they were a bit faint, since she is focusing her entire power to protect the baby. She made him face her, tears coming out of both their faces, she could understand why she is crying, but not his reason, that is until he hugs her with such force. In that moment Scarlet understood his fealing, he was afraid that the killer, someone who could be near her family, would had the chance to murder her and the unborn twins.

“I am sorry, I didn’t thought about your feelings” whisper Scarlet on his neck

“I just want you and the kids to be safe Scarlet” said Aron

“Come on we had a hard day, let’s take a bath” whisper Scarlet

Aron took off his shirt, striping himself and helping Scarlet, he could see the baby bump, 4 months of pregnancy made Scarlet glow beautifully. They got inside the shower, Aron is helping her clean every place she couldn’t reach, as he wash himself completely, then she hugs him with their baby bump between them. Aron could feel his sons move inside Scarlet they were happy that mommy and Daddy are together, Aron kneel, caressing Scarlet’s belly and give it a lot of kisses, he already love their sons and he can’t wait to meet them.

The next day in the Lab, Scarlet is looking at the computer screen, trying to figure out their current murder, thanks to Michael, his parent’s can now rest in peace and according to the report, the police did place his uncle in prison for a long time, but with good behavior and their father reputation he got out five year ago. This murder will be in prison for a very long time, not because he murder this victim, but countless others, according to Nicolas investigation, the murder is a copy cat, he is murdering not just demons, but mystical creatures to sell their parts, and mascaraing human families in very important properties, just like her family case.

In the office Otto is watching footage from different locations of the countless murders, that is until he realize something of importance, he ran toward the CVC securities to see a recent video recording, that is until he saw the same person coming inside the building. Otto reach Nicolas, as he enhance the picture, both men notice that he is carrying a bag big enough to carry a small body, like a child, that is when it hit them. Otto ran as fast as he could toward the rest of the Dragons, Nicolas try to reach Scarlet in the lab.

Otto reach the Aron and Titania “A collector!” said Otto out of breath

“Calm down, what do you mean?” said Titania

“He collects rare things, I found out that the human die because he had something that is worth billions and he kill mystical creature, because some of them carry rare body parts. Right now, he is inside the building because there is something rare here, and that something is the legendary item of all” said Otto horror written in his face

Aron’s face gone pale “Please tell me is not what I think it is” said Aron getting ready to make a run for it

“He is after Scarlet and your Baby” said Otto

Aron didn’t wait for him to end, the three Dragons ran like the devil is on their tails. Scarlet is working on the chemicals reaction for the evidence she has collected, then a man enter inside, she gasp in startle, she notice the bag and the knife, she look back at him as he smirk. Aron and the others reach the lab 30 minutes later, they found the place completely wreck, Aron fast walk looking for his pregnant mate, then they arrived at her office to look at the murder killed, on the office ground, he notice all the scratch marks and the chunk of flesh torn off his body. Aron saw a shadow figure near the open cage, he saw his pregnant mate there fully transform, he could see her Dragon form in her human body, the lines change to cover more of her mounts and her pregnant belly, he wings quickly cover her body and growl at anyone that got near her, including Aron.

Aron got closer to her showing submission in order to get closer to her, her wing open to let him get near her, he hugs her and Scarlet started to sob as she change back to normal, in her birthday suit, the other reach them to witness this scene in front of them, Scarlet is cover in blood and nude. Aron took his jacket and shirt off and place it on her nude body.

“Is over, everything is alright” said Aron whispering comforting words

Much later, Edward came to the lab wield they are collecting the body and making sure that Scarlet is alright.

