Sould As The Alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 18

I could try again.. She said it could still happen... “How many more times...” I knew my voice could barely be
heard, but I still asked. Then I
regretted my question immediately. How could she possibly answer that question? The memories of his touch flooded my mind,
and the idea he would touch me again made my heart race.
Estrella hesitated for a moment. “Well... It depends. But, as many as it takes.”
The past few minutes had been like riding on a roller coaster. I was heartbroken and scared one moment, and was
filled with hope the next.
Then... the thought of him bedding me again... I had tried not to think about that night, but found myself more than once late at n
ight wanting to touch myself to the memories he and I had created. I felt torn between the emptiness of not being pregnant and t
he desire to be with him again. “May I go back to my room?” I had a lot to think about, and one thing for sure
was that I couldn‘t give up. I had to remain hopeful that I could fulfill this for him –
and for myself. Both Estrella and Talon were quiet for a moment before Estrella nodded. “Of course.”
Sliding from the table, I steadied myself as I waited for Talon.
He held the door open and led me out of the room, back toward
the packhouse. He didn‘t say a word, but I knew this wasn‘t the greatest news for him. “Sorry...” I said, keeping my eyes lowered
to the floor, unable to look at him. “I‘m sorry that you have to deliver the bad news to the Alpha. I didn‘t mean to be such a burde
n...” He stopped in front of me, and his voice was calm. “Miss Rosalie, this wasn‘t your fault.” He paused
for a moment, then added, “just follow Estrella‘s order and do your
best. Please excuse me now — I need to return to the training field.” I looked at him with
appreciation in my eyes, nodding my head. As he closed the door of my room, I seemed to hear a very light sigh from him, one th
at I couldn‘t quite understand.
It was a sigh of relief.
**Talon‘s POV
I stood in front of Rosalie‘s closed door and took a deep breath. A sigh left my
lips as I looked up to the ceiling trying to clear my head. Now I had to go see Ethan –

and I hated to deliver bad news. Turning from Rosalie‘s room, I made my way down the stairs towards
the main floor of the packhouse where his office was. I knew Ethan had had meetings all morning, because I had been within the
m as well.
I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer,
“Come in.”
A New Plans
His firm voice sounded preoccupied, but as I entered he looked up at me. His expression turned from irritated to inquisitive. “Talo
n, you have news?”
“Yes, Alpha, I do.” Hesitating for a moment, I stepped forward and handed him the paper I had gotten from Estrella.
He looked over it for a second before his brows narrowed. “She isn‘t pregnant?” “No, she isn‘t,” I replied reluctantly, He stared at
One second, two seconds...
“I paid for a BREEDER and she isn‘t PREGNANT!” Ethan roared in anger, tossing the paper aside. “What the F*CK am I suppos
ed to do with a girl that can‘t f*cking conceive?!”
“It was one time, Ethan.”
His eyes darted towards me.
“Excuse me, beta?” he growled, and I know calling
him by his name in this situation pissed him off. But he was overreacting. This wasn‘t like him. Rosalie probably heard the outbur
st. Poor girl — hopefully she didn‘t hear what he said.
I took my time to pour him a glass of whiskey before making my explanation.
“You didn‘t do the act during the best time to conceive. They had to wait till after the first time to get a sense of when she would b
e ready. That was her first–ever heat, and it wasn‘t one she naturally went through. They medicated her to put her into heat –
don‘t look at me, I‘m just telling you what the doctor said.” I watched as he slowly paced back and forth behind his desk as if he

was thinking. A long sigh left him as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “So I need to keep trying?” He asked. “Yes. Estrella said t
hat Rosalie is fertile and able to conceive. You will just have to keep trying till she
is pregnant.”
Hearing what I said perked him up slightly, but I could still see irritation.
“This was the last thing I needed to worry about on top of everything else, Talon.”
“I know, but the good thing is that at least now we have a better timeframe,” I replied, trying to make
him less angry about the situation.
There was a moment of silence between us as Ethan took a seat in his chair and stared out the
“How did she take the news?” he asked. “Uh?” Did I hear what I heard? Was he actually asking how Rosalie handled it? 1 cleare
d my throat and tried to make myself not look surprised. “She was broken about it, and cried. She looked so defeated, and asked
to go to her room.” And apologized for something that wasn‘t her fault. I watched Ethan closely after telling him the news, I wasn‘
t sure why Ethan had wanted to know what Rosalie‘s reaction was, but I had known him for a long time, and something was rollin
g through his mind that he wasn‘t sharing.
Then came the second outburst.
“What the F*CK! I BOUGHT her, she couldn‘t conceive, so now
I am the bad guy?!” Ethans snide and angry remark caught me off guard. I knew I shouldn‘t, but for some reason, I almost chuckle
Did he realize that he was worried about what Rosalie thought of him?
“No,” I needed to clarify the situation as soon as I could, “I think you‘ve misunderstood.
She was upset because she wanted to be pregnant... she wanted to be carrying your child, Ethan.”
Ethan‘s eyes glanced
towards me again, and, this time, I could tell the anger in his eyes had faded quickly. His expression was unreadable, and I didn‘t

There was a reason I was Ethan‘s beta. It wasn‘t just because I
was the strongest of the warriors. I knew my friend better than anyone, and I was able to read his every moment. Which helped in
“Then have Estrella send me over the time frames,” he said, “and I will see that it‘s done.” Nodding
my head, I turned to leave, but hesitated once more. “May I ask something?” Turning
slightly, Ethan gestured impatiently for me to speak. “Once she conceives, may she be allowed to
at least venture into the gardens? Chaperoned, of course. Estrella says she needs the sunlight and fresh air.”
hesitated for a moment, staring at me with a dark intense gaze. Then he said, “Very well.” I knew better than to stay longer than I
time to rethink his answer and change his mind. Rosalie needed the fresh air –
and she needed time that wasn‘t enclosed in four walls. The gardens at the back
of the packhouse off the sunroom hadn‘t been properly tended to in a few months. I remembered how they had looked once upon
on a mission.
Rosalie needed something that was hers – and
I knew that, if Ethan were in a better mind frame, he would have done this himself. Once upon a time, he was a different man, but
not for the best reasons.
“Manuel!” I called out. A dark skinned–
man came from a green shed jogging towards me. “Yes, beta,” he said quickly, bowing his head, “how can I be of service?” Manue
that the gardens going to shame wasn‘t his fault, but I wanted to help get them back in shape. “You know the private gardens
at the back of the packhouse?” I asked slowly.
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Yes, beta... I know which ones you mean...” “Good. I would like to see that they are
cleaned up and restored. Can you make this a priority over the next few weeks?” “Of course, beta.” Turning away from him, I set o
her in. Not just about the pregnancy issue, but also about Georgia

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