
Chapter Sold 44

Chapter 44 

These people just never learn. I’ve made it clear that I’ll not attend to people unless they send an advanced notification which I’d decide whether I am going to attend to them or not. 

I felt the urge to stand him up since he didn’t have the courtesy to show any respect but since he was the one that sold Maliya to me, I guess I would hear what nonsense he has to say 

“Should I send him away?” Lord Williams asked. 

“No need. Lead the way.” 

Lord Williams opened the door to where he was already waiting and I hoped whatever he was here for was worth my time. 

I went into my meeting room to find Prince Kane already sitting down. He sure does know how to make himself feel 



soon as he saw me, he stood up and bowed to show his respect and I went to take my seat. At least, he is not completely 


He waited for me to settle down before speaking, but I could tell just how shocked he was to see me. He tried hide it by rentaining calin, but his expression sold him off 

I bet he thought Lord Williams was me all along since he was the one he spoke to. 

Lord William seems to notice this too and breaks the silence. 

“I am sure you are a little surprised,” he began and Prince Kane looked between the two of us, still confused about what waAN going on. 

I’m Lord Williams. I know you are confused since I was the one you spoke to the last time, but I was merely a representative and this is the real man you have been looking for,” he said, pointing to me. “Meet Alpha Xander.” 

Prince Kane’s eyes widened in surprise and he bowed to show he respect for the second time. 

“Pardon my manners, 1 don’t know you are the Alpha,” he apologized immediately while Lord Williams continued. 

“Alpha, this is the man I bought Maliya from. 

I nodded since it wasn’t exactly news. 

Tam Prince K—” 

“Go straight to the point. I don’t have time to listen to your life history,” I cut him off before he can start by telling me his name which I already knew or some useless information which has no benefit whatsoever for me. 

My apologies, but 1 am here to take mine. It is supposedly mine since it was the promise you made.” 

His confidence amuses me. I have never spoken to anyone Lord Williams went to see personally because he attended to them in the first place. After all, I do not want to. 

I don’t know what promise they made to each other or how their conversation ended the last time. I have never really asked for the details as long as Lord Williams ve me the report of what happened, but seeing how he was expecting something from the, it must have been important 

“And what is this promise?” I frowned. It was unlike Lord Williams to make a promise without my permission. 

Chapter 44 

I have brand stories of how you usually buy slaves from people in exchange for a huge amount of money, he began and I just hope he will cut out the sinnecessary information and get straight to the point. For a man, he talks too much. 

“And” I asked impatiently 

“When I heard this, I thought it would be a good opportunity forme so when I sold my slave to you, I refused to collect monry in return because I wanted something more important in return,” he said, and I scoffed. 

He wants me to offer him something else aside from the money but I’ve been offering others. 

“What is it” I frowned. 

was never the type to bend my rules for anyone. If money is what I offered in exchange for a slave, I expect you to either take it or leave it if it is not what you are looking for, but seeing how he even came here, he must have been desperate. 

“I need your support. I need you to help me become the Alpha of my pack because right now, the chances are too slim. If I am being completely honest with you, there is no chance at all, and I need to rise to power or I’ll continue to face different humiliations,” he said, and I could sense the desperation in his voice. 

He reminds me of my younger self. Of the period when I could dream of becoming the Alpha because I was told that I 

was no different from a slave

I was desperate to be acknowledged back then too and if I knew anyone with enough power to help, maybe I’d have gone there to feel their help too. I don’t know but that is what desperation does to one. 

You will do anything. 

He took my silence for his cue to continue and 

I just watched hith. 

“I am an illegitimate son but that is not the main issue here. I also have an older brother who is legitimate and our father’s favourite. As long as he is breathing fine, he will never pass the crown down to me but the humiliation is just too much for me and my mother. I need power to change a lot of things,” he confessed. 

Being an illegitimate child should never be the child’s problem since it was the adults who made a stupid mistake, but they can never stand by themselves and accept that they did something gullible because they can’t control themselves

So they end up pouring their hatred on the innocent child. 

I have been in his situation before. I know exactly how it feels 

My mind went back to how I went to beg my father to look at me the way he looked at everyone else. I never expected him to be affectionate. I just hoped that he wouldn’t be so cruel, but what did he say? 

“It is enough that a trash like you has my blood running in your veins. Every time I look at you, I am reminded of my decisions. Be thankful that I haven’t chased you out yet. Be careful of what you wish for,” he warned, shutting me up. 

Every time I recall how unfairly I was treated, I think the death gave them was not befitting enough. 

“Alpha Xander? Are you listening to me? Prince Kane asked, snapping me out of my truce. 

“I take it that your father is still alive?” I asked, and he nodded. 

Yes, Alpha 


“How then do you intend to become the Alpha?I asked. I already knew what his response would be but I wanted to see if he was brave enough to pick that path. 

“In all honesty, I don’t mind if out of your grace, you help me get rid of my father and brother at once, because only then can I become the Alpha 

Chapter 11 

His eyes glint with determination which takes me by surprise. I thought he wouldn’t be able to make that choice since he was here when he could have done that already, but it seems the more he thinks about them, the more he wants to have his 


1 sec a reflection of myself in him, and it’s quite amusing. I must confess. 

This was the exact way I was feeling when I vowed to get rid of my father. Thinking about it is a different feeling entirely. But the moment you say it out loud, it feels like you just gained fome unstoppable power. 

That feeling nothing can ever be compared to it. 

I don’t need anyone to tell me how difficult it is to live as an illegitimate child when I am one, myself. 

I’d have watched him without attempting to help if he hadn’t come to make that decision himself but since he was ready, I 

became even more curious 

“How do you want that to be done?” 

A muschievous smile spread across his face and I watched him speak. 

“I want them to face a huge humiliation before their death. Only then would they understand what it feels like to live the way I did every day of my life, he finished and I nodded. 

Fair enough 

Tll help you take over the Greenwood pack, 1 announced, and grateful smile graced his lips. 



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