Spirit of the Wolf

Chapter 34

Stacy’s POV

“Mason keeps ringing; what do I do,” I asked wide-eyed, cross-legged on Jacob’s bed; I hadn’t left yet; I had been with him all day and all last night. He was the same Jacob I knew but, at the same time, different. He was strong, confident and possessive; I loved it.

“Next time, let me answer; I’ll sort this out”, He answered. Storm stared at me from behind his eyes.

“It will only infuriate him, Jake; you know it will, he will go nuts; I don’t want you to get hurt”, I admitted, but Jacob just laughed, a full belly laugh.

“Babe, please, have you seen me?” he laughed again “Do you honestly think he could hurt me.”

“He is the Alpha’s son though” I was quiet as I didn’t know what to do.

“Pfft, who cares? No one hurts my girl and gets away with it,” he declared, reaching over and kissing my jawline, sending tingles all over my body.

“Look, don’t worry about Mason; I’ll handle him. It would be best if you worked out what to say to your crazy mother and her friends,” he said pointedly. “I will be right there with you if you need me.”

“Yeah, I think I might need you there; she seems more invested in this than I ever was. It’s just weird because as soon as I started obsessing over Mason, my mother and her friends started meeting up a lot more and talking about him and me a lot, too. Do you think it could be linked?” my blood ran cold as I put the pieces together.

“You said it was dark magic they used, yeah,” Jacob asked me, lost in thought.

“Yeah, my mum warned me never to talk about it as not everyone could understand it”, I clarified.

“Sounds a bit on the dodgy side to me; I hate that you went through with one of those so-called tests; you could have been so hurt, Stace” he ran his fingers through my hair as he spoke. But my phone rang again then, ruining the moment.

“Ugh, it’s Mason again”, I sighed. Jacob ripped the phone out of my hand before I had time to stop him.

“Look, buddy, she’s not interested; she’s come to her senses, so back off. Or you will deal with me”, Jacob growled down the phone. It terrified me to think what Mason might do, but Jacob looked so hot right now, he was turning me on big time.

“Who the fuck is this” Mason roared down the phone.

“It’s Jacob, and I mean it, Mason; now back off”, he warned. I heard Mason laugh on the other line.

“Jacob, you weedy little fuck-tard, do you honestly think you could take me, she’s mine until I say she isn’t, and right now, I’m not done with fucking her brains out. So you tell her to get her ass back here before she regrets it; if she leaves now, I’ll only make her punishment last a while; I’ll go easy on her,” he spoke so level, so menacing, I shook on Jacobs bed. I knew he was a psychopath; he enjoyed hurting people, and it was a game for him.

“You won’t lay a fucking finger on her again, do you hear me” Jacob slammed the phone down. Knowing Mason would be offended, being hung up on makes it ten times worse.

“No, no, no, this is so bad” I let my fear shine through my voice as I trembled on the bed.

“I will kill him; I swear” Jacob was breathing hard; Storm was fighting for dominance, and I honestly didn’t know who would win.

“I’m scared”, I whispered; my eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

“You are not leaving my side; do you hear me? Where ever you are, I am too” he swallowed hard and stared me down until I nodded in agreement.

The sky darkened, making this whole situation feel a lot worse. I had spent the last ten minutes getting myself ready and jamming my shoes on my feet. Jacob was going to take me to my house to confront my mother and her friends. To tell them the deal was off. I was worse than terrified, but I knew I didn’t want this. I didn’t even like Mason. Now that I had been with the guy I truly have feelings for, all I felt for Mason had melted away. I had only ever liked Mason as a friend, if you could even call it that; it was more that I liked the power he held and how I could benefit from him, so being friends with him worked for me, but more than friends was not something I wanted, I bared the bruises for it too.

That’s the glory of being a werewolf, you can heal yourself pretty quickly, so any mark he left on me was gone within hours of them being put there. Sometimes, it goes against us; all evidence I had to show how Mason treated me, had faded to nothing before I had time to show anyone.

“You ready, Stace” Jacob called me, I was, but I wasn’t at the same time. If I was honest, I didn’t want to face this right now or ever.

“Yeah, just coming”, I call back. Trying my best to plaster my bad bitch face back into place.

Jacob drove me to my house; I could already see the cars of my mother’s friends parked outside. My father’s car was gone, though.

“I’m right here; you aren’t doing this alone, baby, okay? Trust me” he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Taking one final deep breath, I hopped out of the car and started towards the door of my house. The rain had just started falling, and I was thankful for Jacob’s hoodie. The wind was biting today.

“Stacy, get your fucking arse over here right now”, Mason bellowed at me. I jumped at his voice and cowered inside; all the strength I had found when I stood up to him had disappeared. I was just a scared girl hoping to get out of this alive.

“Not a fucking chance, prick; stay away from my girl”, Jacob shouted back, stepping in front of me, obscuring my whole body from view.

Mason growled and took a step towards us, and I stepped back; even knowing he would have to get passed Jacob first, it still terrified me.

“You have one chance, you little bitch; if you don’t come willingly, then you will pay for it”, he sneered at me. My heart all but stopped.

