Sold To The Untouchable Alpha

Chapter Elders

[Arissa's POV]

I walked behind Hans and Ivan, staying on high alert. The two had decided that we wouldn't bring many warriors with us out of fear of tipping off whatever hunters remained around the sanctuary. Ultimately, that was fine with me. That simply meant more hunters for me to beat up on.

The area around us so far had been clear of danger, causing me to grow antsy with anticipation. I wasn't used to doing nothing all day and I had quite a bit of pent up energy that was screaming for release.

"The sanctuary is just up ahead.” Ivan murmured, stopping in his tracks.

Gasping, I just managed to avoid running into him from how abrupt the action had been.

"Pay attention." He sighed, shooting me a glare over his shoulder.

"Maybe say something before you stop.” I hissed, feeling annoyance flare.

Ivan didn't bother responding, instead he turned his attention back towards the sanctuary.

Peeking over his shoulder, I took in the scene ahead with wide eyes. The once lush green grounds of the building were littered with bodies and blood of the guards that didn't manage to survive the attack.

The building itself had also taken damage. Windows were busted and large holes with rubble surrounding them lined the walls.

"Shit." I mumbled as I continued to take everything in. "How many do you think there were?" "Based on this at least twenty or more.” Ivan responded, tensing.

"Hm," Nodding, I looked towards the door of the sanctuary and bit back a curse.

Hanging directly in the middle of the space was Elder lan. A noose wrapped around his neck that tilted in an odd angle. His skin dripped with fresh blood where he had been sliced.

"Fucking bastards." I growled, feeling rage beginning to boil.

Out of all the Elders, lan was the only one who treated me remotely like a person. The rest considered me an omen to my father's pack and never bothered to hide this fact.

"Come on." Ivan growled, motioning for Hans and I to follow. "Keep your eyes peeled for any hunters that may remain.”

"Don't have to tell me twice." I responded, straightening up.

Together, we began to move across the grounds, being careful not to step on bodies or get blood on our feet. Though the deceased were mostly wolves, there were a few hunters amongst them. However, the number of dead hunters compared to wolves didn't make me too happy.

How was it possible skilled warriors couldn't handle some humans?

Keeping my question to myself, I followed Ivan and Hans around Elder Ian's body and into the sanctuary.

Inside, the floors were splattered with the blood of even more deceased warriors and hunters. Fixtures and paintings were busted and their debris mixed with the gore.

I found myself wondering just how brutal the battle was as we made our way to the main chapel of the building. Inside was a secret panic room made specifically for the elders if something like this were to happen. We could only hope that the others were hiding in there and could give us a better idea of what happened.

Surprisingly the chapel was untouched and in pristine condition when we arrived. It looked like no one bothered to bring the battle into the area, allowing the elders to easily hide away.

"Whimps." I grumbled. "Left Elder lan to handle things alone.”

Sure, I understood the importance of the elders staying alive, but I still felt anger towards them nor helping.

"We don't know if they're in here." Ivan pointed out, beginning to move towards the large white podium that stood in the middle of the room.

Stopping in front of it, Ivan pulled a dagger from his hip and ran it along the surface of the podium until it stopped and began to sink in.

Stepping back, he watched as the podium began to slide aside, revealing a square hole hidden below.

"Let's go."

Obeying, Hans and I moved forward and followed Ivan down a ladder that led to the safe room. The area was much brighter and cleaner than expected and only walls could be seen surrounding us.

"They recruit mages to help them hide?" I asked, realizing that the room was hidden by magic. "Yep." Ivan said simply while knocking on the wall directly ahead of us.

"Are they really just going to answer like you're a friend just visiting?" I asked. "Wouldn't they be..." I stopped talking as the area around us began to vibrate and small slivers of light could be seen trickling through the bricks as a door formed.

"Well I'll be damned.” I gasped as the door slowly opened and Elder Theodore appeared with a look of relief.

"About time someone showed." He sighed stepping out.

"Sorry it took so long." Ivan responded coldly. "I came as soon as I got word."

From his tone, I could tell he was annoyed by Elder Theodores lack of appreciation and had to bite back a giggle.

"Still too long." Elder Theodore puffed. "Have you seen the state of things up there?"

"Clearly." I sighed, bringing attention to myself.

The look that flashed across Elder Theodore's eyes was almost comical. Clearly he didn't expect to see the omen of the New Moon pack here.

"You!" He hissed, pointing a finger at me. "Why are you here?"

"Disappointed to see me alive, grandpa?" I asked sweetly, smiling ear to ear. "Sorry to disappoint. I'm alive and I'm even helping save your ass."

Elder Theodore continued to watch me with wide eyes as Elder Gregory and Elder Oliver appeared. Just as Elder Theodore they both looked relieved and annoyed. At least, they did until they spotted me.

"Why is the omen here?" Elder Gregory hissed, his wrinkly face turning bright red. "SHE WILL BRING DISASTER TO US ALL!"

"If anyone brings disaster, it will be you old man." I countered, rolling my eyes. "I'm not the one that let one of my comrades perish while I hid like a little bitch.”

"Arissa,” Ivan warned, shooting me a look. "Mind your words."


Turning, I made my way back up to the chapel to wait. When I crawled out I felt my blood turn to ice.

"Uh, guys!" I called, keeping my eyes fixed ahead. "We have company.”

Tensing, I took in the hunters that were watching me with their weapons drawn. It looked like they had been hiding and waiting for us to drop our guard.

Shit, looked like this wasn't a simple rescue mission after all.

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