Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 62

Theo suddenly pulled me down on the soft grey armchair that was behind me.

The man Alaric looked over his shoulder at the painting I was so engrossed in before he growled snapping my attention back to him. “Sorry,” I said. He cocked his head to the side his beady red eyes boring into me as his lips pulled back slightly revealing his fangs.

“Alaric,” Theo growled when he realised the man was scary me.

“Apologies miss, I find it hard being around your kind when you smell as delightful as you do.” I nodded not liking the way he was staring at my neck.

“Well let's get down to business, the courts have ordered some tests to check for anything in her bloodline, Tarina will escort her down soon to have her blood taken. I am still waiting to hear back on when it will be decided what will happen with your mate but seeing as you have marked her already and your family’s reputation, we have decided we won't condemn her death and you won't be punished for taking her as your mate, but we can't allow her to remain human. I honestly don't know what you see in this human, but luckily for you your father as said he will leave the council if anything happens to her that would jeopardise his sons. You're lucky your father has stepped in on your behalf and that Maxwell has a soft spot for your father, because if it were my choice, she would already be dead,” he said looking over at me with disgust on his face.

I suddenly felt exceedingly small, I could tell humans were nothing but blood bags to this man. The way he kept glancing at me made my skin crawl.

“Don't talk of my mate like that Alaric, you may be in a position power now, just remember who got you where you are today, disrespect my mate again and we will have problems” Tobias growled. Alaric smiled challengingly at him but didn’t glance in my direction again. The door opened the woman from the foyer came in, making me glance in the direction of the door.

“Go with Tarina she will take you next door to have some blood taken,” Theo said not taking his eyes off Alaric. I could tell he wanted nothing but to kill the man, feel his hatred strongly through the bond. I walked over to the woman, she smiled down at me before I followed her into the room next door, which was like a small infirmary, with different creatures on the wall and their anatomy. I sat on the stool next to the steel table.

“I really don't understand his hate for humans, we were all human at one stage, after many centuries as a vampire I think her often forgets that” she said softly. I relaxed a little realising she didn't share the same view he did. She put a strap on my arm before pulling a needle out of the draw under table and a vial. She attached the vial to the needle and held my arm.

“You won't pass out on me, will you?” I shook my head. She was vastly different to the man next door; she was actually nice, and she kind of remined me of Sally. I flinched when she jammed the needle in my vein. I could tell she was holding her breath, as she held my arm steady, letting the small vial fill with my blood. She then withdrew the needle and placed a cotton bud on it.

“I was nurse before I was changed back in the 1800's” she said. That would explain why she looked like she knew what she was doing. She held the vial up to the light, obviously able to see something in the red liquid that runs through my body.

“Most peculiar indeed” She whispered so low I don't think I was meant to hear. She then placed the vial in a small box before placing it in the fridge under the desk.

“Come on, I should take you back” I suddenly didn’t want to go back in there.

“Is there a bathroom around here" I asked wanting to stall for time, I didn't want to go back in that room where I know that man is waiting and looking for any reason to kill me. Tarina nodded her hypnotic blood red eyes searching my face.

“Yes, down the hall, the last door next to the waiting area on your left” I followed her instructions and walked to the bathroom, just as I opened the door, I noticed Caroline and Josiah were no longer in the waiting room. I wondered where they went. I stepped into the bathroom, it had a few stalls and three sinks and a huge mirror. The white tiles gleaming under the bright florescent lights.

I quickly washed my hands and wet the back of my neck. I already wanted to leave. Looking in the mirror, I will myself to go back in the room and face the man. When I turned around though I wasn't alone. I never heard the woman that stood in front of me come in.

She was gorgeous with her blonde hair and green eyes, she had soft facial features, and a I could tell she had a lovely figure under her tight floor length gown.

Her eyes narrowed when I looked at her face, her lips pressing into a tight line.

“You must be Tobias and Theo's new plaything” she said looking at me not even hiding her disgust.

“I just had to see which pathetic thing they decided to take as a mate, although you are prettier than I thought you would be. So, where are they?”

“Excuse me” I asked wondering who this stunning, yet nasty woman was standing in front of me.

“Your mates, you pathetic human, where are they?” she said leaning on the door frame. I rolled my eyes and went to walk past her; she was really getting on my last nerve.

She put her arm in my way blocking the exist. “Move” I said glaring up at her.

“Well, aren't you a feisty one, not even intimidated when I could snap you like twig, I figured you must have a backbone to take something that doesn't belong to you.”

“I don't know what you're talking about, now move” She leaned in closer a smile playing on her lips that indicated she was up to no good. When suddenly the door burst open and she straightened up as Caroline walked in, a shocked look on her face, before it turned to anger.

“Imogen come here” she said not taking her eyes off the woman, who I could tell she hated for some unknown reason. The woman moved her arm and stepped slightly aside allowing me to pass.

“What are you doing here?” Caroline spat at the woman.

“To drop off them documents and to see for myself if the rumours were true.”

Caroline glared at the woman. “Go back to my sons Imogen” she said not taking her eyes off the woman.

“I'll be seeing you real soon, Imogen,” the woman said, throwing a smile that showed her fangs to me as I walked out. I made my way up to the last door again and stepped into the room. Alaric’s eyes going to me as he smirked when I walked in. I stood awkwardly not wanting to get any closer. When suddenly the door was thrown open and in walked the woman from the bathroom. Alaric smiled at her before holding out his hand to her, which she took.

“I don't believe you have met,” he said a cruel smile on his face.

“And they won't be” Said Theo moving between me and the woman and cutting him off.

The woman stepped forward and hit Theo in the chest with a white envelope. He growled at her.

“Next time you want to divorce someone do it in person, don't send your parents” She spat at him. I looked at Tobias confused, and Theo tried to pull me from the room.

I pulled my hand from his before walking over to the woman and standing in front of her.

“Who are you?”

“Bianca their wife” she said her voice so cold; I fought the urge to shiver. My stomach dropped somewhere deep. I could feel the blood leave my face. They lied to me. I could tell she was enjoying the reaction I had to her name.

“I am also the one who gets to decide your fate” She smiled cruelly. Tobias looked at Alaric shock and anger on his face. “What is she talking about?” he spat, taking a step towards him.

“She is member of the council, and since you decided to take a mate before divorcing your wife, we thought it only fair she could have a say in it, decide when your new mate will be forced to choose, death or the change,” he said. I looked at the woman, she had a sly smile on her face. One I didn't like she was taking great pleasure in my discomfort and I knew instantly I wasn't going to like the next lot of words that came from them pouty lips.

“You have three days Imogen enjoy them; I will take great comfort in watching them snap that pretty little neck.”

I felt tears build up, before they could fall, I ripped my hand from Theo's and ran from the room. I could hear yelling behind me as an argument broke out, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get as far away from here as possible, Josiah and Caroline jumped to their feet as I ran past. “Imogen!” I heard her call out to me, but I just kept running.0000

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