Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 79

Imogen’s POV

While I feed Thaddeus Tobias walks Theo to the car, I can feel through the bond that Theo and Tobias are discussing something serious, just slightly to far away for me to hear them as they talk in hushed voices. When Tobias walks in, I open up my mind letting me slip into his mind. Nothing, I know he is deliberately making sure he locks his thoughts up tight where I can't reach them.

“What are you hiding?” I ask when I can’t read him.

“Nothing you need to worry about, stay out my head Imogen, you don't like when Theo does it to you" He states.

“It doesn't usually bother you” I tell him. He looks at me, before grabbing a frypan out placing it on the bench. He starts cooking but doesn’t say anything else. I can feel they are up to something and it angers me that they are trying to hide it from me.

“Calm yourself Imogen, remember who is in your arms,” he says eyeing me. I glance down and readjust him, letting myself focus on feeding him. I play with his hands, letting him calm me. When he finishes his bottle, I place him over my shoulder and start rubbing his back. Every day, I notice slight differences in him, slowly getting bigger and more alert to his surroundings. I feel like I am going to blink and wake up one day and he will be grown. I don't want him to grow up. Tobias makes breakfast, placing a plate in front of me.

“Please tell me I didn't just make that, for you not to be hungry now"?,” Tobias says while he eats his own. I pick up a piece of bacon and bite into it. Food has lost its taste now, I can still taste it, but it doesn't have the same appeal anymore. I force myself to eat, knowing Tobias made it and I could feel him through the bond worried because I don't eat as much anymore.

By the time I am done, Thaddeus is asleep again. I sigh. We really need to find a way for him to stay awake of a day so he sleeps of a night. Tobias cleans up the dishes before taking him from me. I go to take him back.

“Go shower, your hair is a mess, and you didn't have one last night” He tells me.

“Is that your way of telling me I stink?” I tell him. His lips turn up into a smile.

“No, you could never smell. But it might make you feel better, and you have been wearing the same clothes for two days now,” he says watching me. Getting up, I walk upstairs. Grabbing some clothes, I place them on the bed and walk into the bathroom, turning the shower on. Tobias comes in a few minutes later, placing a towel on the sink basin before walking out again. I can feel he is nervous about something and I find it getting to me. Washing quickly, I hop out of the shower and find Thaddeus in his basinet asleep, Tobias sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me.

“What is it?” I ask, drying myself. He doesn't say anything, making me suspicious.

“I know you have something to say, so say it" I tell him before dropping the towel and putting some jeans on.

“Mum is going to take Thaddeus tonight,” he says.

“Are you asking or telling me? Because it sounded like you said she was taking him” I argue.

“I'm telling you she is taking him for the night,” he says, his eyes holding mine. I growl, annoyed by his tone.

“No, he stays here" I tell him

“Imogen let her take him, it gives us a night off.”

“No, I don't want him away from us what if Bianca,” Tobias cuts me off.

“Bianca is at the council under watch, I know you don't like this but it's happening whether you like it not. Mum is taking him, Imogen” He states standing up.

I close my eyes, frustrated before pinching the bridge of my nose, I can feel my nails digging into the palm of my other hand.

“Imogen, you will let her. I need sleep you need sleep.”

“He doesn't need to leave though, Tobias. Theo doesn't need sleep and I feel fine,” I retort.

“You are not fine, Imogen. It is already organised. Thaddeus is going with mum and dad. They won't let anything happen to him. This isn't up for discussion we already decided” He growls daring me to go against him.

“So what Theo wants this as well?”

“Yes Imogen, one night that's all,” he says moving closer and rubbing my arms. I feel my anger dissipate as I feel the familiar spark rush over my skin.

“Fine, but only one night,” I tell him, giving him what he wants.

“Good girl,” He mumbles into my hair as he tugs me to him holding me in his arms.

I spend the day doing housework before going out weeding the rose garden. When I come back in, I find Tobias packing a bag for Thaddeus. Tobias looks up when he sees me walk in through the kitchen door. I walk over and wash my hands.

“Theo is coming home early mum will be here at four to pick him up” I ignore him. They both know I am not comfortable with this.

Walking out, I walk upstairs and check on Thaddeus. He is asleep, and I jostle him awake as I pick him up. His big green eyes staring back at me.

I remain in the room until I hear the door open downstairs and I know Theo has returned home. I hear footsteps on the stairs before I see him walk into the room, he leans on the door frame watching me and I can feel him rummaging through my thoughts

“Don’t do that,” I snap, shoving him out.

“I was just checking on a scale of one to ten how pissed off you are me.”

“A ten now go” I tell him.

“Tobias said you were angry, but it's one night Imogen, you will survive I promise,” he says walking in the room toward me. He holds his arms out for Thaddeus. I reluctantly hand him over.

“Come say hello to mum,” he says, looking down at me. I sigh and get up, walking downstairs. Theo is quick to place Thaddeus in his car capsule while I quickly hug Caroline and Josiah.

“I promise he will be fine, I raised three boys I know what I am doing” She tells me. I nod but still don't like the idea of him leaving. Caroline and Josiah are quick to leave, probably so I don't change my mind. As soon as the door is closed, Theo and Tobias turn and face me. I roll my eyes, annoyed, before turning my back on them and walking upstairs.

Laying on the bed, I feel restless. My mind going everywhere at once, not able to focus on one thing. Feeling my mood get darker and darker with every minute passing by that he isn’t by my side.

“Are you going to just ignore us all night, or are you going to come down" Tobias's voice says pulling me from my head. I look to the window and see it is actually dark outside. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I look at the time. It's 8:30pm. Four hours, over four hours, I had been sitting in the same position, time rushing by in what I thought was minutes but was actually hours.

“I'm good here” I tell him, placing the phone down and laying back on the pillow. Tobias walks over before climbing on the bed. He shifts, placing his legs over me so he is straddling my hips. His hands going to mine before he pulls them above my head.

“We have all night to ourselves and you want to mope,” he whispers next to my ear. I feel his breath on my neck before I feel his kiss below my ear, his lips moving down my neck then back up to my chin.

Feeling the bed dip, I turn my head and see Theo lay beside me propped up, leaning against the headboard.

“What are you two up to?” I ask. Tobias kisses me hard, his tongue forcing its way in my mouth. I hear him groan before I feel him shift, his knee going between my legs as he pushes my legs apart and pressing his weight down on me. His hands holding mine above my head, when I feel something cold touch my wrists. I look up and Theo is placing some metal cuffs around my wrists, I go to pull my hands away when I hear the click of him securing them in place. He yanks my hand higher, attaching the cuffs to the rope on the headboard.

“What are you doing, untie me, Theo.” I go to say more when I feel his cool lips crash on my own. Swallowing my words as his tongue tastes every inch of mine. I feel Tobias’s hands on my waist before I feel him slip my pants off, pulling them down my legs.0000

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