Sold, Packaged, and Shipped

Chapter 1: Snatched!

Sold, Packaged, and Shipped
by John Savage
Published by Running Wolf Books
Copyright 2011 John Savage
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means except by prior and
express permission of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are
either the product of the author's imagination or used as an element of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is entirely coincidental.
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you
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purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
This ebook was originally published with the title of “Mother and Daughter Slavery,” and reissued as “Enslavement.” The title has
changed again due to some distributors objections.
Books by John Savage
Kuala Island Bondage Adventure
Pain is the Best Teacher
Paradise Hotel
Alien Property
Amazon’s Revenge

The Amazon and the Sacrifice
An Eternity of Pain
Brigand’s Captives 1
Brigand’s Captives 2
Compelled to Bondage
Conquering Dawn
Criminally Insane
Evil Woman
Gift Wrapped
Honor Slave
How to Turn a Bad Wife into a Good Slave 1
How to Turn a Bad Wife into a Good Slave 2
I Want Pain
I Want to be a Prisoner
Island of Submission
Loving Torment
Marla’s Submissive Secrets
Missing Penny
Enslavement for Two
Sold, Packaged and Shipped

Slavegirl in Training 3
Raven and the Slave
Nazi Terror
Planet of Slavers
Lunar Lockup
Rope Streaking
Ropes and Ice
Ropes and Spurs
Sacrifice to an Angry God
Savage World: Slave Bondage
Savage World 2: Revenge Bondage
School for Torture
School for Torture 2: Return to Hell
Slave of the Internet
Slave Safari
Slavegirl in a Kr’ll Prison
Slavegirl in Training
Slavegirl in Training 2
Slavegirl: Sandra’s Story
Serena’s Story

Slavegirls of Dragon’s Lair
Slavegirls of the Third Reich
Slaves of a Barbarian World
SS Unit 43
Strange Desires
Submissive of the Castle
Suffer, Witch, Suffer
Tales of the Rope
The Amazon League
The Barbarian and the Amazons
The Beauty and the Saddle Tramp
The Club
The Dungeon Master
The Fantasy Machine
The Ghost Who Loved Ropes
The Girl Who Loves Ropes
The Great Ponygirl Race
The Kinkiest Girl in Town 1
The Kinkiest Girl in Town 2
The Lord High Executioner

The Pirates and the Amazons
The Prince’s New Slavegirl
The Slave Who Sold Herself
Tanya’s Toy
The Taking of Sarah MacDonnell
Time Jump into Bondage
Time Jump into Bondage 2
Torture is My Business
Tortured Sacrifice
The Escape Artist Series
Escape Artist
Escape Artist 2 - Imprisonment in Japan
Escape Artist In Trouble
School for Escape Artists
The Great Escape Artist Contest
Deadly Escapes
Sled Speed, Private Dick Series
Kidnapped Sorority Sister
Experiments in Pain

The Case of the Kidnapped Countess
The Case of the Mad Scientist
Secret Agent Blaze Series
Tortured Spies
Blaze ‘n’ Saddles
Blaze to the Rescue
The Rope Girls Adventures
The Curse and the Rope 1
The Curse and the Rope 2
The Rope Girls and the Haunted Prison
The Rope Girls and the Las Vegas Vampires
Repression Series
Repression 2 - Rebellion
Repression 3 - Revenge
Repression 4 - Retribution
The Great Enslavement Series
The Great Enslavement 1
The Great Enslavement 2
The Great Enslavement 3

A Passion for Bondage Series
A Passion for Bondage 1: Vicky’s Story, Part 1
A Passion for Bondage 2: Vicky’s Story, Part 2
A Passion for Bondage 3: Vicky’s Story, Part 3
A Passion for Bondage 4: Double Kidnapping
A Passion for Bondage 5: Mayleen Gets Lucky
A Passion for Bondage 6: A Kinky Club Forms
A Passion for Bondage 7: The Long Timers
A Passion for Bondage 8: Hell’s Belles Halloween Party
Co-authored with Susan Strict
The Temple of Vesta
Two for Torture
The Barbarian and the Amazons
Non-BDSM books by John Savage
Blood, Lust and War
Demon for Hire
The Bone Breaker
The Punisher
Witches and Demons
The Frightened Ghost

