
Chapter Sold 54

Chapter 54 

Author’s POV 

Lord Williams had sent word to Prince Kane that they would be arriving soon, so he had arranged a place for them where they could stay until they finished with everything they planned on doing. 

He didn’t know what Lord Williams would need him to do, so he planned on going there first to speak to him when Prince Lucas stopped him on his way 

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” He gave him a suspicious look and Prince Kane glared at him. 

“Since when do you start caring about what I do?” He frowned 

“That is it. I don’t know, but when you walk around looking that suspicious, then you make me want to find out what’s happening,” he said and Prince Kane’s heart skipped a bear 

All of his plans and hard work would go to waste if Prince Lucas became suspicious and wanted to know what was going on. 

He knew Prince Lucas well enough to know that he could stalk him if he gave him a reason to, hence, he needed to play smart or he would follow after him and find out where he was going and what he was up to. 

“Now, it is you who is being suspicious Prince Kane decided to act along to get him off his back. “What do you plan on doing this time! Push me hard so that I can beat you up again and then lude under the Alpha’s umbrella since you are a coward and can’t even do anything right,” he hissed. 

Prince Lucas flared up at the sound of a coward and he charged at Prince Kane out of anger. 

“What did you just call me?” He frowned. 

“A coward. Isn’t that what you are? You can’t even do anything right but since you are the golden son, you act as if you own the whole place, when in fact, you are nothing but a mistake of a man, Prince Kanc insulted him. 

“How dare you?! You are nothing but a bastard whom Father took out of pity. How dare your compare yourself to me? How dare you look down on me” He said with grined teeth. 

Prince Kane let out a dry laugh as he watched 

hed Prince Lucas get ahead of himself 

“I might be an illegitimate child, but in not a coward. No one might be willing to admit it, but not once have I ever done something to bring shame to the family,” Prince Kane hissed. 

“Your whole existence is already a shame, Prince Lucas spat out. Did you say you have never done something to embarrass us? Sleeping with your mate’s sister. Is that something to be proud of? Are you proud to even refer to yourself as the Alpha’s child? You are nothing but a stain in this family. You should have just died in your mother’s stomach, Prince Lucas hissed, riling Prince Kane up. 

Prince Kane wished he could punch him hard in his face and beat him to a pulp like the stupid fool that he was, but he also calms his nerves at the reminder that Lord Williams was already hanging around in the pack. 

All of this would end soon anyway, so he thought there was no point in arguing with the fool. 

“I will let this pass, but this will be the last time I will watch you insult my mother,” he said before walking off angrily 

He didn’t miss the way Prince Lucas stared at him as he stormed off angrily and he couldn’t wait to watch them beg for his mercy when the time came for him to kill them. 

Prince Kane went to the hideout he had provided for Lord Williams to welcome him and the men he came with. 

“I’m so glad that you made a promise and fulfilled it,” Prince Kane greeted Lord Williams as soon as he joined them. 

“You should thank Alpha Xander for his goodness,” he corrected him, 

Tthere anything you would like me to offer you while you are heret Food maybe?” He asked and Lord Williams shook his head

“That won’t be necessary. 


Can we get started making preparations already? We don’t have all day,” Lord Williams pousted and Prince Kane nodded. 

while they 

w they would attack the palace so that Prince Kane could finally become the Alpha of the 

They went to take a seat while they began to plan out how they would attack the Greenwood pack 

“When do you want the attack to take place? Lood Williams asked

“I don’t think we should prolong anything anymore. We should attack by midnight, Prince Kane said as he brought out a map from his pocket. 

Chapter 54 

“Here is the blueprint of the mansion. With this, you should be able to find your way in without raising suspicion.” 

Lord Williams took the paper from his hands and examined it before nodding his head. 

Have Ve 

you made arrangements on how we would get in without raising an alarm or you don’t mind us getting loud by killing anyone that tried to get in our way?” Lord Williams asked. 

“Here is the thing. I don’t care what happened to the guards, but I don’t want to raise an alarm either. I’ll find a way to clear the gate for you so that you can get in without much stress. Our main target should be getting the Alpha, my stepbrother and stepanother,” he said

“Are we to kill them as soon as we spot them!” 


“Of course, not. I need you to bring them to their knees before me so that they can see that the man they rebuked and ridiculed all their lives was the same man who would be turning the Alpha of the Greenwood pack” Prince Kane said with a proud grin 

“That is not a problem. Just give us a go–ahead, and we will be right where you need us to be. Lord Williams assured him. 

“No problem. You should be ready by ten at that you can come in,” he assured them. 

ght. Have your men surround the mansion. I’ll send a word once everything is ready from my side so 

“No problem then, we will make ourselves available. 

Prince Kane went back to the mansion and went straight to his mother’s room.. 

He knew he had to get his mother out of the mansion before Lord Williams infiltrated the place with his men. He doesn’t know how things will end yet, and in case things go wrong, everything might end up in a iness so he needs to get his mother out of the place before that happens. 

“Prince Kane, his mother stood up as soon as she saw him and went straight to hug him immediately. The palace had brought distance between them and it was all because no one really respected them here. 

“I haven’t seen you in days, Kane. Are you avoiding me? Is it because of what happened the last time? Are you still angry? It’s not your fault. I promise.” 

“I know, Mom, I’m just angry about how you have to often see that disrespect, he confessed and his mother smiled. 

“I knew what I signed up for when I brought you here. She assured him. “I don’t mind feeling degraded as long as you are fine. I know things are lough here, but trust me, it’s much worse out there. 

Don’t worry, Mom, everything is about to be fine,” Prince Kane assured. 

His mother looked at him with suspicion as he looked at Prince Kane. “What do you mean by that? What are you planning, son? His mother asked. 

“It’s nothing, mother. You just need to trust me” 

“What are talking about, son” 

“You need to leave the palace with me, Mom” 

“No, I came here in the first place because I do not want you to suffer outside. We cannot leave.” 

“Mom, you need to trust me on this,” 

Can you at least tell me what is going on?” His mother continued to pester him, 

“I’ll tell you everything later, but first, you need to trust me 

His mother finally listened to him and decided to leave with him. Prince Kane took his mother to a safe place that he had prepared and assured his mother that everything would be fine. 

He kissed his mother’s cheeks before returning to the palace. As soon as he did, he sent a word to Lord Williams. 



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