
Chapter Sold 49

Chapter 49 


I kept my gaze fixed on the mirror as if I were piercings through my soul, I saw beneath the surface and I saw a staring back at me. The monster was no other than me. 

a monver 

I had to be one to survive and every time I look at myself in the mirror like I was doing right now, all I see was the monster that defeated his family 

Everyone saw me as one, but nobody saw my family as the monster when they were busy bullying me. 

Maybe indeed I was a monster or a tyrant some would say. But it could go back in time, I’d make the same choices even if I were to be labelled as a demon. 

I hated my eyes so much because everyone did. Everyone called me ugly and even avoided me like a plague after getting the scar. It got to a point that I could no longer look into the mirror to see my reflection. It was just too painful to watch. 

But looking at my ocean–blue eyes right now, they don’t look as ugly as everyone else makes them be. I don’t know maybe it was because of Maliya’s words, Int for the first time in more than a decade, I looked at my reflection in admiration rather than disgust. 

Indeed, my eyes are beautiful. 

My mind flashed back to the story behind my scar and all I could do was let out a dry laugh. For some reason, everytime I recall my past, it makes me wish I really was patient enough to give those people a crueler and more humiliating death because they deserved it. 

“Luna had requested for you, a maid came to announce in my room and I went out immediately. 

It was my mother’s death anniversary. Although I didn’t know where she was buried, I could never forget the date. I remembered crying myself to sleep when I had just moved into the mansion while repeating the date of her death 

I was young and even then, I knew no one cared enough to memorise the day, not talk of honouring her on that day, hence, I did the only thing my little brain could think of back then. 

“You sent for me,” I said as soon as I saw the Luna. 

“I did. Alpha had ordered for a few guards to go out and see how things were. A plague has spread around the Pack and he needs a report as soon as he can, so do well, and assist the guards she ordered. 

My jaw dropped at the sound of her words and I stared at her in disbelief. 

“I–1–I–I should follow the guards to see what is going on?” I asked in disbelief. 

Why should I follow them? It was as if she was telling me to go out there and get infected with the plague so that she could have a reason to chase me out of the mansion without a second thought. 

I have been living here long enough to know how everyone thinks and I can see through her head. I won’t be surprised if she has the guards to deal with me already. 

“Did I stutter? I said you should go with the guards and see how the people are doing!” She snapped. 

my courage. 

I could never look into her eyes when she was speaking to me but for the first time, I didn’t know where I found my a I looked into her eyes and refused her order. 


Chapter 49 

“I can not go there. The plague was strong and even the physiciatis taking care of them had been infected too. Going there is like begging to be infected. Since Alpha has given his orders, wait until the guards come back to give him the report. 

“Are you defying my order?” She scoffed in disbelief. 

“Of course, not. I’m just saying that going there won’t be necessary.” 

“Xander, go with the guards this instant!” 

I stood in the same position, refusing to leave despite her order and she flared up. 

“You have started growing wings and you even talk back to me now? How dare you look me in the eyes when I speak to you? I’m going to teach you a lesson,” she hissed as she stormed forward to where I was standing. 

I tried to stand my ground because it was either that or I ended up getting infected and thrown out. 

“Anyone there!” She yelled and two maids came rushing in. 

Place a knife on the stove for me. Make sure it is hot enough to boil water before bringing it back, she ordered and the maid rushed back to the kitchen. 

“W–w–what do you want to do with a knife?” I asked as iny heart skipped a beat. 

Just then, she signalled for a guard to hold me down and before I knew it, I was forced to sit and was tied to a seat. 

“You can look at me in the eyes now because your two eyes are still working. Let’s see what happens when you become blind she grinned. The maid came back with the knife and only then did I realize what she was about to do. 

“Hold him tight, she ordered and I shook my head. 

“No. No. No. You cannot do this,” I whimpered out of fear. 

“You might want to watch me since it would probably be your last time,” she grinned. 

She raised her hands as she held the knife in the air and its body shook from the pressure she was bringing her hands down to stab me in the eyes. 

I tried to break loose but it was too late. 

The hot knife made contact with my face, burning me, while she cut me dip, under my eyelid, making sure to leave a scar. 

I screamed out in pain and she laughed at me. 

“You are lucky it didn’t meet your eyes, but this is even better. You will be ugly, forever,” she laughed as blood gushed down my face. I cried out for help, but no one came to me or bothered to help because Luna could kill them before they could

After crying in agony for what seemed like forever, my father’s Beta finally came to see the scene and I felt slightly relieved. 

“What happened to him?” He asked with a concerned look on his face while I held my face tightly, praying that the pain would fade away. 

“It’s nothing serious,” she said with a smirk. 

“He needs to go to the hospital. He can die at the rate of the bleeding,” he pointed out and a frown spread on her face. 

“Why would he die from a little cut? And if he did, he just saved himself from his ill fate. It’s a win–win situation,” she said with an evil laugh

“Even if that is the case, please, let’s get him to the hospital, he begged and after a lot of persuasion, she eventually agreed. 


16:33 Sun, Aug 4G. 

Chapter 49 


Darkness had consumed me, before we got to the hospital but Iverheard the doctor suggesting plastic surgery to cover my scar which my stepmother disagreed with immediately. 

“Why would he need plastic surgery? Leave him as he is. 

“The wounds might never heal because of the spot he got cut. There is only little we can do too. Please consider it,” the doctor begged but she wouldn’t listen.. 

“Give him some pain relief and discharge him.” 

“He should spend at least two weeks here..” 

“Did you not hear me? Discharge him as soon as he is awake and give him some painkillers.” 

Just like the doctor said, the wounds don’t heal and no one helped me to treat them since I left the hospital on the same day. 

As if that is not enough, they made me walk around the whole pack with my face and I have never felt so humiliated in my entire life. 

Everyone made fun of me. Some even went as far as throwing stones at me, calling me a monster and not a single one of them cared to know how I was doing. 

“You should just poison yourself and join your mother!” 

“Such a shameless childr 

Luna must have a heart of gold for raising such a child, everyone mocked, while I cried. 

I am going to kill every one of you. I vowed to myself. 

It’s been years since all of this happened, yet, every time I recall the memory, my blood boils with anger and I feel the urge to set the whole world ablaze. 

“Mate,” my wolf words resurfaced in my head again, and for a split second, I wished he was right about it. 


I send a maid to go and call Claudia over now that Alpha Adonis is not in the room. I have been curious all day and I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about why prince Kane was here and what he could possibly want. 

I know him well enough, to know that he wouldn’t have come here just to pay his respect. He definitely came for a reason and whatever it is, I won’t stop until I find out. 

Just then, the door cracked open and Claudia came in. 

“Did you find anything?” I asked anxiously. 

It wasn’t easy 

y to get an 

get anyone to talk since it was meant to be a secret, but it seems he came here to make a Alpha Nobody knows the decision yet, so we have to call down to be able to find out what it is.” 


from the 

My mind went back to the day he sold me. He seemed to have to think everything through and I just happened to approach him at the right time. 

I bet he sold me to get favours from Alpha Xander and now that he is here, I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me that it has something to do with becoming the Alpha at the Greenwood pack 

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