Contact John Savage
You may email John at [email protected] or go to
Chapter 1: Snatched!
“There’s one!”
The comment was delivered by a rough looking man with a receding hairline that did not have much farther to go before
disappearing totally, to his companion as they sat in a van slowly cruising down the dark street. So far it had been a non-
productive hunt, almost as if the prey had sensed predators prowling and taken shelter in the safety of their homes.
They had been cruising the streets near the nightclubs, looking for a possible snatch but finding very little, and those few not
alone. In their profession, the prey had to be alone with no observers who might note their appearance, the color of their van or
maybe even the license number, although they had taken the precaution of smearing dirt on it so it was unreadable. So they left
the nightclub section and were prowling back streets and rural roads, hoping to come across a woman they could grab.
“Yeah, she’s good lookin’,” his partner commented. He slowed the van as they approached the car at the side of the road. In the
headlights they could see the late model Lexus partly pulled off the winding two-lane road and the young, good-looking woman
standing beside it. The hood was pulled up; a signal that she had car trouble. He pulled in behind her, but left the engine running
and lights on. They exited the vehicle and approached her.
“You having trouble?” Matt called out, trying to sound friendly. “Can we help?” That always made them less leery.
Melinda could see very little of the approaching men with their headlights shining directly at her; they were shapes only.
“Yes,” she said, trying to shield her eyes from the bright lights. “It quit and I can’t start it.”
“I’ll take a look at it,” Matt said. Apparently not even noticing that she was a very beautiful young woman with a fine body as was
displayed by the incredibly short skirt and rather low-cut peasant blouse, he walked past her, heading for the front of the car. She
turned to watch him as he approached the engine. She did not notice the second man close in on her from behind.
With the light behind her, she could now see the man who had passed her and was a little taken back by this appearance. He
was tall and very heavy set. The clothes were a workman’s jumpsuit with work boots, worn looking and none too clean. But if he
could get her car started...

She heard a sound behind her, but before she could turn a rag was clamped over her mouth and held there by a strong male
hand while the other was a hold of her arm. She tried to cry out but the sound she made was muffled by the foul smelling cloth
over her nose and mouth. Whatever it was on the cloth was strong; the fumes harsh in her nose. For a few seconds she
struggled, but then the first man was on her, his strong, rough hands holding her wrists. Her struggles weakened as the chemical
absorbed into her blood stream. With surprising quickness, her world was fading to black.
In only ten seconds she was a limp, unconscious form in their hands. Matt was grinning. It had been easy - as usual. Now there
only remained to take her to the back of the van, secure her with the ropes they had ready there, and drive off with their captive.
It was a job they had done many times before.
This time, however, there was a complication. Just as Oscar was picking up the unconscious girl, a voice called out: “What the
hell are you doing!”
They both turned to see another woman standing on the other side of the car.
“Shit!” muttered Matt. He released his hold of the girl’s wrists and turned to the woman. “She seems to have fainted...” he began,
thinking fast of some excuse that might buy him a few seconds.
“Bullshit!” the woman cried loudly. “I’m going to call the police!” She reached for her purse wherein her cell phone resided.
Matt was around the car surprisingly fast for a big man. The woman was fumbling a cell phone out of her purse when he came
up to her. Calmly he took it out of her hand and threw it on the ground. As she watched in disbelief, he crushed it under his boot
heel. The woman looked back at him with shock on her face. As she turned to run, his hand clamped upon her arm, dragging her
back. With a swift move he had one of her arms bent up behind her back, and his arm around her throat.
“Don’t do anything stupid, lady,” he spoke into her ear. “Or I’ll break your neck.”
She froze at the threat, panting and trembling but not fighting.
He turned her and was pushing her towards the van, keeping his arm around her neck. “Take it easy and you won’t get hurt. All
we want is to steal your car. We’ll leave you two tied up here when we leave so you won’t be able to call the police for a while.”
It was a story he had made up to forestall violent struggles by their catch. If the woman bought it and thought that she was going
to get out of this unharmed, she was less likely to kick and scream.
Not that he cared one shit about her car. It was the young one they wanted. Oscar had already carried her to the van and
opened the side door. The inside was mostly bare, only a couple canvas bags on the floor and, if you were careful to notice, a

