Spirit of the Wolf

Chapter 4

Aleena’s POV

Walking back through the door to the main pack house was harder than I thought it would be. It had been many years since I had come here. Most had forgotten I was even here. Only Michael visited me, well, and the chase brothers now. A few knew of me, like Laura and their beastly son Mason. Thankfully he showed no interest in me. If I had to guess, I would say Michael had warned him away. He doesn’t seem to be the kind of boy that would leave anyone alone without either good reason or a warning.

I have always hated how I get stared at; I know I look different and stand out like a sore thumb. I hate the muttering and the pointing; I can’t say I mind the questions as I’d rather people talk directly to me rather than about me.

“Lead the way; it’s been a long time since I have been up here. I don’t know my way around,” I tell the brothers hoping the house wouldn’t be too busy today. I didn’t feel like being a spectacle.

“Sure, his room is up here,” the black-haired one said.

I had forgotten how bright the world was up here and how open the space was. A part of me missed it, to feel free without a care in the world. Someone had left a window open, and the warm breeze blew through, picking up my hair. I couldn’t help but smile. The feeling of the wind in my hair had always been one of my favourites. I was shocked at how much I longed to feel the sun on my face right then. Once I had seen the third Chase brother, I promised myself I would dare to go outside and allow this one small pleasure.

“Aleena!” Michaels’s voice floated across the foyer to reach my ears. Stopping me in my tracks. Turning, I took in his stunned handsome face. I had always had a soft spot for Michael, even if he was a bit young and a human!

“Michael, so lovely to see you” I smile at him.

“What are you doing up here? You haven’t ventured up here for years,” he spoke as he walked over to us.

“The Chase brother visited me, said their brother is still not awake, something isn’t right here. He shouldn’t still be unconscious,” I tell him.

“Okay, he was badly injured, though surely; he will recover in time, without sounding rude, my dear, but what is it that requires your attention?” he had reached me by this point and pulled me into a tight hug. Her strong muscular chest crushed me to him. I couldn’t help but hold on longer than I should have.

“Something doesn’t feel right; I want to check him over myself; I do have a few skills in the area; I just don’t overly advertise them” I shrug in hopes Michael wouldn’t make a big deal about it.

“You never fail to amaze me, you know”, he chuckled, still with his arm around my waist. I won’t lie; I wouldn’t mind him staying there all day. But deep down, I know I shouldn’t think or feel like this; he wasn’t mine and never would be.

“Your welcome to join me if you have free time”, I say, all the while my inner self is kicking me, knowing I was playing a dangerous game; I only wanted him there for selfish reasons.

“Well, sure, I was only going to run a few errands, but they can wait” he rewarded me with a beautiful bright smile.

“Brilliant, let’s get going then, no time like the present”, the two-tone-haired brother chimed in.

Michael kept his hand on the small of my back the whole way up to the boy’s room. I could feel every single one of his fingers on my skin like hot tingles tickling my skin; it felt amazing but dangerous at the same time. The thoughts that were running through my head right then were scandalous, not one I should be having about a married human man. I had to keep telling myself he’s a human man married. Stop this craziness. But in all honesty, it only made me want it more.

“Here we are; I’ll just go in and tell Ayla you’re here; I won’t be a second,” one of the brothers said to me; I really should learn which one was which.

Nodding my acceptance, I didn’t mind; I was happy where I was for now. Michael kept his hand on my back and smiled down at me. I couldn’t help the butterflies fluttering around my belly; this was insane; before I could stop myself, I edged closer to him. I know he noticed, as his eyes locked on mine, holding my stare for quite some time. His heart rate had picked up, too; maybe I wasn’t the only one feeling things I shouldn’t be feeling.

Ayla’s POV

No time had passed when Aiden woke me with a kiss on my forehead, or so it felt to me. I had climbed into bed with my unmoving mate. Being near him calmed me even if he couldn’t answer me when I spoke.

I really must have needed a nap. I guess I hadn’t been sleeping much lately. Goddess knows what I must look like right now. Aiden didn’t seem to care; he was still looking at me like I was the most beautiful girl on the planet.

“Hey, handsome, did you get your answers from Aleena?” I ask him sleepily. Putting my arms out for him to embrace me like I knew he would. His strong arms encircled my waist, lifting me clear of the bed; I couldn’t stifle the little shrink that left my lips as I clung to him—wrapping my legs around his waist and hugging him tightly.

“Damn girl, I have missed this”, he muttered into my neck.

“I’m sorry, I have missed you too; I just feel bad about being close with you when Archer isn’t here; I don’t want him ever to think I didn’t care”, I confess, holding back tears I knew were threatening to spill from my eyes like little drops of traitorous pain.

“don’t shut me out, okay? It kills me when you do” he locked eyes with me; his emerald eyes captured me instantly; I was so deeply in love with this man, at times, it hurt. Without thinking, I bring my lips crashing down on his. Now really wasn’t the time for this, but I needed it; I needed to feel the love, the devotion these men gave me, and I needed to show I felt it too. I had been distant from Aiden for a while and knew it was hurting him. I didn’t mean to; I just felt so guilty over Archer. I missed him so much, and giving in to the urges I felt for his brothers felt wrong when he was not here.

Kissing Aiden was like kissing a god; he was the most delicious man you would ever be lucky to meet. He made me crave things I wasn’t even sure I was ready for, but I wanted them anyway! My fingers were in his hair, and I gripped onto him as if my life depended on it. His hands had moved to my arse and held me tightly. A moan escaped our locked lips; my heart pounded against his chest. The need I felt was unreal. I wanted him, and I wanted him right now. I could feel he wanted me too as he pushed me up against the wall. I hadn’t even noticed he had moved away from the bed; I was so absorbed in what we were doing that the rock-solid bulge pushing against my thighs told me exactly how much desire he had, and I loved it.

