Spirit of the Wolf

Chapter 6

Aleena’s POV

Fear, all I felt was pure unbridled fear. The sheer thought of having to go to my old home – it wasn’t my home anymore, here is – was tying my stomach in knots. Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would have to go back there; well, I didn’t plan on it anyway. For once, I was happy; I didn’t have to worry about fulfilling unreachable standards, about being something I knew I could never be. But now I have no choice, that boy’s life depends on it, and if I refuse to go out of fear of my past, I’m dooming him to certain death.

“Aleena, are you alright?” Michael’s silky-smooth voice filled my ears. I am sending crazy little butterflies swarming around my belly.

“Yes, my mind is just busy” I tried to smile at him but knew it was weak.

Michael had been a constant in my life for so long that it felt comfortable, something I never wanted to give up. I hadn’t realised how much until now, though. I had always liked him and found him pleasant to look at, but lately, since the fight with the Sun Valley Pack, I had been having these… feelings, once I can’t explain, and shouldn’t be there if I’m brutally honest.

“Hey, I can tell you’re not,” His voice was soft as his fingers ran over my shoulder, sending guilty little sparks all over my skin.

“I don’t want to go back to my people. I don’t fit in there, and I know as soon as I set foot in that village, they will try to make it, so I can’t leave again.” I let the words tumble out of my mouth as I gave in to the delicious feel of his fingers running over my shoulders, sending a shudder through me; I felt him watching me.

“I won’t let that happen; there is no way they are keeping you” he leaned in, speaking closely to my ears. What was he doing to me today, and why was I allowing it? He is a married man, after all, and Human!

“You may not be able to stop them”, I barely manage to whisper. We had stopped just around the corner from Archer’s room, stepping out of sight. My eyes were trained on the floor; I couldn’t bear to look at him.

“Hey, come here,” he said moments before strong arms encased me in the most amazing embrace; it stole my breath away before I knew what was happening. My head and hands were resting on his chest with his hand in my hair. Taking a deep breath in, I was surrounded by his smell; my heart rate quickened, and I felt myself tremble.

Michael has hugged me before, but not like this; this was something new altogether.

“I promise I won’t let anything happen to you,” he mumbled. His fingers trailed down my back; as he found my bare skin between my sports bra and yoga trousers, my skin was set on fire with the sensation; every touch felt like it was imprinted on my body. I suck in a deep breath and feel his smile against my hair.

“I don’t want to put you in any danger.”

“I don’t care how dangerous it is; you’re never going there without me; I won’t let them get their hands on you” his voice was so stern; I knew he meant it. Looking up, I was caught in his gaze; our eyes locked, and my heart hammered. His fingers continued tracing circles on my bare skin as I stared into this gorgeous man’s eyes. He started to tip his head towards mine, his lips dangerously close to mine. Yet I can’t move; I want this, even though I know I shouldn’t. the whole time, my heart trumps erratically, trying to beat its way out of my rib-cage.

“Michael”, Laura’s voice travels up the stairs, stopping us seconds before his lips were about to find their marks, the gentlest, feather-light touch was all that graced mine, and my stomach plummeted; Laura is the Luna, Michael’s wife. He isn’t mine, and I know I can’t have him.

“I better go see what she wants,” he says, his forehead resting on mine, I know he is right, but the sadness I felt when he moved back and released me from his arms was unreal. Guilt enveloped me as I licked my lips and nodded, running my hands over my sides to ride myself of his touch, which failed, of course.

“I’ll be right back” he stepped forward and kissed my cheek gently; it somehow felt sad, making my guilt swell even more.

I don’t know what has changed, but I can’t look at the Alpha without need coursing through my body; it was something I had to gain control of and fast.

Michael’s POV

What the hell was happening to me? Aleena was in my head something crazy; if it weren’t for Laura calling me right when she did, I would have done something I shouldn’t. Even though a massive part of me wished I had. Raking my fingers through my head, trying to clear my mind of the beautiful elf I had just left behind on the second floor, I made my way towards the kitchen when I knew my wife would be.

I had about thirty seconds to gain control of myself; I felt my arousal pushing against the inside of my joggers again. Laura wouldn’t miss it if it were still there, and I didn’t want questions from her or to think it was playtime! I know I shouldn’t feel like that, I love my wife, but something was stirring inside me. I had to clear my head. I needed to get my lies and my life under control once more.

No one knows the truth about my marriage to Laura, everyone believes us to be true mates, but we aren’t. I love her, and I think I always will, but she was my father’s choice when my mate hadn’t made herself known at the time; I was to take over the pack, he said an Alpha could not be a full Alpha without his Luna, and in a way, I guess he is right plus he hated my girlfriend of the time, Linda. Apparently, she wasn’t a good enough fit for me or as a Luna.

“My sweet, you called?” I put my most cheery voice on and plastered a smile on my face, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

“I thought I heard you out there” she smiled as she hurried about cleaning things that didn’t need cleaning.

“Yes, I was with Ayla and the Chase brothers; they bought Aleena up to see if she could help with Archer’s condition” I don’t know why I felt the need to explain why she was there.

