Sold, Packaged, and Shipped

Chapter 8: Welcome to England

Chapter 8: Welcome to England
The first leg of the journey was by a small truck. The coffins containing both Darlene and Melinda were picked up and loaded into
a truck bearing the legend “Oscar’s Frozen Fish” on the outside. They were then driven to a mortuary where they were
transferred to two hearses to be driven to the airport. They were loaded onto a chartered jet after only a quick inspection, and
airborne only thirty-five minutes after leaving the safe house.
The jet, a Gulfstream 550, had a range of 6,670 miles and could make the hop over the Atlantic easily. Cruising at 35,000 feet
and 550 miles per hour, they made the crossing in just over six hours. Once airborne, the coffins were opened and the oxygen
bottles were changed for fresh. They prisoners were not, however, allowed out of their coffins. As the jet descended for
Heathrow, the lids were screwed back on and once again the two naked women were in total darkness.
The inspection by custom officials was brief. Great care had been taken to assure the paperwork was all correct. A large cash
bribe was prepared but not needed, as the customs people simply checked the paperwork stating that a mother and daughter
who had died in an auto crash in the US were being returned home for burial.
The coffins were loaded onto hearses and driven off into the big city. Twenty minutes later they were being transferred to another
truck for the trip to their final destination.
Leaving London, they were driven southwest on the M3, and were soon passing through the beautiful countryside of the County
of Hampshire. On the eighty-mile drive, the coffin lids were again unscrewed to provide fresh air. Both women whined and
pleaded pitifully through their gags to be let up, but were ignored. The man in charge of them took delight, however, in feeling
their breasts and poking his finger between their legs in an attempt to tease their “cunts” as he called them.
The truck bypassed Southampton and headed west on the M37 into the New Forest. It was beautiful country and the women
would surely have enjoyed the scenery, had they been able to see it. They left the main road and were soon entering a private
driveway near the quaint old village of Emery Down. They paused at a wrought iron gate, identified themselves to an intercom,
then drove through when the gate slowly swung aside for them.
The house was old, no question about that. It was isolated, surrounded by a forest of oak, yew, elm, and beech trees. It was also
fenced in. The property was surrounded on three sides by national forest, which meant the only neighbors were distant from the
estate. The car drove passed the main house, around to the back where the garage was. The women did not have a chance to
see the ancient brick, two story building, with all its smokestacks.

The lids were put back on but not screwed down, and the coffins carried out of the truck and down a stairway leading to the
basement of the old house. A gardener noted the truck pulling into the garage, frowned a little, then went back to his pruning. It
was late afternoon, cool and cloudy with the air smelling of rain soon, and he wanted to be finished before it started.
The basement of Harcourt Manor was quite large, having been used in times past as both food storage and a dungeon. While
not a castle, there had been need at times of a place to keep political prisoners and peasants who were in need of punishment.
There were still four small cells, each with a rusted iron door, well-worn wood seats and cold stone walls and floor.
Darlene and Melinda were put down in the center of the one large room. The lids were removed to display the contents, and then
the two men waited. No longer were the women being poked and prodded, but out of the heated air of the truck they were
growing cold as the air touched their bare skin. The wait was not long, for Sir Sedgewick was anxious to see his latest
acquisition. The old chap came hurrying down the stairs from the kitchen and immediately went up to the first coffin. Darlene lay
there, looking very worn and tired from the long trip. She was moaning softly through her gag and her eyes were closed.
Goosebumps were forming on her body from the cold.
Sedgewick looked over her imprisoned body and nodded in satisfaction. Then he inspected the younger one and nodded even
more. These were even better than he had expected. Two quite lovely ladies with drop-dead gorgeous bodies. Melinda’s eyes
were open and glaring at him. And, as he had requested, they were mother and daughter.
“Get them out of there,” he commanded. “Put them in the cells but make sure you allow them no freedom. I’ll tell you how to
prepare them after dinner. Meanwhile, keep them securely chained up.”
He started to leave but halted at the stairs. “Now you two don’t have any ideas about using these two. They’re a gift and I want
them in good condition.” Then he was gone without waiting for a reply.
“Great bloody twit!” exclaimed one of the men. “Like we ain’t worthy of touching his lordship’s whores.”
The driver glanced nervously at the stairs. “Don’t go mouthing off now where he might hear you. ’Sides, he pays us good. You
can get your whores down in Southampton.”
“Maybe, but they ain’t gonna be classy American tarts like these here.”
“Yeah, they’re right tasty birds. But we got work to do.”

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