Chapter sorry 70

Chapter 70. Bringing Out the Worse

Briana POV

“Mason, Mommy, and Daddy are here,” Noah assured my youngest while he held our eldest and middle child in his arms.

The two were nodding their heads off.

Any moment, and they were off to dreamland, except for my youngest, who had not recovered from his nightmare.

Mason tilted his face up. His tears clung to his eyelashes.

The sight broke my heart.

“Will you sleep with me? All of you?” Mason said in his tiny voice.

My body stiffened in reluctance, unwilling to accede to his request.

“Please. I want to feel how it is to have all of you around me.”

“We have always been around you,” I explained.

“Riley, Brixx, Daddy M, Dada, Daddy Fand Daddy C.” I continued while rubbing Mason’s back.

I felt his head shaking from side to side.

“Na–ah. Daddy was not always here. I miss Paddy.” He said, refuting my claim.

My face started to twitch, and my eyes watered instantly.

“I am here. You are not going to miss me anymore because I will always be here.” Noah promised solemnly.

My mouth parted to take in the air because my nose was clogged.

This is too much for me to take in right now

I threw Noah an accusing glare. If it weren’t for him breaking up our family. This wouldn’t be happening.

My children would have the company of their biological father, not their uncles, as stand–ins, though they were good to the children.

I wanted to yell at him, curse him, but one look at his face caught me off–guard.

Chapter 70. Bringing that the Voise


How can you vent your anger on someone whose face contorted as he tried to compose himself and sporting glassy eyes?

“I am sorry, son. I am sorry for not looking for you all these years.”

He then raised his head, and our eyes collided. The impact was so strong that I felt reeling from it all. It was so sudden, this rush of emotions.

I could feel the self–recrimination in his words, and while I hated him, my heart goes

out to him, too.

Oh, what a tangle of feelings it is!

It confused me.

Noah moved his body to put Riley and Brix in the middle of the bed.

I did the same. I placed Mason between his brothers and me.

“I want Daddy,” Mason whined.

“I am here.” Noah reached out a hand and ruffled Mason’s downy head.

Mason, on the other hand, grabbed my hand and placed it on his stomach. Next, he took Noah’s hand and put it atop my hand.

Then he placed his hands on top of Noah’s hand and sighed contentedly.

I could feel the heat emanating from his palm, but I did not pull away because that was what Mason needed right now.

When a smile laced my youngest lips, I could not help the unlocking of ropes cinching my lungs as I breathed more easily

“Sleep, my love.” I crooned to his ear.

He nodded and closed his eyes.

I watched Mason, a tenderness crossing over my features as my gaze expanded to span his brothers. They were all sleeping soundly now.

I tried to pull my hand away so I could turn around and sleep because I felt weirded out, sharing the same bed with my former husband. But Mason, even in sleep, would have none of that.

He kept a tight grip on our hands, making it futile to take it away.


in the silence around us.

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