
Chapter Sold 30

Chapter 30 


“What do you mean my room has been changed? Who asked you to take my stuff?” I gave the maid a confused look

“The Alpha had ordered that we take your belongings away from here. I’m sorry, but if you have any questions, you might have to ask the Alpha or Madam Rosalie yourself.” 

Just then, Claudia came into the room and surprised me by pulling me into a comforting hug 

“Omg! How are you doing? Are you okay? Did you get a good sleep?” She asked as she broke the hug to examine my body. 

I gave her a confused look when it suddenly clicked. She must have heard about Alpha Luxwell. 

I was going to ask her how she heard when she spoke again. 

Thope Alpha will put that asshole in his place for good this time. That bastard has no respect at all! Who does he think he is?” She hissed before giving me a sympathetic look. 

“It must have been so hard. How are you? 

Tm fine, I assured her and she pulled me into a hug again. 

‘Do you have any idea why they are changing my room?” I asked Claudia and she shrugged like it was nothing. 

“It was the Alpha’s order.” 

“Where would I be staying then?” The idea of switching my room doesn’t sit well with me but as always, Alpha Xander doesn’t give a damn about what I think or how I feel. He simply makes the rules and expects me to follow them. 

Claudia gave me a look that said ‘Ain’t you aware?‘ And I only stared at her in return, waiting for her to speak up. 

She cleared her throat before she finally spoke up. 

“Your belongings have been taken to the Alpha’s room. You will be staying there from now on,” Claudia announced and it felt as if nothing broke in me. 

I do not want to move to the Alpha’s room. I do not want him to look at me whenever he wants- day and night. 

I’ve accepted my fate already. I knew he could never give me my freedom but at least, I was going to live with the space he gave me and now he wanted to take everything away. 

I felt irritated at the thought and clenched my fist in annoyance Claudia sensed the change in my mood and gave me a questioning look. 

“Is there a problem?” She asked and I shook my head. 

“No, where is the Alpha?” 

“He should be in his room.” 

I left Claudia in the room that I had gotten so comfortable in to go and find Alpha Xander. 

True to their words, my bags were already in Alpha Xander’s room and the maids helped me to arrange them neatly to fit into his closet. 

The thought of waking up every day to see Alpha Xander sent chills down my spine


Chapter 30 

“Alpha, can I have a word? I asked. 

“Leave us alone,” Alpha Xander commanded without breaking his gaze away from me. The maids scooted out immediately, leaving just the two of us behind and my heart skipped a beat. 

“What is it?” He asked dryly and I wondered if I wouldn’t be crossing the line by telling him that I do not want to be in the same room with him. 

Even if he’s not going to agree, shouldn’t you at least try your luck? 

I haven’t received any punishment in a while and he has been treating me fairly since he found out that I was carrying his child. Do I really want to ruin all of that by voicing out my displeasure? 

“Erm. I noticed that all my belongings had been moved from my room and when I asked what was happening, they said it was your order. Can I ask why?” I tried to start as politely as I could even though what I wanted was to yell in his face and tell him to leave me the fuck alone and give me some space to breathe. 

“Indeed. I asked them to move it here. Is there a problem?” He gave me a look that dared me to say something wrong and I knew it was my cue to forget the reason why I was here, but I couldn’t. 

I might be a toy to him, but he doesn’t get to control me however he wants. 

Are you listening to yourself? That is exactly what one does to a toy. Use and control however, they wish and toss it aside. once they are bored. 

“Erm..” I cleared my throat as I summoned my courage. “I do not want to stay in the same room with you.” 

My heart skipped a beat as I expected him to flare up and call me names or even punish me for what I said, but he didn’t 

“Do I need to remind you of your place?” He said with a straight face and I anticipated the cruel words that would follow after. 

“You do not have a say in this and I’d be the one to decide where you sleep or stay after all, you are carrying my child so be prepared to take my orders until you deliver my child in good health.” 

“I don’t have to stay here to be in good shape or to have a safe delivery. I am perfectly fine where I was and I have been doing everything you asked, so you don’t have anything to be worried about,” I argued. 

Alpha Xander took a step closer to me, intimidating me with his presence and my hands trembled nervously but I refused to give in

“You will be in this room until you give birth,” he commanded, leaving no room for argument. “Your body is a vessel and you cannot act anyhow you want, not when your life is still in my hands,” he threatened and I felt chills down my spine. 

I swallowed the lumps that were starting to form in my throat when he spoke again. 

“It would be best for you to be at your best attitude and accept that I am the Alpha here. I own you and the earlier you accept, the better for both of us. This better be the last time you will try to question my intention, he said sternly, spelling out each word, as he ensured that they got into my head. 

I don’t understand why he suddenly wanted me to stay in the same room with him when I was already living under his roof. He had access to me. I follow his order, I do everything he commands, so why won’t he just let me be? 

I already felt suffocated saying behind the same walls every day. This place was like a prison. The only difference was I did not have a cuff on my hand. 

I am constantly being watched. I can’t even do anything I want and now, he wants to worsen the situation and make me stay in his room by force? This is annoying. 

20:54 Sat, Aug 3 

Chapter 30 

Or maybe he was just trying to protect you. 

My mind went back to how he saved me from Alpha Luxwell last night and even fought him because he tried to molest me and I suddenly felt grateful. 

It then clicked that I never really thanked him for saving me from that beast. It doesn’t matter if he saved me so that his child wouldn’t get hurt, what matters is that he saved me from another traumatizing night and I couldn’t help but feel indebted to him. 

“Thank you for yesterday,” my voice came out barely as a whisper. “If it wasn’t for you, the man-“I sucked in a deep breath as I recalled how he was close to forcing himself on me. 

“I’m grateful for your help,” I whispered and the room fell silent. 

I don’t know if he heard me or not, considering how low my voice was, but if he did, he didn’t acknowledge my 

I turned to leave, feeling defeated when his words stopped me in my tracks. 

“Where are you going?” He asked, forcing me to turn back and look at him. 

“I just want to speak to Claudia,” I said, looking at his eyes for permission. 


“Henceforth, you are not permitted to step foot outside this room without taking a guard with you. You are not allowed to be alone and I believe you will do exactly as I say for your own safety and protection.” He commanded. 

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