“Really, you two, now is not the time”, Axel’s voice broke through our heat-filled passion make-out session. My cheeks flamed red, and I peeked over Aiden’s shoulder. Axel was grinning from ear to ear at me; I couldn’t help my giggle into my man’s neck.

“Great time, brother, as always”, Aiden replied, but he wasn’t really angry; he knew as well as I did that this wasn’t the time or place.

“You were taking so long I had to come in and see what was going on; you left me out there with Michael and Aleena; it felt awkward”, Axel spoke in a whiny voice.

“Aleena is outside”, I spoke up. I planted my hands on Aiden’s shoulders and pushed myself away so I could see better.

“Yeah, she wanted to see Archer for herself; we thought it couldn’t hurt”, Aiden answered, and he lowered me to the ground.

“You better do something about that” Axel chuckled as he pointed out Aiden’s predicament. He was still rock solid, and it didn’t show any sign of leaving soon. My cheeks flamed red once more.

“Oops, I’m sorry, ” I laugh, but I wasn’t sorry, not even a little bit.

“I’ll get you later for this”, Aiden warned me with a devilish glint in his eyes; my heart skidded as I watched him, knowing he meant it too.

“Umm, I’ll go let them in,” I say way too flustered, tucking hair behind my ears as I walk quickly to the door.

Taking a deep breath, I swung the door open; on the other side was Michael, standing too close to Aleena, who didn’t seem to mind it all.

“Uh, you can come in now,” I say, watching them both take a sudden step away. Aleena’s pale violet skin flushed slightly darker. Her silver hair was braided down her back today, and she looked nothing short of incredible.

“Ayla, so nice to see you again,” she said, placing her hands behind her back and stepping forward, trying her best to feign innocence. Michael wasn’t as good as she was; he just looked guilty. Yet they hadn’t been doing anything, had they?

“Hey, Aleena, how are you” I smile at her, glad I wasn’t the only red-faced idiot right now; it wasn’t helping that Aiden and Axel were talking privately through our mind link; I had to cover a snort-up as a cough, I don’t think my men knew I was able to hear them too, I know they were so used to being just them, having me involved was a whole new ball game!

“Guys, I can hear you; please shut up before we all get caught!” I send to them, slowly they both turn to face me, eyes wide.

“Yes, I heard you, Aiden. I know exactly what you want to do to me and that you wanna kill Axel for getting in the way” I grin at them behind Michael and Aleena’s backs.

“Ayla, when I said I wanted to make you scream my name till your legs shook, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just, you know,” Aiden trailed off, lost for word; I knew I could have some fun here.

Cocking my head to the side, I fixed my stare on him, eyes wide and questioning; I waited and watched him sweat.

“Uh oh, someone’s in trouble”, Axe taunts through our link.

“I heard you too, Mr, don’t think I didn’t hear what you wanna get up to. What was it again, show me how a real man makes his woman orgasm or was it the fuck me ten ways till Sunday bit” I paused. “I just don’t know which bit to discuss first” never had I seen two fully grown men squirm so much before; I knew I was going to be at their mercy later, but right now, it was so worth it!

“So Aleena, you’re here to see Archer. Do you think you can help him come round?” I ask her, hope sparking inside me once for the first time in weeks.

“Well, yes, I’m here to see if I can help at all” she smiles my way.

“Please go ahead; we will stay out of your way; I walked over to my other two mates, both still slightly red. I held out my hands, and they both grasped hold of one, instantly rubbing circles on the palm of my hands. I loved it, of course, who wouldn’t!

Aleen looked over to Michael, he nodded, and she moved over to the bed. Never had I seen her look so normal, so human granted, I had only seen her a handful of times that I can remember, but she was always in long flowing dresses with her floor-length hair brushing the floor. Stunning and otherworldly today, she wore simple black yoga trousers and a sports crop top; her hair was neatly braided from the top of her head down to her calves. Tying it up only gained her a few inches from the ground length that is usually reached. I could see why Michael couldn’t keep his eyes off her, even though he was trying his hardest not to stare at her, especially when she leaned over and placed her hands on Archer’s forehead.

“Oh, my goddess,” Aleena gasped, pulling her hand back as if she had been shocked. The same hand was now covering her mouth as she stepped backwards, head shaking. Her eyes were wide, and her once flushed cheeks were paler than ever.

“What! What is it” both Aiden and Axel rushed forward?

“Give her some space”, Michael suddenly spoke as he grasped Aleena.

“Aleena, what is it? What did you see?” he asked her soothingly.

“Archer, he’s trapped in the spirit world” she released the sob she had been suppressing.

“What does that mean” I felt fear grip my soul; I knew it wasn’t anything good.

“We have to get him out of there quickly; he has already caught the eye of someone, someone dangerous.”

“Do it, do it now”, I was all but shouting, heart slamming into my chest—fear and panic for my mate rising.

“It’s not an easy thing to do, Ayla, I need to consult with my elders, and you need to commune with Alune!”

Aleena turned to Michael, fear evident on her face.

“Will you please come with me, I can’t do this alone”, she pleaded with him sounding like a terrified child.

“Of course, you never need to ask” he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her out of the room, I could physically see her shaking as they left.

“What do we do!” the tears ran freely down my cheeks.

“I don’t know how to call Alune forward I don’t know what I’m doing”

“I do” my wolf Bria had been silent for weeks until now.

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