Sold to Mr. Arrogant

Chapter Friends?

I called the paramedics who rushed to the ring, they started checking their conditions. They managed to stop the bleeding of John's mouth and took him out of the ring; they also gave him a light pain relief

medication and asked him to rest until he becomes able to stand on his own.

I was by Shawn's side, the female paramedic was checking his vital signs, his breathing was unsteady and rough, she started giving him CPR to stimulate his respiration. After a few mouth-to-mouth breathing, Shawn started breathing normally again. He coughed several times before finally getting up, he looked angry as he stared at my face.

"You deserve it." I started.

"Heartless..." he uttered.

I helped him up leading him to the dressing room where John was also resting. John laughed as soon as he spotted Shawn; he stood up and grabbed Shawn by the collar.

"I did not know that fighting with you would be that much fun, you are a fine man, kid," he said.

John's true passion in life is fighting, a good man for him has another definition.

"You were quite professional yourself, honestly, I didn't expect you to be this good," Shawn replied.

"I am hungry, let's go eat, man," Shawn added.

"Cool," John agreed.

I was surprised by Shawn's change in attitude, I may have speculated that John would act this way but what is seriously wrong with Shawn? Tony shared my surprise; he was creeped out by their behavior as well.

"They are certainly abnormal," he whispered to my ears.

"I agree,"

Shawn drove us to the nearest restaurant, we stepped out of the car, I begged Tony to come with me as I did not want him to go back home after he was told hurtful words, I wanted to make him feel better. "It is on me," Shawn started.

"It should,"

I was still a bit angry with him, to be honest, we all gathered around the table, the restaurant was not classy but its food was good.

"Are you angry because I was kissed by that female paramedic? Do not worry, I still love you." He teased me.

"In your dreams..." I replied slightly embarrassed since John and Tony were blatantly staring at us.

"I am sorry, Tony. I bet I went berserk because I was jealous. I didn't mean to say what I said." Shawn argued.

"What were you jealous of?" I asked confused by his weird statement.

"You didn't give me your response Lily, instead you went out to probably talk about me with some guys I don't know. I didn't feel good about it." he honestly stated. "You are a fine man, indeed. Lily did choose the right guy." John commented.

"Johnn..." I stated while raising my voice tone in disagreement.

"It's okay, I wasn't offended anyway," Tony argued.

"Good, if you are Lily's friends then allow me to be yours too."

Why is he talking sweetly after he has already given him a first bad impression, maybe John won't remember it but Tony definitely would.

"I don't mind befriending a rich dude," Tony replied which caused me to spew out the water I was drinking.

"So clumsy," Shawn said as he wiped my mouth with his handkerchief. My face turned red, I was happy he was caring for me. Why is he so damn sweet?

"What do you like bout Lily, Shawn?" Tony asked backing me up, he wanted to get some information out of him for me to use.

"Love isn't about what I like... I feel love towards her and I have no specific reason for that."

" Isn't it weird for a rich family to want someone such as Lily as a part of their circle?" Tony continued.

"Our family's not your regular rich one, we basically have all the money in the world so why would we care about more?"

Shawn was not showing off, from a wealthy man's perspective, he was just stating the obvious and what is evident is that Shawn's family is listed in the top 5 rich families worldwide so he was honest when he said that.

"You might think so but the society won't. They would attack Lily."

" Then I will force the society to think so and I will protect her no matter what," Shawn responded to Tony's last sentence in pure confidence.

"We will trust you with our girl then," John commented again, I counterattacked stealing a piece of chicken out of his dish.

"Fuck you, Lily. I need every gram of protein... I lost a lot of blood."

"What does that have to do with protein," I laughed and Shawn followed right after.

We spent a nice night, to be honest, we chatted about general life aspects and had fun for a while before Shawn drove them home.

"Ask me for whatever you may need in the future, Tony. I am a man of my words."

"Got that," Tony replied as he took his leave. We were left alone in the car heading home.

"I think I made an overall good impression, didn't I?"

"You could have made it from the start, you seriously need to fix your anger issues."

"You can fix it for me,"

"Why would I?"

"Because you are my future wife..."

"You keep saying that, I did not agree yet."

"You will agree soon," he stated confidently.

"I guess I need to meet your female friends as well,"

I ignored his imagination that ran wild.

"Will you invite your father to your wedding? I don't mind by the way," he said.

I kept ignoring him slightly angry by recalling that man whom I lived with for 18 years which amounts to my whole life minus a month.

"What about your brother?"

I flinched upon hearing his question; he must know my brother's whereabouts and history if he has taken a look at all the investigated information.

"You know where he is?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, do you want to know?"

"No, I definitely don't care" I replied firmly.

"Would you tell me if I asked you what happened?"

"Yes, maybe later though since I just don't want to ruin my mood now." I clarified.

"Okay, as you wish."

We reached home and I was too tired to even go upstairs, I fell asleep as soon as I placed my head on the pillow and I bet Shawn did the same.¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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