“Oh, was she able to help?” her voice was taught; she had never taken to her as I had; it was like she knew something was there before I did.

“Well, yes and no, she needs to go back to her village and talk to her elders, something big is going on with the Chase boy, and if she doesn’t do this, he may not make it”, I stressed.

“Okay, fine, if she can help, I can’t see the problem with that” she forced a smile my way, but I could feel she was tense

” I need to go with her; she won’t be safe otherwise” I finished doing everything I could to keep my heartbeat even; Laura had amazing hearing. She could up on the slightest change in anything.

“Why not send her a guard then? I could do with your help around here, what with the representatives still here and everything going on since the Sun Valley attack”, she started to say.

“I already said I would escort her; we are leaving in a few minutes,” I said, leaving no room for argument; I knew I would pay for it later; using my Alpha tone on her never went down well, but I wouldn’t be dissuaded from this, I was going, and that was the end of it.

“Fine, Alpha, see you later,” she said as she walked away, not looking at me as she went.

Why did this have to be so hard all the time? Why couldn’t I just have one day where things were easy for a change? Releasing a sigh, I run my hands over my jaw, trying to dispel the annoyance I felt and gain the composure I needed for the task.

I had never been to Aleena’s village and never thought I would. Still, there was no way I was risking anything happening to her; I had always been drawn to the gorgeous elf from the moment I set eyes on her, but my duty always came first above anything else; the pack needed to have faith in me and my Luna. Otherwise, we would fall apart right now. That was the last thing we needed.

Pushing my way back out the kitchen’s swinging door, I head to the bottom of the stairs where I was sure Aleena would be waiting; the sooner we got this over with, the better.

“You ready?” I called as I closed the distance between us.

“Yeh, I just need a jacket”, she mumbled back.

“Wait here,” I tell her as I nip to the left into the closet off to the side. Grabbing a small jacket from one of the pegs, I head back.

“Here, you can wear this; it will save us time, too” I smiled and handed her the plain grey fleecy coat; it was Laura’s, and I knew she would hit the roof if she found out, but we needed to get going.

“Oh, thanks” she smiled and shrugged it on.

Heading towards the door, I place my hand on the small of her back to lead her on with me, I knew she was reluctant, and I was determined to make her feel safe, and frankly, I loved the feeling of her skin on mine, I found my self touching her as often as I couldn’t lately!

“Lead the way; I’m right here every step of the way”, I promised her. she took a deep breath and walked on.

Mason’s POV

Why was my dad with the elf? And why was she out of the Archives? Something was going on, and I didn’t know what and needed to. He hadn’t seen me as he walked by with his hand on her back. He looked way too comfortable with himself.

“Who is that with the Alpha,” Stacey asked me

“No one important,” I told her, not even turning to look at her. She had been around me a lot lately. She was fun; I couldn’t deny it, as long as she didn’t talk too much.

“I can’t wait to tell the girls the Alpha was with another woman”, she preictally squealed. The look on her face was one of joy; I knew too well when you knew you could get someone in a lot of trouble and you would enjoy doing it.

Something inside me snapped. Before I knew it, I had yanked her head back by her ponytail and had her look right up at me, feet slightly off the floor. The sound of her heart beating faster as fear filled her eyes was like music to my ears; I had missed the feeling of overpowering someone. It had been a while.

“You say one word about my father that could harm my mother, and I’ll be your worst nightmare,” I glared down at her, moving my face mere inches from hers.

“Do you understand me, Stacey?” I hissed the words at her. She shook in my grasp, nodding. I knew she was too scared to answer, so that was going to have to do. With that, I let go of her hair and plastered a sweeter than sweet smile on my face. She went to move away, but I snapped her hand up in mine like nothing was wrong.

“What shall we do today then, babe?” I grinned at her. The look on her face was priceless; I had to control myself not to laugh. Goddess, I had missed tormenting Ayla since those moronic Chase triplets arrived, but Stacey would be an excellent replacement.

“I umm, I don’t know”, she stammered, her heart still hammered erratically, her free hand tugging on her short pink skirt.

“How about we go up to my room” my eyes focused on hers. I could see she didn’t want to, but I wasn’t going to let it drop, she needed to know I was in control, and if she wanted the status that came from being with me, then she better do as I say when I say it.

“Well, you see, I did say id help my mum this morning; I should go and find her now”, she stuttered; I knew it was an outright lie. So, I would make her sweat for a bit longer.

“Come on, Stace, you don’t want to leave me hanging now, do you?” I pretended to sulk, bottom lip out and puppy dog eyes.

“No, no, of course not, it’s just I promised my mum”, she began again, her heart rate picking up deliciously.

“Everyone will think you don’t like me anymore, say you used me” I continued to sulk for her benefit.

“But I do want you, Mason; I’d never use you like that, your everything to me” the words rushed from her trembling lips. This was too fun. I knew exactly what to do next that would confuse the shit out of her.

“Lucas! Mate, wait up,” I shouted as I saw him across the street. Stacey looked completely rattled and about to cry.

“See you later, Stace,” I bent and kissed her cheek before I jogged across the road. Knowing the little mind game I had played on her was going to fuck her up for the rest of the game, and it was so worth it.

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