Chapter sorry 48

Chapter 48. Unraveled

Noah POV

“She is your flancée. She had every right to escort you wherever you go. Besides, she’s well–known. What you did embarrassed her. The press had a field day Fortunately, I intervened on her behalf and nipped a huge scandal in the bud.”

I smirked to myself, but to Uncle Matt, I said dispassionately,

“That was unnecessary. You could have let Britney be. She brought it upon herself. Let her suffer the consequences of her actions.”

I have coddled Britney a lot of times in the past. Now, she is on her own.

Uncle Matt looked at me incredulously.

“What? She’s your fiancée. Anything that concerns her affects you, too.”

“Not anymore,” I said calmly, ignoring the somewhat muddled expression on Uncle Matt’s face.

“What do you mean?

I squared my chest and looked Uncle Matt in the face before dropping my bomb if he didn’t know about it yet.

“Didn’t Britney tell you? We broke up.” I said rather calmly.

The explosion of emotions in Uncle Matt’s face was priceless. He looked stunned before rage filled his eyes.

“What? Why did you do that? She will be ruined.”

I snickered. My Uncle could really act, it seemed.

I am sure he can give seasoned actors a run for their money if he chooses a career in acting. But I don’t have time to play along with him.

I looked at my watch and noted the time. If I don’t cut this cute conversation, I will be late for my appointment. I can’t let my children wait.

“If you care so much about her reputation, why don’t you marry her instead?” I told him disinterestedly.

A vile look crossed over Uncle Matt’s face in an instant, and before I knew it, he

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lunged at me.

He was aiming for my neck, but I was quick to dodge him.

Then, he attacked me again. He pounded his fist into my chest, but it barely grazed. my shirt.

Uncle Matt is old.

Though he had anger to power him up, I have years of physical training and am younger by almost two decades.

Still, in deference to our relationship, him being my mother’s younger brother, I didn’t. engage him in a fight. I let him try to hit me, but he can’t even do that.

I shook my head in disappointment. What a waste of human effort.

Dorcas, on the other hand, was quick to call security, and they arrived just in time.

“Throw him out,” I told my men.

Uncle Matt looked at me in disbelief when two burly men clamped his arms. They were almost lifting him off the ground.

Uncle Matt is a lean man and of average height. The men could easily carry him. between them.

His face contorted in a fit of rage.

“What? You, ingrate. I am your only blood relative. The one who stayed by your side all those years.

I snorted.

I hate to break this party, but I have to leave.

Enough fanfare. Uncle Matt had to be dealt with.

“Yeah, you are my only blood relative. Yet, you betray me.” I hissed, not caring anymore about our relationship.

Uncle Matt’s face turned ashen.

“What do you mean?”

He looked so comical with my men flanking him.

“Stop pretending, Matt.”

This time, I dropped all pretense and addressed him not as an uncle but as a person unworthy of one iota of my time.

“For five years, you fooled me, acting concerned and doing things for my welfare. But what did you do? I bellowed in barely contained rage.

When he did not answer, which is what I had expected of him, I continued,

“You stole from me.“I spit out.

“In the two years I was away, you embezzled money from the company to fund your gambling Silly me, I thought it was mismanagement. Because why would I suspect the only person who had been so kind to me was stealing behind my back?”

I shock my head self–deprecation filled me.

“Unthinkable. To think I trusted you the most” My eves hardened as I could not control the fury simmering inside me.

Uncle Matt had the gall to deny my claim. He was so livid.

“You are wrong! Someone is trying to frame me.” Uncle Matt’s expression changed in

an instant

From one of anger, his expression became docile.

“We had been investigating you for months, Matt Bryant. The police were already notified about your crime.” My bodyguard told him.

For a moment, I felt a nagging pain when I looked at Uncle Matt’s stricken face. He was, after all, the only family I have left.

Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!”

Then, I instructed my bodyguards to turn him over to the police and called Brent and Langley to represent me because I would be busy meeting my triplets.

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