few rings set into the floor and walls as anchor points. An overhead light had come on with the opening of the door. With
practiced skill, Oscar had set the young one on the floor and was getting rope out of one bag.
Matt had his woman up to the van then. She was wiggling and not seriously fighting him. He hoped that would stay that way,
because he really did not want to have to snap her neck. He was quite capable of it, but he did not want to kill and had never had
to do anything really violent in any of the snatches so far.
“When he’s finished, you’ll be tied and then we’ll leave you in the bushes. Eventually you’ll work free. Of course, you won’t have
a fancy car any more, but that’s too bad.” He actually enjoyed playing with their victims like that. Like it was some special skill he
had to fool a woman into cooperating. Had he told them the truth about what was going to happen to them, or left them to guess,
he would have had a real fight on his hands.
In the van, Oscar had the girl’s wrists tied together and was working on her ankles. He was not an overly smart man, but had
been trained by Matt on this procedure and was good at it. The ropes on her wrists were tight and cinched down, and firmly triple
knotted. She would not be able to free herself from that. With her ankles tied, he ran the rest of the rope up to her wrists and
pulled her legs up into a hogtie. Those lovely long legs looked nice doubled up like that. He had noted her figure as he walked
passed her and it was first rate all the way. Long, shapely legs, full bosom and long blonde hair hanging halfway down her back.
A pretty face, too, sort of innocent, girl-next-door type but oh, so sweet looking.
As he waited for Oscar to finish the hogtie and move the girl to the back of the van, Matt began to notice more about the woman
he held. His quick impression was that she was nice looking with a good body. Then he noticed this one had golden hair as well.
Oscar had the younger one next to one of the anchor points, locking her neck to it with a short chain and a padlock. Matt pushed
his woman into the van, roughly dumping her face down on the floor. He had to take his arm off her neck to bring both her wrists
together behind her back.
It was then that she began to really struggle. “You bastards, you’re not going to leave us...” she was hollering as she tried to pull
her arms apart and kick at him at the same time.
His strength and weight made her struggle useless but Matt did not really like it when they struggled. Not ever since one had
gotten in a good kick and his balls had hurt for a week. The initial pain had been more than he had ever experienced in his life,
and more than he ever wanted to experience again.
Holding both her wrists in one hand, he used the other to deliver a hard slap across her ass. “Stay still or I’ll have to hurt you.”
“You bastard! You chained Melinda to the wall. You’re not going to let us go!”

He put his free hand on the back of her neck and pushed down so her face was hard against the metal floor. “Shut up and lie still
or I’ll really get rough.”
She was whining, but the words had ceased. He was sure that it was hurting her face, and, oddly enough, he did not like having
to do that. Oscar would happily kick the shit out of one of the captives and enjoy it. But Matt was not as sadistic as his balding
accomplice. Not that he would have hesitated to screw either of these two; that was fine and good. But why hurt them more than
you had to? Heaven knows he was sending them to a terrible life of captivity and pain, but why add to that and personally hurt
them if it was not necessary?
Oscar had just finished inserting a rubber ball gag into the girl’s mouth and strapping it tightly in place, so he came over to help
Matt. Together they easily bound the woman’s hands behind her back, then the ankles, and finally turning it into a nice, tight
hogtie. The woman was crying now, but at least that was better than having her scream at him. The ropes prevented any
struggles, so it was easy to move her over near the wall and lock her neck to an anchor ring with another chain and padlock.
“You drive,” Matt told Oscar, who grunted and slammed shut the van door. A moment later the van was moving, leaving the
disabled car and some signs of a struggle if one could read the marks in the dirt.
With the closing of the door, the overhead light went off, but Matt pulled out a small flashlight and shone it over the woman he
was kneeling next to. He noted that she was dressed much the same as the younger one, short skirt, high heels, tank top with a
lot of breast showing. Now that he had the time to think about it, he wondered why these two women of obviously different ages,
were riding together. This woman seemed to be in her early thirties, still attractive and with a fine body. The other one couldn’t be
much more than twenty. Looking at the woman, he took a guess.
“Melinda is your daughter?” he asked.
The woman sniffed. “No. Well, yes. She’s my stepdaughter,” she finally said. Then, “Look, do what you want to me, but let her
go. I’ll cooperate with you. If it is money you want, I can arrange for it.”
“We’ll get plenty of money for you two,” he told her. “And you don’t really think that we’ll let either of you go free? You’ve both
seen our faces. Don’t you watch enough cop shows on TV? Once you’ve seen the kidnappers’ faces, you can’t be let go.” He
laughed. “That’s why I grabbed you. All we originally were after was the girl.” He patted her ass and groped a feel of one breast.
“Nice and firm. I can promise you this,” he continued, “you won’t be killed or anything like that. You’re too valuable alive.”
The woman did not reply to that statement, but she did feel a very cold shiver race down her body at his words. She could not be
sure what he meant but it did not sound good.

“I have money,” she tried one more time. “I’ll see that you...”
“Forget it. We’ll get plenty of money when we turn you over to the boss. And we don’t have to play no stupid and dangerous
ransom game.”
She said nothing, but fearful thoughts were bouncing around her mind. What the hell were they planning to do to her and her
step-daughter? As he was fitting a ball gag into her mouth, she was very sorry that she and Melinda had decided to go to that

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