Chapter sorry 43

Chapter 43. Fiance Stealer

Briana POV

“Well, well, well. If this isn’t the cheater.” Britney White snickered when she noted the surprised expression on my face.

I decided not to play her games and ignored her, I was about to step out when Britney blocked my path.

“We are not done talking yet, b*tch!” She hissed in my face.

Accidentally, I sucked in the air, and her stale breath clung to my nostrils. I almost gagged,

“Have you been drinking?” I asked out of concern.

“Don’t try to play the kind hostess fiancée stealer.” She spat out.

Her face contorted in anger.

Now, I understand what this is all about.

I shook my head to deny her claim.

“I didn’t steal your fiancé.”

Britney laughed, but it sounded hollow to my ears. I felt her pain, and my heart goes out to her.

It was not her fault Noah decided to divorce me back then.

She might be the catalyst, but the

action was all on Noah.

Britney White was not my enemy.

“Liar! If not, then why is Noah breaking up with me?”

“That does not concern me.” I shot back and moved to sidestep her, but Britney must have anticipated it.

She wedged her body between the door frame, arms spread wide.

“You are wrong, b*tch. Since you came, Noah has changed overnight. If I would blame anyone, that would be you, Briana Ford.”

I shook my head, finding no sense in talking to a drunk person.

Britney, whatever I may tell her, would not buy my excuse. It would be futile.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. If Noah has changed, then that is between the two of you. Don’t drag me into your mess. Frankly, I do not care. Noah Hunter means nothing to me.” I told her harshly.

Britney White lifted her hand, and I took a step back in reflex.

Britney saw my reaction, and she giggled. Her eyes looked dazed and unfocused.

“Why did you come back? Admit it. You wanted to confuse Noah. But I assure you, Noah loves me. He loved no one all these years except me.”

I laughed, but it was a manufactured one. I didn’t feel any happiness while doing that.

It was a pure act to hide the dull ache her words created in my heart.

Without warning, my voice came out hard.

“I don’t care whether he loves you or not. Noah and I are done. Finished. So, don’t come barreling on my door and throwing accusations on my face without proof because lady, I can very well sue you for slander.” I warned, quite proud of myself.

I wouldn’t be this fierce if I was still the Briana of old, but I have changed. What happened between Noah and me taught me a life lesson.

That is, to fight for myself. No one can fight my battles for me. Not even my brothers. Only I can.

I thought my warning was enough to stop her, but she continued to hurl insults at

  1. me.

“So, now you are hiding behind your husband’s name and protection. It’s very convenient to have a rich husband, huh? Tell me, did Marcus Ford know what you are doing behind his back?”

“I am doing nothing,” I stressed. t

“Really? Did your husband know that you kissed Noah at Matt’s birthday bash? It was. the first time you saw each other, and the minute you were alone, you pounced on him.” She accused me.

I had to laugh at the ludicrousness of her allegations

“I pounced on him. Are you sure?” I do not want to make a big deal of what happened at Uncle Matt’s party, but I cannot let her besmirch my name.

Noah pounced on me. But you responded, a tiny voice in my head said.

And that was my fault. But I wouldn’t acknowledge that in front of this woman, I just have to be more vigilant in depling with Noah.

“If you are going to accuse me of something, you have to keep your facts straight because I can assure you it is the other way around. Now, move, or I will have to ask the security to throw you out.” I snarled.

I realized trying to be a decent human being to the likes of her is a waste of my time and energy

I pushed her aside so I could pass, but before I could leave and slam the door on my way out Britney’s hands reached out and grabbed a handful of hair.

She tugged, causing me to cry out in pain.

1 grabbed her wrist, turned my body around, and reversed our position. In the process, Britney’s hand came out twisted.

She cried in pain and instantly released her hold on my hair.

She cried pitifully while massaging her wrist.

I threw her one hateful glance before deciding to leave, but at that moment, the door

to the restroom opened, and Noah came in.

He saw Britney’s face crumpling in pain and looked inquiringly at me.

“What happened?”

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