Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 74

Imogen’s POV

The cold, I remember feeling cold, Drowning in freezing temperatures. I never remember being this cold before. Too cold to even shiver. But that's not all I remember. I remember the darkness ebbing and rolling over me as it sucked me in, swallowing me completely. So dark erasing the pain that is consuming my soul, the darkness that comes with each breath, shoving me deeper into my mind, I try to push against it knowing there was someone waiting, something I needed to remember. Yet I couldn't remember what my mind was trying to fight against. I just knew it was bigger than me, more important than me. Something worth fighting for. I continued to push against the darkness, catching glimmers of images dancing in front of my eyes. Each image warming me slightly, but not enough to take away the cold I was slowly being plunged into. The darkness threatening to consume me, my mind whispering something to me. I couldn't understand what it was saying until I recognised one word. “Boy” The words slower slipping into my mind louder and louder echoing throughout me. Until I understood what the whispers meant.

Yet it wasn't them talking, it was her. I recognised the voice yet couldnt remember her name. Her voice getting louder and taunting me, pulling at my heart, which felt like it stopped as it twitched in my chest at her words.

“Aw he is perfect Imogen, a little boy” The taunting voice growing louder, igniting something within me. Calling to me to keep fighting against the darkness, pushing me out of the numbness that was trying to consume me. Little boy, I had a little boy. My little boy. Every emotion I ever felt around that one word flooding into me, crashing over me like waves on a beach, tumultuous and unrelenting. Light breaking through the darkness, shining like a beacon above me, showing me just how far I had fallen into the depths of my own mind, trapping me in the darkness.

I felt like 1 couldn't breathe, choking on every emotion, choking on my despair, choking on the thought of my son. I try to reach the beacon of light glowing brightly above me, stretching myself. So close, yet I couldn't quite break free of the binds trapping me within myself, weighing me down. I struggle with everything I have, my fingers outstretched trying to grasp the light, my fingertips lighting up as the light finally touches warming me before I felt like I am rushing upwards, reliving every pain, every memory flooding into me. Watching the time fly past me, my life flashing like an old movie before my eyes.

Watching my mistakes, watching my triumphs, then seeing them. My body turning to static, everything electrified as I see her and what she did, what she took from me.

Something within me waking as panic takes over every part of me and I am thrown forward with so much speed, I try to catch a breath, desperately needing air. I suck back feeling my body breathe as I am plunged back into my surroundings jolting me awake. I open my eyes, fearing what I would see, praying it's not the darkness. Seeing green hypnotic eyes watching me yet looking straight through me. I look around the thunder and lightning cracking above us, seeing trees and the smell of damp earth, I breathe deeply relishing the air. It smells different, stronger. I can smell and hear everything making me snap my head from side to side trying to pick up every little detail. Only to see their green eyes again. I clutch my hands onto him, to make sure he is really there and not a trick of my mind.

His stubble feels rough under my hands, tears prick my eyes when I realise, I am not dreaming, he is really here. I'm still alive, still breathing. I look down to rub my swollen belly. Only to feel nothing, ripping at my clothes, trying to find what I know should be there.

“Where is he?” I asked, hoping he would have the answer, hoping they got here in time.

“Tobias?” he asked, watching me closely. I thrash around, trying to get him to release me.

“Where is my baby Theo” I yell, my voice breaking and echoing back to me. He lets go and I fall to the ground. I look around before seeing the house up the path, I take off up the path, running. Please, please be still here. I run through the bottom floor singing out her name, begging her to give him back before running upstairs, throwing every door open and looking inside.

“Bianca” I scream, hoping to hear her taunting voice only to be met with silence. Running back downstairs, I skid to a stop in front of the fireplace, Theo and Tobias staring at me when I notice it. My life's essence spilled on the floor, I drop to the ground running my hands through it, hoping and praying I am wrong. I died. She killed me. I am supposed to be dead. She killed me and took him, took my baby. Tore him right out of me. Every detail flowing into my mind as I relived the nightmare of my life.

“Where is he, where is my baby" I ask, peering up at them. Tears running down my cheeks.

“We aren't sure, we got here too late” Theo whispered. His words cutting me deeper than any knife could. She has him, she has him. Is all I could think at his words. She took everything from me. I was breaking, she broke me. She said she would, and she did. The bracelet on my wrist glows brighter and brighter. How had I not noticed it before? But I couldn't think what it meant; I could only think of her with my son. Is he crying for me? Is he hungry? Does he miss me like I miss him? I can't take it anymore. I scream, not being able to hold on anymore as everything in me breaks and shatters sharp edges, piercing my soul. Taking everything out of me, as I feel nothing but overwhelming sadness, that is all-consuming. Then it lifts shattering like a burst light bulb as it rushed out of me, bursting from my broken heart. I didn't even recognise the noise that came out of me, I just felt it break everything, break my world apart. Until it fizzled out, leaving nothing behind but darkness. I let it consume me, enjoying the feeling of power rage washing over me, igniting a storm within me. So angry I thought I would combust. Hatred. I had hated no one more than I hated her. She took everything and now I felt nothing but a burning desire to take it back and take her to the pits of hell where she shoved me.

Tobias touching my shoulder made me jump before looking up at him. I don't know what he saw in me, but he took a step back. I almost laughed, feeling crazed as I felt my gums splitting. My anger at everything snapping me back.

