Chapter sorry 38

Chapter 38. The Fords

Chapter 38. The Fords

Briana POV

I woke up to the sounds of loud voices and instantly got alarmed.

It must be the new home.

My ears perked up when I recognized the familiar voice of my brother calling out to my children.

I groaned and looked at the triplets, thankful the ruckus did not wake them.


Well, that was premature thinking. As the saying goes, you can not count your chicken until it is hatch.

In my case, I shouldn’t be too confident because right after I got out of bed, I noticed my triplets‘ eyes fluttering open at the slightest movement from me.

At first, they looked disoriented. Then, their little ears picked up the voices, and a grin slowly curved on their cute little faces.

“Dada!” Mason squealed in delight.

He flew off the bed and ran out of my room with his two brothers in pursuit.

When Mason reached the last step, he launched into Rowan’s waiting arms.

“I miss you, kiddo!” Rowan hugged Mason to himself while Mason muttered. “I miss you, too, Dada!”

The other two launched themselves in my other two brothers‘ arms. Riley jumped into Charles‘ arms while Brixx clambered up Flint’s chest. Then they exchanged places and hugged their other uncles, too.

I smiled, seeing how my brothers dote on my triplets, seeing the love between them.

Rowan then took Mason back in his arms and went to the middle of the living room to pick up the parcels he brought from Southwood. He handed the children bags after bags of gifts.

The kids were too happy with their toys. A large fire truck snagged Riley’s attention while a remote control plane took Brixx away.

Mason excitedly opens the package containing a mid–sized easel and paints.

“Rowan!” I gasped, noticing the brand name of the paint. They are worth a fortune.

“What, my little sister?” He asked with his brows raised

“Don’t splurge too much on Mason’s painting materials,” I told him while we both eyed Mason.

“We have a future painter in the family. I can’t stop indulging him. His paintings will fetch us millions later, sis. It’s a good investment.”

I laughed when Mason ran up the stairs. Rowan followed. They ended up in the recreation room, and Rowan unfolded his easel.

He also produced a mid–size stool and placed a canvas on the easel.



Chapter 38. The Fords

“I am going to paint,” Mason announced.

His two brothers barged in, bringing their hauls.

“We have toy trucks and other engines. Let us play these first?” Riley suggested, but Mason only shook his head.

His brother did not insist. Riley and Brixx started playing with their toy trucks while the adults talked business.

“It’s all set for the launch this afternoon,” Marcus reported.

As part of Ford Empire, we have to report to the board, meaning our brothers the development of the business.

“That is why we are here,” Charles interjected, punching Marcus playfully in the arm.

“We could not let sis do it alone.”

Marcus made a face. “She is not alone. I am here.” He pointed to himself to let our brothers know he

wouldn’t let me down.

“We all have to be here. We have to make a statement for the entire Redwood that Briana Ford has our unwavering support.” Charles argues.

As the eldest, my other three brothers agree with him.

Their presence today warmed my heart. I could not ask for more.

“You wouldn’t believe what happened when we attended old Bryant’s wedding bash.” Marcus started.

I glared at him before my gaze dropped to my children’s head. I do not want the triplets to hear adult talk. My brothers were natural–born nosy people, and so they all asked simultaneously. “What happened?” Disregarding my warning about the children.

Jenna laughed so hard. “Oh my gosh! These men are so nosy. Who would have thought they loved to gossip?” Jenna said, shaking her head.

Our eyes met, and we both laughed out loud.

Marcus told them in a hush, careful about the little ears that appear busy doing their things but possess elephant ears.

“Our sister disappeared from Redwood for years. Now that she is back, the Hunters would be quaking on their knees.” Charles declared.

My three other brothers agreed.

“We have to be prepared. We can’t let anyone walk over our little sis, especially in our party.” Rowan added.

“Flint, call the security team and ask them to increase surveillance – manpower and CCTV cameras- at the party. Make sure we have enough footage to pin them with a case once the Hunters start making trouble.”



Chapter 38. The Fords

“Why don’t we just uninvite them?” Flint, the most simplistic of my brothers, suggested. “Why let the predators inside our territory when we could keep them away?”

“True. But we have to keep appearances. We cannot declare war on the Hunters without evidence to back our claims. We will alienate other people in the business. The Hunters are well–known in Redwood. The people trust them. As newcomers, we have to bend a little to accommodate them.” Charles explained, and that settled everything.

After a while, we had breakfast, and then we all retired to bed when the children started being fussy.

We woke around noon for lunch and prepared for the grand launch this afternoon.

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