The door behind me opened, and my brother rushed out, followed closely by my mother and a few of her friends. Jaxson looked from me to Jacob and caught on pretty quickly; he could see the fear rolling off me; he didn’t even have to ask. My brother stepped up beside his best friend and nodded. He had chosen to take my side without knowing what was happening.

“What the hell is going on, Stacy” my mum shrieked as she rushed over to me. “Why are you crying and standing with him and not with your boyfriend, your love and Alpha to-be.”

I just shook my head in fear, trying to get her to understand this wasn’t good, but I couldn’t find my voice. So I just continued to shake my head and let the tears fall.

“Linda, I will be telling my father about this; your daughter is nothing but a cheap whore, that I showed pity on; no one would ever want such a slut as their mate, mark my words, your family will be ruined when I’m through with you” he smirked as he watched my mother’s face fall. Reputation was everything to her, and he had all but told her we were nothing, thanks to me.

“What the hell have you done, Stacy” she spoke in a hushed but angry voice, “We can fix this if you get inside and do the bonding spell now.”

I was about to answer my mother when an almighty roar filled the air around me.

Jacob shifted, and Storm stood before me, and he was huge. It was just now that I saw Storm in the flesh. He was massive and the colour of storm clouds, so fitting for his name, and his eyes were a deep grey. As he stood before me, a low warning rumble was emitted from his throat the whole time.

“You wanna fight, little boy, that’s fine. You can play with Chaos then; I know he’s itching to come out,” Mason sneered moments before shaking his shoulders and lurching forward, calling his wolf forward with a howl.

My heart pounded as I watched the wolf emerge before me. Chaos was big, but not as big as Storm. He paced side to side as he sized up his opponents. It was clear to see he was a lesser wolf to Storm. He didn’t stand tall, and he wasn’t as broad. His fur was black with chestnut flecks, he was a beautiful wolf but nothing compared to Storm.

“Look what you have done, Stacy; we were so close, and now this!” My mum snapped in my ear, the loving woman was gone, and the power-hungry one remained. “Come on; we may be able to sort this if we hurry.”

“No, I don’t want to anymore”, I stammered, trying to find my voice. My twin brother looked at me then; he saw I meant it, that I wasn’t happy with Mason and that he was bad news.

“Shut up, child and get inside” Beth was beside me without me realising she was even there. Her hands were cold and cruel, and she tried to drag me towards the door.

“I said no, I changed my mind; I don’t want this anymore”, I shouted at her, tugging my arm from her grip.

“You don’t have a choice; you started this, so you have to finish it; all magic comes at a price, especially this magic”, she hissed.

The rain began to pelt down as the witch got angrier, and the wind blew stronger, things were messed up, and I didn’t know how I had gotten mixed up in this.

“Oi, get your hand off my sister, you old bat”, my brother charged forward, ripping my arm from her grip and shoving me behind him. He growled in warning. His Wolf, Ghost’s eyes are staring back at us. He wanted to join the party, but Jaxon held him in check.

“Stupid little boy, you don’t have a clue whom you are messing with”, she laughed in his face as the two wolfs behind me charged each other.

Snarling and yelping filled the air around us. Chaos didn’t stand a chance; Storm ripped him apart without breaking a sweat. It was unheard of for the son of an Alpha wolf to be weaker than the son of a beta or an omega. But here we were.

“Stop this”, I shouted, wanting it all to end; I couldn’t cope anymore. “Mother, I’m not doing your spells. I’m not interested. I hate Mason. He’s not the guy for me, but Jacob is; I don’t care about being Luna; that’s all you,” I shouted over the mayhem behind me.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about; of course, you want to be Luna; it’s all we ever wanted” my mother was so angry, I could see her hands shake. We were all soaking wet and cold, yet neither of us would budge. I was not going ahead with these spells, and I knew she would do her best to make me.

“No, mother, it’s what you wanted; I wasn’t even interested in Mason romantically before; I was happy with Jacob, then out of nowhere he’s, all I can think about, it was you and your group of evil bitches here, wasn’t it. So this was what you did because you didn’t get what you wanted. You were trying to force it through me; well enough, I’m not doing it,” I shouted in her face, finding my strength to stand up to her for once. “I’m in love with Jacob, mate or not, and I won’t give that up for something fake with that asshole”, I breathed heavily as I stared my mother down. Beth was muttering something behind her back. But I didn’t care; I wouldn’t play the part of their puppet any longer.

An almighty Roar ripped through the air, making us all stop and stare. Storm had Chaos pinned, snarling right in his face; Chaos whimpered like a little pup below him, blood pouring from many wounds gifted to him by Storm. Yet Storm bores only one, and it was minor.

“Storm, Jacob, whichever one of you will bloody listen, let that useless fool up; he’s not worth your time,” I called. And to my surprise, he growled one last time before pushing himself off the lesser wolf beneath him.

Jacob shifted back and walked towards me, butt naked; my cheeks flamed red at seeing him in front of everyone else. But my relief and embarrassment didn’t last long.

“No!” I scream as I see Chaos leap up and sink his jaws into Jacob’s shoulder whilst his back is turned. My world went into slow motion as I watched him fall to the ground, shock plastered over his face.

“I told you, girl, you started this; you have to finish it; all magic comes at a price”, Beth’s voice etched in my mind as I watched my man fall to the ground.

“No, Jacob”

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