Chapter sorry 21

Chapter 21. Familiar Black Eyes

Briana POV

The Night of the Party.

“You look stunning as always, Briana.” Martina, my assistant, commented. She was the only pers

from my work group that I

invited to come along with me to Redwood City.

She came by the house to help me prepare for the party tonight.

I smiled my thanks.

When she left, I studied my face in the mirror. I checked whether my make–up was all right or that no strand of hair escaped my braid. I made sure that I would wow everyone when they saw me tonight.

I am sure that most of the attendees to the party Matt Bryant is hosting will be the same people I knew while married to Noah.

I presume some of them even witnessed my humiliation when I was thrown out of Hunter Enterprises five years ago.

I had to make sure I looked my best. I don’t want people to see any trace of the old Briana.

“I am no longer Briana Johnson Hunter. I am Briana Ford. I am a force to reckon with.” I repeated this mantra over and over in my head while I took deep breaths to calm my nerves.

Satisfied with my looks, I took my clutch bag and went to the triplets‘ room to check on them.

From the outside, I could hear them laughing and bargaining with


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My brother threw his head back and laughed. He was the closest to the triplets.

While I looked at the three horsing around, a small hand cupped my cheek to distract me.

“Take care, mommy. I am going to mis you.” Mason said.

He was my sweetest boy and the most attentive among the triplets.

My eyes misted. “Of course. Mommy will be fine. Don’t sleep past your bedtime.” I reminded him.

“Yes, mommy. I am going to make sure Riley and Brixx sleep early, too.”

I nodded and patted his chest. So proud of my little boy. He was the eldest in order of birth and the most responsible, too.

Then, I rose to my feet and motioned for the other two to come to

  1. me.

They eagerly release their uncle to crawl in my direction. When they reached me, they wrapped their little arms around me.

I sighed. This is my idea of heaven – my little guys embracing me.

I straightened my body and walked to the door where I left my heels.

“Bye, kids. Be good while Mommy and Daddy M. are out.” I told them.

He all nodded their heads.

“Bye, mommy. Bye Daddy M. “They called out in their little voices.

The car stopped outside the entrance to Hunter Hotel, but I was having second thoughts about going out.

“Move your butt, sister,” Marcus ordered.

I stared at the familiar façade of the hotel and sighed. This hotel is a product of our joint effort Noah and I and seeing it again after so many years brought back memories of the past.

I sighed.

“I am not sure I can do this,” I told Marcus truthfully.

But my brother would not budge.

“We talked about this. You have to be here. You can do this.”

I looked at my brother, eyes pleading for understanding.

He squeezed my hand. “I will always have your back.” He promised me.

I took deep breaths to calm my frayed nerves before nodding at Marcus.

Marcus got out first.

He turned around and laid his arms out for me.

I took it and stepped out of the car, knees wobbling. I almost slipped, but Marcus caught me.

I nervously turned my head around and saw familiar black eyes. looking right at me. They blazed when our gazes met.

Chapter 22 Smart and Cimnings

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