Sommerstall Academy

: Chapter 68

‘Are you ready?’ Eli asks me when we pull up in the driveway of my parent’s house. We went to school in his family’s car this morning so I could get most of my stuff out of my old home already, considering I won’t need it there anymore. I mean, I’m wearing Elija’s shirt and underwear paired with my jeans from yesterday.

Not going to lie, his boxershorts are mad comfortable but that’s beside the point.

Elija protested that there was no flower on me until I told him I’m wearing my bra from yesterday. Then he grinned boyishly and told me how good I looked in his shirt.

But back to now.

We get out of the car and stop again at the front door. I’m really doing this. Damn, am I really doing this? What if I didn’t see this through? I haven’t even started looking for jobs yet and how much of my trust fund will I have to use up for this?

Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.

A warm hand settles on the nape of my neck, massaging me slightly. ‘You’re fine, Florence. I won’t let anyone hurt you,’ Elija tells me.

‘Right. Yeah, you’re right. They’re probably not home anyway. It’s just the nerves, you know.’ I chuckle, trying to shake everything off.

‘Take your time,’ my boyfriend tells me calmly.

‘I love you,’ I say, turning my neck to look at him. I can’t believe how lucky I got.

Elija smiles. ‘I love you.’

With one deep breath, I unlock the door and push it open. Stepping inside, I’m greeted by someone calling my name.

‘Florence? Oh, you finally made it home! Care to explain where you’ve been?’ my mother asks, rounding the corner so she’s standing in front of me. She’s wearing the expression that used to scare the flip out of me as a child. The one where she looks at you like you did something wrong, like you’re something less than her. Now it only makes me angry.

Manipulative woman.

‘Oh, I should have guessed it would be you she ran off with,’ she adds, only now noticing Eli.

I can feel him tense beneath my touch but he doesn’t say anything and doesn’t move a single muscle. He’s here in case I need him, a silent reminder that I’m not alone and that I can do this. That I don’t need my parents and all the pain having them in my life includes.

‘I’m here to get my things and leave. Please get out of my way,’ I tell her, my polite façade in place. I’m mocking her. I’m mocking the tyrant that has been making me feel bad about myself all my life and it feels so damn nice.

That feeling quickly dies when my father joins us in the corridor. My façade slips and it’s all I can do not to back away.

Elija squeezes my shoulder encouragingly. I focus on that. On him and my goals. Mostly, I repeat to myself that I’m safe and finally straighten my spine, meeting my father’s gaze defiantly. I’m done cowering.

‘Look who’s back,’ my dad says slowly, looking at Elija. ‘Leave, boy, I have some things to discuss with my daughter. Family things, you know. Very important.’

I hate the chill that settles over me at the sheer sound of his voice. So much power. He and my mother still have so much power over me and I’m sick of it.

‘He’s not going anywhere and there’s nothing to discuss. Like I already told your wife, I’m only here to get my things,’ I tell them.

‘Oh? And may I ask what you need your things for?’ my mother asks.

‘You may. It’s like this, I’m moving out. I’m done with you two taking your shit out on me like I’m your personal punching bag. I’m leaving and you’ll be rid of me for good,’ I say, my voice as strong as steel.

‘What? Don’t be silly, girl. You can’t just leave. Where would you even go? To live with him? Please, I’ve seen the shoebox his family lives in. This is just the result of one of your moods, typical teenager,’ my mother mutters.

Oh, but she doesn’t realize that the last thing she wants to do is disrespect my boy around me. Not when there’s a lifetime of anger towards her bottled up inside of me.

I take a step towards her, staring her down.

‘Where I go and what I’ll do is none of your business. Anywhere is better than here. And just to be very clear, I’d sooner live under a bridge with Elija and his family than in a palace with you two. At least they know how to be decent human beings. More than decent, but that’s why you’re so jealous, isn’t it.’ I take my time looking her down and back up once, disgusted by what I see. ‘You’re dead to me,’ I tell her, my voice venomous. Then I look at my dad. ‘Both of you.’

My parents are stunned silent and I use the opportunity to push past them, ignoring the way my skin scorches where it touches my father. I go into my room and lock the door as soon as Elija is in. Then I release a breath and let my shoulders slump.

Elija’s in front of me in a beat, wrapping his arms around me tightly. ‘You’re okay. You can be so proud of yourself,’ he mumbles against my skin.

Then we pack up my things and leave out the window. I don’t care if it seems cowardly, I don’t have anything more to say to my parents.

I mostly took my clothes, iPad, and some books I haven’t read before with me along with some toiletries and other essentials. Leaving the rest behind felt like abandoning a part of myself but it’s just for now. I plan on getting everything else once the guys and I have our place. I just hope my parents won’t do anything about it in the meantime.

On our way to Elija’s home, I cry silently. He doesn’t say anything and neither do I. He simply keeps one hand on my thigh and offers his silent support.

I guess this is really happening. Now we’ll just have to look for our new home, I have to find a job and finish school. Easy, right?

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