“Is the baby fine?” ask Edward

“Yeah they are fine” said Aron

“Ok...wait, THEY?!” said Edward Shock

“We are having twins” said Aron

“What? But? Neither your family and mine don’t have Twin gene” said Edward

“I can clear that question” said Dark as he enter the Lab

“I am sorry who are you?” ask Edward

“Sorry, I wanted to meet the next generation of Dragons and how my successor is doing” said Dark

Titania look at him carefully “You are the original Black Dragons”

All the men look at him shock, Dark explain to him that the reason that Scarlet and Aron are having twins despise not carrying the twin gene is because of Oro and himself, in that moment it hit them, both the original Golden Dragon and Black Dragons are in fact twin Dragons. The Doctor check Scarlet and explain that she is in shock for a wield, but that she will come through. For Scarlet is not new that she murder someone, I mean, she had to kill countless murders and hunters, what shock her is that the killer was after her babies. Edward knows that this is not a safe place for a pregnant women, so he ask his sister if she could take the maternal leave until she is ready to come back to work, she can still work in the house, but not at the Lab, Scarlet didn’t argue she agrees to it.

A few months had passed, Scarlet could barely see her own feet’s, her 9 moth pregnant babies are starting to anger her more, Aron try everything to make her comfortable, but she is losing it, that is until she broke.

Scarlet gasp “Aron! My water broke” shouted Scarlet as she take her breathing lessons to practice

Aron grabs the bags and her in his arms, Scarlet is calling her parents and Aron’s parents, arriving at the hospital Scarlet started to scream, grunt and moan in pain. She even started to curse Aron and the cause of her misery right now.

“Is all your f*****g fault! You h***y, pervert, arrogant, bastard, mother f****r, stupid Dragon!!!” scream Scarlet

Aron felt his ego got hurt “Well it takes two to dance in this tango” mumble Aron

“I heard that!!!” scream angry Scarlet

She is pushing and panting, the Doctor said to her that she isn’t ready to push, nor she is delated enough, Scarlet was about to throw a tantrum and anything that she could reach. Aron quickly grab the things that she was grabbing and trying to calming her down, giving the Doctor an open window to escape the anger Black Dragon.

Night fall, Scarlet is sweating like cray and trying to get as comfortable as possible as her babies making her night as miserable as the last three other months. Then the Doctor came inside to check on her, telling her she is ready to give birth.

“Alright, Mrs. Kingston, I need you to start to push” said the Doctor

“Hold on Mrs. Kingston?” ask Scarlet

“That is what your husband said over the phone, am I wrong?” ask the Doctor

Scarlet look at Aron with a smile “Husband?”

Aron look at her “We are mates, that makes you my wife, so my dear wife, let’s meet our kids” said Aron behind her helping her with the birth

Is been 1 hour and the first baby came to the world, his cry is loud and strong, Scarlet is panting hard as the Doctor announce the birth of the fist baby boy, then he hand i to the nurse as she clean him. The Doctor announce the second child on the way, Scarlet whine as Aron help her again in the same process, she continue to whine. After 2 hours in the birth room, the second child is born, crying loud and strong like his older brother.

After the nurse clean both babies, and move Scarlet in her hospital room, the nurse hand over both babies to their parents, in that moment Scarlet and Aron’s parents enter, follow by Titania, Otto and Edward with Blaze. They aww and ohh the babies with adoration as they sleep on Aron and Scarlet’s arms.

“Oh my God they are so beautiful” said Julia

“I agree” said Aron’s mother

Aron felt pride by his sons in his arms and his mates arms, then both babies open their eyes to reveal that one of them has lime color eyes and the other has a orange color eyes, unusual color that they stare at them, they realize that both babies are the first new generation of Dragons. Scarlet watch as her Childs are giggling and garbing hold o Aron and her finger, they are so small that she is scare to use her ability on them, but if she has to be stern she has to be, but right now she is a mother of two adorable babies boys, and Aron has became a Father.

“Everyone” announce Scarlet “I want you to meet our first baby boy, Vincent James Kingston Walker” said Scarlet holding the lime green eye baby

Aron smile “And this is our second baby boy, Michelangelo Kingston Walker” said Aron holding the orange eye baby

Aron got closer to Scarlet giving her, Michelangelo, as she hold both babies in her arms, Aron lean closer to her face. Giving her a gentle kiss.

“I love you, the three of you” said Aron

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