Chapter sorry 66

Chapter 66. You Cannot Choose Who To Fall In Love With

Chapter 66. You Cannot Choose Who To Fall In Love With

Briana POV

Anthony Goldstone brought me to a fine dining restaurant.

When we first stepped inside, I could already feel the romantic ambiance of the place and cringe, especially when he took my hand to follow the Maître ‘d.

I wanted to pull my hand but didn’t want to embarrass Anthony. He was a good


All through dinner, I was distracted.

I wonder if Noah had left and how he had taken the idea that I was dating Anthony.

I wanted to make him feel jealous.

I wanted to make him feel at least an iota of what I felt when I learned about him and

Britney White. The same hurt has never left my heart until now.

I sucked in a breath when I looked at Anthony’s smiling face. We were seated at a table for two in a private dining area. It was only us.

To think that I was using this kind, gentle person in front of me audaciously just so I could get back on my ex–husband, shame filled me.

I dropped my cutlery and sighed.

“I am such a bad person, Anthony. Forgive me.” I said when my conscience continued to gnaw at me.

Astute as ever, Anthony put his fork and table knife down. Over the candle–lit dinner table, he smiled wryly at me.

“I knew something was up when you finally accepted my long–standing dinner invitation. Whatever your reasons, do not think that I am taking it against you. Just think of this as catching up between friends”

“But I used you. I am so so bad.” I lamented before swallowing the contents of my wine glass.

Gentle as ever, Anthony was quick to reassure me.

“No. You are not. You’re hurting and jealous. Sometimes pain and jealousy make us do things that we often regret later.”



Chapter 66 You Cannot Choose Who To Fall in Lyn With

I looked at him with surprise.

“Besides, I am using your predicament to my advantage. If not, we wouldn’t be here.He pointed out smoothly, rendering me speechless.

Gingerly, I reached for my wine glass to sip.

“I did not know you were updated with what’s going on in my life,” I said without sting.

I was just amused that he was aware.

“We work in the same building. News travels fast at the hotel. Besides, I have known you for years. I knew how stubborn you were. I also knew that beneath the hard façade – the sophistication you acquired over the years – you are still the naïve, child–like Briana I used to know.

“Five years, and I still feel like that lost little girl, stepping for the first time in her first home,” I admitted self–deprecatingly.

“It takes time for a heart to heal. Sometimes it takes a lifetime.” He told me cryptically.

“I hate him! He broke me!” I said in the gaping silence.

“Have you ever considered that Noah Hunter could most possibly be the one to heal your pain?”

That had me looking up from my plate.

“Please. I don’t want to have any hopes about us. Noah wanted to become a father to my children. It was me foolishly thinking that we could be a family in time. Britney White’s appearance at the office was like a dousing of cold water in the face. It shook me hard. But it also opened my eyes to the glaring truth – Noah had never

loved me.”

“Even when I was a child, he was aloof to me. He never liked me. What made me think that he would like me when I grew up? He told me himself; that he married me to accede to his parents‘ wishes. When they died, he acted so fast and threw me out of his life.”

“But I hate what he is doing to me now. His presence made me falter. He demolished all the walls I built around me. I want to get as far away from him as possible.” I hissed; my hands clenched into fists.


Chapter Maia eh to fail in Love With


“But you cannot because however far you go, there is that tie that would always connect you to him- the triplets.” Anthony reminded me softly.

I bit my lip, and my vision blurred.

“I was so confused, I don’t know what to do anymore,”

Anthony put aside his plate. Then, he took a swig from his wine glass and wiped his

mouth with the table napkin before putting it to the side. Then, he placed his laced hands on the table.

“Forgive. If you won’t forgive you will not go anywhere. You will be stuck in that hole for a very long time.”

Anthony must have seen the confusion on my face.

“Forgive. It’s such a daunting word. I don’t know if I will be able to do that.”

Anthony took my hand.

“Forgive not because he deserves it, but because you deserve the peace. Anger blurs your vision to the truth. Wipe the steam off your eyes, and you will realize that all along, it was you who was making your life complicated. Remember, you are a mother first and foremost. The children will pick up the negative vibes that came off you.”

“I know. Thank you. If only we could choose who we fall in love with, I will certainly choose you.” I told him honestly.

Anthony smiled, but I could also feel a sense of sadness from his reaction.

He was trying to help me sort out my feelings, making me comfortable, but I could feel how much I was hurting him in the process.

“Sadly, we cannot choose who we fall in love with.” He replied, picking up on my words.

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