Sold To A Gang Leader

Chapter 76

Sold To A Gang Leader?

[He owns her]?

(More kisses)

???? Writer's POV?

After minutes of warm embrace, Dillion disengaged from the hug but placed his forehead on hers with his eyes shut.

Shawna also shut her eyes enjoying the cool feeling of him being so close to her.?

After few minutes of doing that, Dillion felt as if he should kiss her, it's one of the ways of reliving the stress in him, stress that has been in him for some days now. So, he leaned more closer to her and their lips gazed each other.

Shawna could feel her breathing hitch. A different feeling overwhelmed her as she felt Dillion's soft warm lips on hers.

She started anticipating for the real kiss, for him to kiss her and make her forget herself at least for the early night.?

But as Dillion was about to deepen the kiss he started feeling dizzy. Everything around him started rotating.

He groaned and moved away from Shawna, his hands holding his forehead.

He shut he's eyes, inwardly begging for the dizziness to stop in minutes, he knows it might even last up to 1 hour and he doesn't want that. Not when Shawna is right there beside him. All this are the side effect of vertigo - he knows.?

Shawna looked at Dillion worried at his sudden behavior, she doesn't know if she's to hold him.

"Are you..are you okay?" She asked after staring at him for long.

"I'm fine" came Dillion's husky reply but she wasn't satisfied at all.?

Something is definitely wrong with him, her mind told her.?

She doesn't know where the sudden guts came from. She doesn't know how and when her hand went to his head and she started patting his hair downwards. "Really?" Came out of her lips.

Dillion removed his hands from his forehead then opened his eyes to look at her. She quickly brought her hand down then took her eyes to the river ahead of them. "I'm okay, just headache but it's okay" Dillion replied in assurance.

She took her eyes back to him then nodded.

The wind blew more heavily making everywhere cold. Shawna folded her hands as the cold air hit her.?

"You're cold? Let's go into the car" Dillion said getting down from the bonnet of his car.

He helped Shawna down from the car then reversed it making the car face the river.

They both got in then Dillion turned on the car's heater.

"We should get going. I almost forget about Naomi" Dillion said recalling that Naomi was on her way to paris.

"No! Let's stay here a little longer" Shawna didn't know when she blurted out those words.

She feared that she won't be able to have the opportunity to be alone with him in a while. Alone with him outside the mansion.

She stared at Dillion with the corner of her eyes scared that he might snub her and drive home.

"Oh...okay" came his reply.

Shawna released the sigh she didn't know she was holding.

The both of them kept staring at the river until Shawna felt Dillion's hand wrap around her shoulder.

Shawna turned to look at Dillion in surprise, but Dillion didn't look back at her.

She smiled then gently placed her head on his shoulder.

Her stomach danced in happiness, she folded her lips together in other not to scream.?

They stayed in silence again until Dillion decided to break it.

"That day" he started.

"The last time I sent for you, do you still remember?",Dillion asked.

Shawna's eyes widened on recalling it and knowing where he was heading. She suddenly started feeling extremely shy.

She raised her head from Dillion's shoulder. She palmed her face.

"I don't remember" she mumbled to him.

Dillion turned to look at her and saw her palmed face. He chuckled.

"Seems like you do" he said.

Shawna turned away from him, she placed her head on the window of the car.

"Why are you acting shy? Weren't you the same person that took off my short?" Dillion asked then chuckled.

Shawna felt more embarrassed. She felt like disappearing from his sight but she didn't know how.

"Please just forget about it, please" she mumbled to him.

"Why?" He asked then made her turn to him. He removed her hands from her face.

"Why should I forget such sweet moment with you?" Dillion asked, his voice coming out calm.

Shawna felt her cheeks turn red in embarrassment the more.?

She took her face down.

"Stop feeling shy around me. I want you to act the way you acted that day. That's the Shawna I want. I need that you" Dillion cooed then touch her chin. Her raised her chin up a bit. Shawna folded her lips together not knowing what to say to him.

This sudden Dillion is so sweet, this new Dillion. She doesn't know what to say to him.

"Look at me" Dillion demanded calmly.

She looked at him in the eyes as demanded.?

"Repeat after me."

"I Shawna" he said.

Shawna didn't know when she smiled.

"Come on, do it" he also chuckled.

"I'll stop being shy, I'll try my best" Shawna said concluding in her mind that he wants her to say that she will stop being shy.

"Okay then. Then...prove something to me, prove that you'll stop feeling shy. I need you to peck my two cheeks" he said.

Shawna started feeling heated in between her legs, down there started acting weird as he said that.

She doesn't understand why her body is reacting that way because he asked her for a peck, tho a peck is not something too normal for her especially when it comes to Dillion.

"I'm waiting" said Dillion again.

Shawna summoned up all the courage she could get then pecked him on his left cheek, as she made to peck him on his right cheek real fast he turned his head purposely and made her kiss him. Shawna moved away from him then gasped.

Did our lips just meet? She thought as the strange feelings in between her legs became more serious. She felt her V getting wet.

She became more embarrassed, she bowed her head slightly and only lifted her head when she felt him moving closer to her.

She turned to look at him as he wrapped his hands around her neck then placed his lips on hers.?

"I really want to go back to the mansion right now but my body doesn't want that. My body wants a different thing and that's you" Dillion mouthed in between the kiss then he deepened it with his other hand sliding down her waist.


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