“She took him, she took him” I yelled, I felt the words leave my lips leaving a bitter taste on my tongue.

“Who took him” Tobias asked, holding his hands out like he was trying to catch a wild animal My eyes flicking to his. I watched as he too took a step back from me. My anger taking over as they stared at me like they didn't know what I was talking about. Were they hard of fucking hearing? It angered me, that they could look so clueless. Do they not know what she took from us? I could feel their fear coming through the bond, before I could smell it running in their veins. Sweet and inviting, intoxicating, promising to extinguish the burn that was searing throughout me.

“My sister” I told them. Theo stepped forward, making my eyes dart to him. I could hear their thoughts running rampant as they tried to piece everything together. They were wasting my time. I needed to find her, not willing to wait for them to catch up. I screamed her name at them.

“Bianca” I spat the word out. Feeling nothing but the desire to rip her apart piece by fucking piece and watch her die. I would take great pleasure in watching her beg for her life like I begged for my child. And she will beg.

“I'm going to fucking kill her” I laughed at my newfound clarity. I was going to kill her and was going to enjoy every part of her death.

Tobias tried to reach out to me. Holding his hand out. I didn't want his hand; I wanted them to get here on time. Where were they when I fucking needed them? Where were they when our fucking son needed them? I knew my anger wasn't for them, that they weren't to be blamed. Yet I couldn't help it, as it was the only thing keeping me going. I growled lowly, smacking his hand away. I heard his heart rate pick up, then that's all I could hear, the soft thumping of his heart as it pushed blood through his body. My mouth watered at the intoxicating scent emanating from him and before I could even register what I was doing, I lunged at him.

Hunger taking over every thought as I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms holding his shoulders, my nails digging in as I sank my fangs into him. His blood rushing into my mouth made me moan loudly. I had never tasted anything so sweet. I felt blood spurt on my face as I sunk my teeth down into his warm, inviting flesh again. He groaned before trying to shove me off. I growled, bloodlust taking over before I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist, yanking me off him. Spinning around trying to throw them off, only to realise it's Theo. I watch him as he places his hands out in front of him.

I laugh and it sounds foreign making me laugh harder before I see him take a step forward and I move quicker side stepping before jumping on his back and sinking my fangs into his neck. He stops and I can feel his shock running through the bond. But my hunger is insatiable as I drink greedily until I can't drink no more. I slide off him, falling to the ground. He spins around, clutching his neck as I wipe my mouth with my thumb before sucking the blood off.

“Looks like you're not the only predators around here” I chuckle before jumping to my feet making them step back. I sniff the air and can smell something familiar, something that reminds me of them, yet different.

“Can you smell that?" I ask, my head snapping towards them. They both shake their heads.

“Imogen, I know everything feels different, heightened, but you need to fight it. You're not thinking, you need to take back control” I nearly burst out laughing at Theo pleading with me. My head has bever been clearer they were the ones not seeing clearly.

I know what I am, and it isn't the weak, pathetic girl they knew. No, I have never been clearer, never felt stronger, and most of all never felt the sort of power surging and charging throughout every piece of me. Yes, things have changed, yet I like the darkness, the slickness of it rolling over skin igniting every cell in my body. Not wasting any more time, I took off running. I could hear them chasing me and figured they will catch up as I went to find her. She couldn't have got far. I don't know how long I had been out for, yet I could feel a pull in the direction I was running. Feel something tugging me in this direction, feel the power running through me, showing me the way. Showing me images flickering in front of my eyes. I could sense him, sense he was still alive with every fibre in me. Which only fuelled me more, making me run through the trees at blinding speed, everything around me slowing as I felt the air whip around me. Pushing myself faster, I finally caught a whiff of her scent and the scent of him. He reminded me of Tobias and Theo they smelt the same, yet my son smelt purer, innocent. She was running further into the storm. Moving towards the safety it offered as it washed her scent away. Only I didn't need her scent with the urge that was pushing me towards them.

I could feel I was getting closer. I don't know how it was like a sense ringing loudly through my body like a teether pulling me in her direction. Breaking out of the dense forest. I come to the edge of a town; the thunderstorm was raging and all I could hear was thunder and the crack of lightening as it rolled over the town. I sniffed the air, before catching a glimpse of blonde hair disappearing around the corner at the end of the street. I follow the feeling tugging me toward my son. Getting to the corner, I look down the street that is lined with houses, not a streetlight in sight and no lights coming from the houses. I close my eyes trying to listen to my instincts, listening to the Magic that flowed around me thick and strong like a band protecting me from the storm and showing me the way. Shadows forming and creeping along the ground, licking at my bare feet, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. I know I should fear the shadows trying to entice me, whispering to the darkest parts of me. Instead, I embrace them, letting them show me the way. I don't care what the cost is on my soul. I can live with them, but I can't live without my son.

I know the price I will pay, yet I don't let it fear me. I know Tobias and Theo will save me from myself when the darkness comes for me. At least I hope they can. My sanity won't last long with the shadows attaching themselves to me. I read about it in the Grimoires, how with death comes the shadows. Witches stay dead until reborn. I came back unnaturally, and I was sure it was because of my father's DNA running through my veins. I know never consumed blood. I would have realised with the cravings I had. So, it was the only thing that made sense. The shadows were the only thing urging me here without them I would have never found them, so I know I need to let them have what they want. Even if it costs my soul. My son is worth every piece of my soul.00000000000

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